YK11 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/yk11/ Thu, 29 Sep 2022 14:28:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://sarmguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Sarmsguide-Icon-150x150.png YK11 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/yk11/ 32 32 YK11 Gyno | A Comprehensive Guide https://sarmguide.com/yk11-gyno/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-gyno/#respond Thu, 29 Sep 2022 14:28:33 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=8159 YK11 is one of the strongest SARMs out there, comparable only to S23, which means gyno is very much a possible side effect on YK11. One additional problem is that there are not many people taking this SARM, which makes anecdotal reports quite rare. This article will look at YK11 gyno thoroughly, it will tell […]

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YK11 is one of the strongest SARMs out there, comparable only to S23, which means gyno is very much a possible side effect on YK11.

One additional problem is that there are not many people taking this SARM, which makes anecdotal reports quite rare.

Yk11 Gyno

This article will look at YK11 gyno thoroughly, it will tell you exactly how gyno feels on YK11, the chances of getting it, precautions to take and so on.

Does YK11 Cause Gyno

YK11 has the possibility of causing gyno, at a much higher rate than say Ostarine or RAD 140.

It’s all due to the way it affects the endocrine system; testosterone gets a temporary boost, which diminishes when you stop taking the SARM.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t get gyno during YK11 usage, quite on the contrary, any changes to the natural ratio of testosterone and estrogen may cause gyno.

This means that gyno comes as a result of a disbalance between testosterone and estrogen.

We know that elevated estrogen levels cause gyno but how do we get to that state in the first place?

Two ways, testosterone suppression and testosterone abundance.

The former makes estrogen dominant in the body and the latter causes an increase in estrogen levels.

Chances of Gyno From YK11

The chances of getting gyno from YK11 are quite high, around 20% of users get it during or after their cycle.

Everything considered, that’s quite a high number as gyno has long-lasting effects on any person that gets it.

The biggest issue is the paranoia it causes; the user sees any change or stimulus on their nipples as a direct result of gyno, which doesn’t have to be the case.

In fact, once someone learns about it, they are much more likely to misdiagnose themselves with gyno.

That’s why I’ve added a special section to the article, answering how gyno actually feels.

Precaution To Take Against YK11 Gyno

In my Ostarine Gyno article, I said that taking aromatase inhibitors was an extreme measure.

However, considering the strength of YK11, taking Arimistane, a mild AI which you can buy at Spectre Labs (coupon code “sarmguide” for 20% off) is a good option.

Arimistane is completely legal and keeps your estrogen levels balanced throughout your cycle.

The best dosage would be 25mgs of Arimistane per day for the entire cycle.

After that, taking 4 weeks of PCT to offset the testosterone suppression caused by YK11 is a good way to proceed.

Of course, buying high-quality, pure YK11 should be at the top of your bucket list.

Not only do you protect yourself from gyno but you also avoid other nasty side effects which may happen with impure products.

The best way to determine a good SARMs vendor is to visit my recommended companies.

It’s a list containing the absolute best of the best in the SARMs world.

I have also noticed a dangerous trend in the SARMs community; overdosing.

In an attempt to get better results as fast as possible, many take increasingly higher dosages to accomplish that feat.

I’m vehemently opposed to such a practice as it not only puts you at risk for gyno but also increases the chances of a complete testosterone shutdown.

Please refer to my YK11 dosage guide for the most accurate way of taking this SARM.

How Does Gyno on YK11 Feel

Gyno on YK11 will most likely happen during the 3rd or 4th week of your cycle.

You’ll notice that one of your breasts or in some cases, both, are unnaturally enlarged.

Not just that but your nipples may feel painful when touched.

Another problem that may appear is nipple discharge, very uncomfortable and in some cases, painful for the user.

Let’s not forget to mention that you may also notice an enlarged lump near one or both of your nipples.

All in all, you’ll definitely notice when it happens as it’s quite uncomfortable.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On YK11

If gyno were to happen to me while on a YK11 cycle, I would immediately put a halt to my cycle.

I know it sounds extreme but considering how strong YK11 is, there simply isn’t any reason to further take risks.

I would also get on PCT, most likely Clomid, as soon as possible.

Next thing on my bucket list would be getting a blood test.

The main culprit is increased estrogen so I would focus my attention on that.

Personally speaking, I feel most balanced when my estrogen is at around 30 pg/mL.

That is my sweet spot and I try my best to uphold it.

Last but not least, I would just wait.

A few weeks without YK11 and it’s very likely all traces of gyno will be gone.


YK11 gyno is not to be underestimated as it can happen to anyone.

1 in 5 people taking YK11 will have this side effect and that’s why it has to be taken seriously.

I hope you’ve learned something new, see you in the next article!

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YK11 Suppression | Intensity, How It Feels And More! https://sarmguide.com/yk11-suppression/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-suppression/#respond Wed, 20 Jul 2022 10:33:28 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7578 As I already said in my SARMs testosterone suppression write-up, YK11 is one of the most suppressive SARMs in existence. With YK11, you’ll definitely have to use SERMs as a PCT and do blood work, those two are necessary to prevent a complete testosterone shutdown. Continue reading this article to learn everything you need to know […]

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As I already said in my SARMs testosterone suppression write-up, YK11 is one of the most suppressive SARMs in existence.

With YK11, you’ll definitely have to use SERMs as a PCT and do blood work, those two are necessary to prevent a complete testosterone shutdown.

YK11 Suppression

Continue reading this article to learn everything you need to know about YK11 suppression!

YK11 Suppression Intensity

YK11 suppression is usually moderate to heavy in nature and you’ll be hard pressed to avoid it, even when imbuing low dosages.

This means that even 5mgs per day of YK11 can lead to a complete testosterone shutdown.

With that being said, most people will experience heavy suppression from YK11 and they’ll need at least four weeks of PCT to recover from it.

There’s no denying it, YK11 is intense when it comes to testosterone suppression and the signs of it are quite obvious.

How Does YK11 Suppression Feel Like

YK11 suppression is quite “in your face” as I like to call it, since it suppresses the person completely.

You’ll definitely feel the suppression coming on the sixth or sometimes even fifth week of your YK11 cycle.

Symptoms are generally intense, with mood swings, aggression, depression and loss of libido dominating the playing field.

Unlike LGD 4033 suppression, which actually starts off as feeble and grows in intensity, YK11 immediately hits you with everything in its arsenal.

This means that you’ll wake up one day and suddenly feel depressed, lethargic and apathetic towards your usual interests.

Some people don’t expect that level of suppression and find themselves dumbstruck by the intensity.

There’s nothing to worry, as with proper PCT, you’ll be able to overcome most of the hurdles set by YK11.

It’s expected of you to do blood work before and after your YK11 cycle, so that you can see what hormones got hit the most by the SARM in question.

Be sure to look out for free and total testosterone, SHBG, FSH and LH!

How To Mitigate YK11 Suppression

By now, you have probably realized that there’s no stopping YK11 suppression; if you’re taking this SARM, suppression is coming for you guaranteed.

That’s why the best thing we can do is equip ourselves with SERMs, which help balance testosterone levels in the body.

I’m usually leery of recommending SERMs to anyone, as they have many side effects but in this case, it’s an absolute necessity.

The two most trusted SERMs in our arsenal are Nolvadex and Clomid.

To learn how to properly do PCT while on YK11, we have to consider a couple of things.

The most important factor is level of suppression; if you’re heavily suppressed, I personally recommend you go for Clomid, as it’s a bit stronger compared to Nolvadex.

However, if the suppression is moderate, go for Nolvadex, as it has less side effects.

You can buy both Nolvadex and Clomid at Spectre Labs, you’ll find the biggest coupon code and link to the site in my recommended companies.

The next thing to keep in mind is your tolerability of SERMs; that’s something you’ll have to find out yourself.

I think it’s best to just go for Nolvadex and see what happens, most people experience only mild side effects so it’s fine.

Regarding dosages and PCT length, read my SARMs PCT article, where I go in-depth on this topic.


YK11 suppression is nothing to joke about, so please take the advice in this article seriously.

Ensure that you do a blood test before and after your cycle, as that’s the best way to determine your level of suppression.

Lastly, don’t be afraid of YK11; there’s PCT available and thousands of bodybuilders have done it successfully! 

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Four Best YK11 Stacks For Seasoned Bodybuilders https://sarmguide.com/yk11-stacks/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-stacks/#respond Tue, 15 Mar 2022 14:36:51 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=6937 You’ve had your first couple of cycles, got some great results and now you’re wondering what it would be like to try some stacks with YK11. Before you even consider YK11 stacks, it’s important you remember that YK11 is a very strong compound and that you can get amazing results by just using it on […]

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You’ve had your first couple of cycles, got some great results and now you’re wondering what it would be like to try some stacks with YK11.

YK11 Stacks

Before you even consider YK11 stacks, it’s important you remember that YK11 is a very strong compound and that you can get amazing results by just using it on its own.

Today, I’ll show you four of my favorite stacks with YK11; three of them will be really safe, the last one is a bit more for the experimental type and carries some risk but promises astonishing results.

What is YK11

YK11 is the most unique SARM out there because it’s both touted as a SARM and a steroid.

In reality, it’s a hybrid, stronger than most SARMs but not as potent or destructive as real steroids.

Its function in the body is to inhibit myostatin, which is a protein that stops muscle growth.

Have you ever wondered why gorillas have such strong, developed muscles without ever lifting in their lives? A healthy dose of follistatin (an antagonist to myostatin) and lack of myostatin to begin with is the answer.

If you want to learn more about YK11 and its effects on the human body, consider reading my full YK11 review.

Before You Start

Prior to diving head first into your YK11 stack, it’s important to consider the following three guidelines before starting.

1. Blood Work

It’s very important that you get blood work done before and after your cycle.

Your blood markers are the best indicator telling you what exactly is happening to your body while exposed to exogenous substances.

Nothing can or ever will replace blood work, so please get it done for your own peace of mind.

2. Don’t Stack YK11 With Suppressive SARMs

I’ve seen some websites (and vendors) promoting stacks with YK11 containing very suppressive SARMs such as Ligandrol, Testolone or even S23.

Stacking YK11 with those SARMs is a very bad idea since it would cause heavy suppression within just a few weeks, that is if you’re lucky.

If lady fortune wasn’t on your side, you would experience a complete Testosterone shutdown and would be in more than you bargained for.

To keep it as safe as possible, the only SARM I would ever stack YK11 with is Ostarine (the fourth ‘experimental’ option you’ll see below) and even that is considered pushing the limits.

3. PCT Is Non-Negotiable

YK11 is so strong that it warrants a PCT even when used alone, much less when stacked with other compounds that potentially affect the endocrine system.

Personally speaking, I’m not a big fan of PCT, it has its downsides but when you’re considering YK11 in your stack, you absolutely can’t skip out on it.

I’ve seen bodybuilders that have tried and let’s just say that they had a hell of a time, in a negative sense.

Four YK11 Stacks And Results You Can Expect

Now that we got the introduction and warnings out of the way, it’s finally time to introduce the four YK11 stacks I’ve talked about before!

Each stack will feature a table that will tell you what and how to use.

We’ll stick to eight week cycles as those have been proven to yield the best results while being the least taxing on the body.

Prolonging your cycles leads to a point of diminishing returns, so it’s not recommended and going for less than eight weeks is just not worth it.

1. YK11 Bulking Stack (YK11 + MK677)




PCT (Nolvadex)


10mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day

40mgs per day



25mgs per day

20mgs per day

Some may question the inclusion of MK-677 in weeks eight to twelve but it’s actually been proven that MK-677 can act as a PCT, so it helps Nolvadex smooth out the post-cycle period.

This is by far the safest YK11 stack I have in store for you and it brings great results.

Ensure that you’re in a caloric surplus (at least 500 calories more than your maintenance) and that you’re training properly.

You can expect to gain around ten to fifteen pounds of muscle in just eight weeks. Some of the weight you gain will be due to water retention from MK-677 but it isn’t going to be anything serious.

Your strength will also experience a giant spike, it isn’t too unusual to break your personal bests while on this stack, especially since you’re gaining mass.

Your recovery times will also be positively affected and many people report feeling fresh and ready to go at it again while on this stack.

Let’s not forget the awesome pump you will experience while training, that can be attributed to YK11 and you’ll feel like a monster in the gym.

Last but not least, you will sleep better and you won’t have to worry about any hair shedding, as MK-677 will protect your hair follicles and ensure that you sleep like a baby.

2. YK11 Cutting Stack (YK11 + Cardarine)




Nolvadex (PCT)


10mgs per day

10mgs per day





40mgs per day




20mgs per day

If you want to cut down your body fat and become leaner, this is the stack for you.

As always, ensure that you’re in a caloric deficit (at least 500 calories below maintenance) and that you have a good workout routine going on.

Since you’re adding Cardarine to this stack, one of the best endurance enhancers on the planet, you’ll be losing fat and weight while adding muscle.

We’re using the safest and most effective dosages of both YK11 and Cardarine; it isn’t uncommon to end up losing up to 8% of your total body fat while on this stack.

Yes, 1% body fat per week sounds crazy but it is achievable provided you have good genetics and are following the protocol above.

The most noticeable areas where you’ll notice improvement with this YK11 stack is your chest, arms, torso and back.

Since Cardarine enhances stamina so well, don’t be scared to run the extra mile to cut even more fat from your body.

3. YK11 Recomp Stack (YK11 + Stenabolic)




Nolvadex (PCT)


10mgs per day

30mgs per day





40mgs per day




20mgs per day

Some may be surprised at the large amount of Stenabolic that we’re using in this stack.

However, what has to be noted is the fact that we’re splitting the dosage of Stenabolic into three parts, due to its low half-life of just four hours.

This means that you’ll be taking Stenabolic three times a day in 10mg increments.

The best way to approach this stack would be to imbue your first dose of Stenabolic along with YK11 when you wake up and take the next two dosages until no later than 5pm.

Reason being the increased wakefulness some users report while using Stenabolic; this side effect has also been extensively studied on rats, so you should take it seriously.

While some may draw similarities to the stack we covered above, with Stenabolic added to the fray, you’ll be able to completely recomp your body in just eight weeks!

YK11 will ensure that you add muscle mass, even though you’ll likely be in a caloric deficit, while Stenabolic is there to reinforce fat loss.

Don’t get me wrong, using Stenabolic won’t make you lose fat on its own but with it, you’ll be given the tools to much easier shed the extra fat around your belly and waist.

4. YK11 Shred Stack (YK11 + Ostarine)




Clomid (PCT)


10mgs per day

10mgs per day





50mgs per day




25mgs per day

Note that this stack uses Clomid as PCT, it’s a lot stronger than Nolvadex and carries more risk of side effects but it is absolutely necessary considering we’re mixing two suppressive SARMs.

Ostarine might be described as ‘mild’ by many but those who have actually tried it out can attest that there is nothing mild about it. You can still experience suppression and still have the typical side effects associated with SARMs while using Ostarine.

This stack is only for those bodybuilders that want to push their bodies to the absolute limits.

Yes, we’re only using 10mgs of Ostarine and YK11 per day but still, as previously mentioned, it’s not recommended to downplay any of these two compounds.

Be very careful while on this stack, do your blood tests, eat clean and note how you feel.

If at any point during the eight weeks, you start feeling medium or even heavy suppression, it’s best to halve your dosages or in the worst case scenario, stop the cycle altogether.

Now that we’re aware of the dangers, let’s see what kind of results we can get with such a stack.

First of all, if you’re using this, you’ll get absolutely shredded. Your pump is going to be crazy at the gym and it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll beat your personal records.

You will feel more energetic, dominant and aggressive which will lead to killer workouts that will transform your body very quickly.

I have heard of bodybuilders gaining 14 to 16 pounds of pure muscle in just eight weeks while on this stack, all while losing 5-6% of their body fat.

It’s absolutely insane what you can achieve when you mix these two SARMs together, however, as mentioned in the beginning, not everything is rainbows and sunshine.

Speaking of which, let’s look at the side effects of YK11 stacks.

YK11 Stacks Side Effects

There are a couple of side effects associated with YK11 stacks but most users don’t get affected and those that do handle them pretty well.

Despite that, it’s still good to know what can happen while on a YK11 stack.


There is a very thin line between male dominance and aggression.

However, if you’re noticing that you’re getting into constant conflict with the people around you ever since you started your YK11 stack, it could very well be the compounds you’re using.

A bit of aggression is good, it’s even welcomed in the gym and needed to get a good pump going but as mentioned, if you start seeing red everywhere you go, it might be time to start thinking about the negative consequences of your YK11 usage.

Hair Shedding

It’s not unusual to lose a bit of hair while on YK11, some people believe you’ll go bald, others are saying there won’t be any hair loss.

From my experience, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Yes, you’ll most likely lose some hair while on a YK11 stack but as soon as you stop using the compounds, it will grow right back.

The damage to your hair follicles isn’t permanent and there is nothing much to worry about.

Liver Toxicity

YK11 is methylated, which means it can elevate your liver enzymes to dangerous levels, although that is very unlikely to happen.

Whenever I take YK11 or similar compounds that raise liver enzymes, I make sure to take liver support such as milk thistle or TUDCA.

If you want to be 100% sure that nothing bad is happening to your liver, I recommend doing a hepatic panel before and after your YK11 stack.

Increased Hunger

This is mostly a side effect of MK-677, which can even be beneficial during a bulk, especially if you’re someone that doesn’t put on weight easily.

If this side effect does bother you for some reason, take MK-677 before bed, you’ll be fast asleep before the hunger pangs hit you.


Some people have reported insomnia and excessive energy during night while taking Stenabolic.

That’s why it’s never recommended to take it before sleep or at night, as it could cause sleep issues.

Where to Buy SARMs

Now that you’re acquainted with all the best YK11 stacks, you’re probably asking yourself: Where the hell do I buy YK11 and all the other SARMs and compounds related to SARMs mentioned in this article?

To tell you the truth, you can’t just stroll into Walmart and get yourself some YK11.

Unfortunately, SARMs are still quite new to the market and haven’t been tested enough to be approved for human consumption.

That’s why the only reliable place to get them is online but you can already imagine the problem with that; disingenuous vendors, underdosed, impure, badly packaged SARMs and a whole host of other problems.

I have independently tested more than one-hundred SARMs vendors while doing my own research and can safely claim that most of what’s being marketed is straight up bogus.

To get real, pure, effective and safe SARMs, visit my list of recommended companies.

There are only a couple of companies there but their SARMs are straight up the best on the market!


YK11 is not a compound you want to play with. 

If you’re still new to the SARMs scene, start with something milder and more tested, like Ostarine.

If you’re hellbent on going with YK11 stacks, ensure that you’re as safe as you can be by doing regular blood tests and taking care of your body.

The post Four Best YK11 Stacks For Seasoned Bodybuilders appeared first on sarmguide.

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7 Breathtaking YK11 Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/yk11-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-before-and-after-results/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 10:41:22 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5925 To go through a YK11 transformation means to completely change your body for the better.  You literally go from zero to hero in just one cycle, at least that’s what the people who’ve sent me their YK11 before and after results with pics have to say. The YK11 before and after pics you’re about to […]

The post 7 Breathtaking YK11 Before And After Results With Pics appeared first on sarmguide.


To go through a YK11 transformation means to completely change your body for the better. 

You literally go from zero to hero in just one cycle, at least that’s what the people who’ve sent me their YK11 before and after results with pics have to say.

The YK11 before and after pics you’re about to see have all been taken by bodybuilders just like you, and they showcase how potent YK11 can be in the body.

Interested in seeing results from other SARMs? Come read my SARMs before and after results article.

YK11 Summary

YK11 is a weird hybrid, something between a SARM and a steroid.

The reason why it has been dubbed a steroid is because it harbors a similar molecular structure to steroids.

However, unlike steroids, it doesn’t affect any other organs in the body and it selectively targets androgen receptors, also making it a SARM.

YK11 is a potent muscle builder and strengthener.

Learn the correct way to take it and much more by reading my YK11 review.

YK11 Results With Before And After Pics

As promised at the beginning of this article, we’ll now explore some YK11 before and after results!

If you already have experience with YK11 and want me to feature your before and after pictures on my website, please consider contacting me.

One more thing to note before we start; YK11 requires PCT after a cycle, that’s a given.

You cannot avoid it, and people that have tried soon suffered the consequences in the form of horrible side effects. Some of them even developed gynecomastia.

YK11 Results #1

This is what eight weeks of YK11 do to a person!

He went from chubby to ripped in such a short period of time.

Look at the awesome six pack he has now, the broad shoulders and the accentuated biceps.

All that is lacking is a bit of vascularity, but that can be worked upon.

This person gained around 12 pounds of muscle mass and enough strength to go ham in the gym!

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

He successfully recovered after a month on Clomid, having managed to retain all of his muscle mass.

He did experience a bit of an issue with headaches while on Clomid, but they went away after the first week.

YK11 Results #2

Absolutely amazing, once again we have an example where the person got ripped in just one cycle.

Look at the vascularity on the arms, simply mesmerizing. 

To be honest, this person gained between 15 to 17 pounds of muscle mass and lost around 6-7% of his total body fat.

Insane results!

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


20mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day



25mgs per day

He took a bit too much YK11, but it paid off in the end. 

A six-week PCT with Clomid managed to patch things up so this bodybuilder escaped the cycle unscathed and with all of his gains.

YK11 Results #3 (+ Cardarine)

This person had a decent physique to start with, but when you see the after picture, you realize just how much improvement there was to be made.

They gained around ten pounds of muscle mass and lost 6% of their total body fat. 

Six pack looks amazing, just like a movie star.

Arms, shoulders and chest have undergone a massive transformation for the better.

Vascularity is very prominent and looks great on them.

It’s also worth noting that the after photo is taken in great lighting so that makes the results look even better.

His cycle:






10mgs per day

15mgs per day





50mgs per day




25mgs per day

A standard PCT cycle with Clomid, nothing more to add.

He did use Cardarine which definitely helped his results a lot. You can read more about that compound in our official SARMGUIDE Cardarine review.

YK11 Results #4

This bodybuilder has been training for years but took a break for about a year and his body went to the gutter.

He already had the muscle memory, now all he needed was a bit of a push from YK11 to bring him back to his former glory.

He gained around 15 pounds of muscle mass and lost 5 to 6% of his total body fat. The results are more than fantastic, but we have to keep in mind that he trained before. 

Let’s ignore his upper body for a bit and focus on his legs, where he experienced the most gains.

Absolutely amazing quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

He recovered from his Testosterone suppression within just four weeks and managed to keep all of his gains.

No side effects were noted due to the usage of Clomid.

YK11 Results #5

Even though his arms and shoulders were looking good even in the before picture, his stomach area was awful.

That all changed once he started imbuing YK11.

He lost 4,5% of his total body fat and gained a whopping ten pounds of muscle mass.

The most impressive results are seen on his stomach, where he now has a six pack.

All in all, great results by this older gentleman!

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


5mgs per day




25mgs per day

This bodybuilder opted for four weeks of a lower dosage of Clomid, since he didn’t take more than 5mgs of YK11 per day.

It worked out fine for him and he didn’t experience any adverse effects during his PCT.

YK11 Results #6 (+ Stenabolic)

This person only did a four-week cycle with YK11, as to avoid doing PCT.

We can see some improvement, especially in the stomach area, but his arms, shoulders and chest haven’t changed much.

I estimate that he gained around 5 to 6 pounds of muscle mass while losing around 3 to 4% of his body fat.

His cycle was definitely unorthodox:






5mgs per day

30mgs per day




30mgs per day


This bodybuilder split his Stenabolic dosage into three equal parts, and he made sure not to take any after 5pm, as to avoid problems with sleep. 

5mgs of YK11 per day for four weeks didn’t warrant enough suppression for the usage of SERMs. 

This person got off scot-free, but it’s questionable whether one could replicate his cycle successfully.

YK11 Results #7 (+ MK-677)

I saved the best YK11 transformation for our last entry, so that we could all savor the awesome results this person got.

I’m not sure where to even start, this person was literally chubby at the start of his cycle, YK11 coupled with MK-677 completely turned his life around.

He gained around twenty pounds of muscle mass and lost 8% of his total body fat.

Vascularity looks pretty nice on him and there’s no point in talking about the specific parts of his body, as they all underwent a giant upswing!

These are insane results, but the cycle he was on could definitely be described as a bit reckless:




PCT (Clomid)


20mgs per day

25mgs per day





50mgs per day




25mgs per day




25mgs per day

It’s a good thing that he didn’t fall into the trap of thinking that MK-677 could offset the suppression he experienced. 

Taking Clomid was what saved him from so many problems, even though he did complain about feeling constipated during his SERM cycle, no other difficulties were noted, and he escaped the cycle with all of his gains!

For more information on Ibutamoren, check out the SARMGUIDE MK-677 review.

My YK11 Results

Despite having undergone zero testing on human subjects, YK11 has served me well and I will always gladly recommend it to bodybuilders who want to gain muscle mass quickly and efficiently.

I have written down my first experience with this SARM in my YK11 log, so be sure to check it out!

My cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

This was nothing out of the ordinary, I literally took the safest and most effective dosage and followed up with a regular, four-week PCT protocol.

Listed below are the benefits that I’ve noticed!

Muscle Mass

I literally gained two pounds of muscle for every week spent on YK11. It was mesmerizing to witness – I remember watching myself in the mirror and noticing all the small changes on my body day in and day out. 

I’m not going to lie, it’s addicting!


An almost immediately and very blatant increase in strength was noted while on YK11. 

My pump was insane, and I was lifting weights as if my life depended on it.

Imagine going to the gym and just besting your personal records every other visit. 

Well, that’s what a cycle on YK11 looks like.


I just couldn’t stand still. 

I was wired and jittery from all the energy, but that would all disappear when entering the gym.

I remember training for two hours straight and not even noticing it. The energy increase is simply otherworldly, but you have to make use of it, or you’ll be agitated all day.

Fat Loss

I’ve lost around 6 to 7% of my total body fat during my YK11 cycle. 

You just shed fat like crazy, even in places you normally wouldn’t expect to lose fat easily, like your abdomen.

If you have troubles with fat loss, I wholeheartedly suggest YK11, as it is one of the best SARMs for that task.


Last but not least, my libido levels shot up dramatically on the fifth day of taking the compound. They remained that way for almost six weeks and at that time, I was doing it with my girlfriend multiple times per day. 

You feel full of vital energy and juices, it’s just awesome.

I didn’t experience any side effects from the SERMs, just a bit of a headache at the start of my PCT. 

On the other hand, YK11 did bestow me with some minor side effects, but it was nothing serious, and they all disappeared once I stopped my cycle.

YK11 will give you the energy to take on the world, but you have to use it wisely or you’ll just end up feeling unnerved.

Overall, I recommend YK11 to anyone that wants to put on muscle mass quickly and lose fat without much effort.

Tips To Get The Best YK11 Results

I’ve taken YK11 a few times, so I know what I’m talking about, here are my tips and tricks to make your cycle safe and effective:

  • Perform a hepatic panel before and after your cycle
  • Perform a blood test before and after your cycle
  • Use liver support to offset the liver toxicity of YK11
  • If you want to be really safe, don’t consume more than 10mgs per day
  • Stick to your diet and exercise routines
  • Don’t cycle YK11 for more than eight weeks
  • Buy pure YK11 from the best SARM vendors on the market

An explanation is due for the last entry: 

I’ve tested hundreds of SARMs vendors, and you wouldn’t believe what crap some of them try to peddle to consumers. They mix steroids and prohormones in there, potentially putting the lives of their customers on the line for a bit of profit.

Don’t just buy SARMs from anywhere, heed to my advice and get them from the best and most reliable vendors!


The YK11 before and after results with pics that I’ve revealed were nothing short of amazing.

You too can get such results if you follow my advice and take your cycle seriously.

Who knows, maybe one day your picture could be featured in this article as well?

While lacking in research, YK11 has a lot of anecdotal reports from bodybuilders backing it up.

With that in mind, if you feel like you’re ready – go for it! 

YK11 will transform you into a better bodybuilder and it won’t take more than eight weeks.

Good luck and remember to stay safe at all times!

The post 7 Breathtaking YK11 Before And After Results With Pics appeared first on sarmguide.

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14 Incredible SARMs Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:35:53 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5874 Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle. Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the […]

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Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle.

Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the person has gone through.

We’ll also:

  • Summarize SARMs
  • Reveal SARMs before and after pics
  • Talk about my personal SARMs results
  • Show tips to get the best SARMs results

We’re in for a lot of fun and I hope that you join us for the ride!

SARMs Summary

When someone mentions the acronym SARM, they are talking about Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, a new class of drugs discovered in the 1990s. 

As their name implies, SARMs are androgen receptor ligands, which means that when introduced into the body, they stimulate the release of androgen receptors.

Steroids do the same thing, but SARMs, who selectively target androgen receptors, don’t affect any other internal organs in the body, making them safer and more effective.

The release of androgen receptors leads to a myriad of benefits to be experienced, such as:

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increased Libido
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Fat Loss
  • Increased Healing Properties
  • Increased Vascularity
  • Increased Bone Strength

SARMs have undergone a lot of testing in the last twenty years and the outcomes of numerous studies have shown promising results with little to no side effects.

The most popular SARM is Ostarine.

If you’re interested in learning more about SARMs, all the types of SARMs that exist and a whole lot more, check out my in-depth SARMs 101 guide!

SARMs Results With Before And After Pics

Now that we’ve learned a thing or two about SARMs, it’s time to get to the main part of this article, the results themselves.

This section will also present compounds commonly stacked with SARMs, such as Cardarine, Ibutamoren and Stenabolic.

All bodybuilders featured in this section have personally contacted me and requested to be included in this article. I’m incredibly thankful to them, as without their contribution, this article wouldn’t be half of what it is today!

Keep in mind that these people put in a lot of work and the results speak for themselves. Changing the body composition this much is nowadays harder than changing your face or overall look. People can achieve that at some Korean plastic surgery clinics. Body transformations like these, however, require a lot of work and dedication.

One more thing to note is that you have to follow a strict diet and exercise protocol if you want to achieve the same results as the people below.

If you expect SARMs to do all the hard work instead, you’ll be terribly disappointed and your SARMs before and after results will be pitiable.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is the mildest and most studied SARM among the lot and it’s the SARM with the least side effects. Perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of SARMs.

Learn more about this SARM by reading my Ostarine review.

Ostarine Results #1

It’s pretty clear from the picture that this bodybuilder was cutting. If we take a look at his muscles, we see that he managed to preserve all of them.

Moreover, he looks even more muscular as a result of his weight and fat loss.

If I had to be the judge of it, this person lost around six to seven pounds of weight and around 3-4% of his total body fat.

The area with the noticeable improvement is definitely his stomach, as he now has a proper six-pack.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


A standard Ostarine cycle. No PCT is needed as the body will naturally recover on its own at a 15mg per day dosage.

Read my Ostarine PCT article for more information.

Ostarine Results #2 (+ Cardarine)

Really impressive results by this person. 

The addition of Cardarine definitely helped out, but it’s fairly obvious that hard work was put in here.

We can see a loss of around 7 to 8 pounds of weight and 4 to 5% of his total body fat. 

Vascularity also increased by a bit, stomach area and shoulders are more defined, muscle mass was preserved.

Overall, a successful cycle!

His cycle:






20mgs per day

15mgs per day


PCT is not needed as Cardarine is not suppressive of the natural hormones in our body. 

Want to see seven more people who turned their lives around thanks to Ostarine? 

Read my Ostarine before and after results article!

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Ligandrol is a full agonist of the androgen receptor and one of the most potent and suppressive SARMs in existence. Despite that, studies have shown its safety profile to be exemplary with participants tolerating the compound very well.

Check out my Ligandrol review for more information!

Ligandrol Results #1

Here we see someone that had an impressive physique even at the start of his cycle. Ligandrol made him into a behemoth and I’m not even exaggerating. 

Just look at the blatant increase in muscle mass on his biceps, arms and shoulders. 

His stomach area is also looking a bit better. 

If I had to guess, I would say that this person gained around 8 pounds of muscle mass in just eight weeks.

His cycle:



PCT (Nolvadex)


10mgs per day




20mgs per day

A bit of PCT was necessary as he experienced Testosterone suppression near the end of his cycle. 

Read my LGD-4033 PCT article for more information.

Intrigued by this SARM? Check out my Ligandrol before and after results article for even more samples!

RAD 140 (Testolone)

Testolone is a SARM known for enabling you to put on some nice dry gains. It is less suppressive on a mg to mg basis when compared to Ligandrol but is still very potent. 

Learn more about this SARM by reading my RAD 140 review.

RAD 140 Results #1 (+ Cardarine)

Here we see a unique cycle where the person in question decided to cut with RAD 140 and Cardarine. A bit unorthodox, but I respect it.

He was eating between 300 to 500 calories below maintenance.

From the after picture, we can assume that this bodybuilder lost around four to five pounds of weight and gained around five pounds of muscle.

The muscle increase is mostly seen in the arms and shoulders.

Vascularity is also present but is nothing to brag about.

Still a lot of work to be done, but very good results for one cycle!

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

15mgs per day


This person was very fortunate to not get suppressed by the RAD 140, so he didn’t do PCT.

Usually, on a 10mgs per day dosage, I do recommend PCT.

You can read more about it in my RAD 140 PCT guide.

RAD 140 Results #2

At first glance, this person doesn’t look like he changed much from his eight-week cycle.

Upon further inspection, you can see that his chest and six-pack look more developed.

Even his biceps are more defined and if you look really closely, he gained some nice vascularity on his arms.

Overall, a decent cycle by a person who already had an impressive physique to begin with.

His cycle:


RAD 140



5mgs per day


At 5mgs per day, they didn’t feel the suppression experienced was worth going through PCT.

After only a month, this person recovered without problems and went on to keep all of their gains.

I got a whole lot more RAD 140 results in my RAD 140 before and after results article, so be sure to take a look!

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is a SARM that is very similar to Ostarine but has sadly been abandoned since it causes vision impairment in people who imbue it.

However, Andarine is a better cutting agent when compared to Ostarine and some bodybuilders still use it, experiencing impressive results while on cycle.

Read more about the benefits and side effects of this SARM in my Andarine review.

Andarine Results #1

Copyright @Ryan Casey

A very impressive transformation by a popular bodybuilding YouTuber. 

He successfully used S4 to turn himself into a shredded monster!

Not all of this can be attributed to S4 alone, he also had a strict diet and exercise routine.

Despite that, it was the S4 that helped him shed at least 6% of his total body fat and around 10 to 15 pounds of weight. Note that this is all in just one cycle, so this is very impressive.

Biggest gains are definitely seen on the shoulders, also pay attention to his accentuated six-pack, just awesome.

His cycle:





50mgs per day


His Andarine dosage was split into two equal parts, as Andarine has a half-life of only eight hours. 

PCT was not needed as Andarine isn’t that suppressive, especially not at the dosage this bodybuilder took. 

Last thing to note is that Ryan did experience some vision impairment during his cycle, but it all went away once he stopped imbuing Andarine.

Here are some more Andarine before and after results with pictures!


YK11 is both a SARM and a steroid. Known for its potent effects and heavy Testosterone suppression, it is usually reserved for people with a lot of experience.

Interested in reading about the massive impact YK11 can have on your physique? Check out my YK11 review!

YK11 Results #1

Here we see two interesting pictures shot from the back. 

This person gained at least ten pounds of muscle during his cycle, which is very impressive.

Look at how much livelier his back is in comparison to the before picture.

There is also a noticeable decrease in the amount of body fat, I would say around 5 to 6%, which is awesome.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

A strong PCT was absolutely necessary for this type of cycle. 

This person recovered without problems and kept all of his gains, so it was a happy ending.

YK11 Results #2

This person only did a six-week cycle with YK11, probably to avoid doing PCT, which is understandable. 

We see some nice improvements in the arms, especially the biceps are more defined.

Six-pack also looks sturdier.

His shoulders experienced the biggest increase and really showcase just how potent YK11 is.

This bodybuilder gained at least six pounds of muscle. 

He also told me that he was able to best all of his personal records on the big three!

His cycle:





5mgs per day


A very rare example where the person in question didn’t have to do PCT. I usually recommend PCT while on YK11, but this is an exception.

See more pictures and learn some cool tips and tricks by reading my YK11 before and after results article!


S23 is by far the strongest SARM available and is comparable to real steroids when it comes to potency.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t been tested on human subjects as of now, but future studies could reveal its potential in serving as a contraceptive.

Learn all about its potent benefits in my S23 review.

S23 Results #1

This person was probably a bit shy, opting not to take his shirt off.

Not a big issue, as we can still surmise some facts based on what we have in front of us.

First of all, the increase in arm size and the general look of his biceps just shows how potent of a hardener S23 is.

Although it’s a bit hard to see, his shoulders also experienced a marked increase in size.

If I had to give an estimate, he probably gained around 8 to 9 pounds of muscle and broke all of his personal records.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

He split his dosage into two equal parts, which was the smart thing to do.

PCT is absolutely necessary after SARMs like S23. You don’t want to skip it, as that could result in disastrous side effects.

View more results and learn tips and tricks to make your cycle even better by reading my S23 before and after results article.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

MK-677 or Ibutamoren is a compound that forces the pituitary gland to secrete more GH (growth hormone) into the body.

Not only that, but it also increases IGF-1 levels, which have been known to increase muscle mass.

Learn all there is to know about this versatile compound in my MK-677 review.

MK-677 Results #1

This person had a lean body before starting his MK-677 cycle. After just ten weeks, we can see that he got a lot bulkier and stronger.

Biceps definitely grew by quite a bit; his shoulders look two times bigger and his entire chest area looks more defined.

He gained around ten pounds of weight, most of it in the right places.

Overall, a really good cycle, commendable results.

His cycle:





25mgs per day


MK-677 doesn’t require a PCT.

Moreover, it is actually utilized as one and serves as a safer alternative to Nolvadex or Clomid.

MK-677 Results #2 (+ RAD 140)

A stack of RAD 140 and MK-677 is popular for a reason and I think that the after picture tells the entire story.

This person gained around 11 to 12 pounds of muscle mass, it’s almost unbelievable. 

Not only that, but upon talking to him, he told me that the strength gains were insane. He bested all of his personal records and set new heights for himself, goals he never even dreamed of.

Six pack is looking awesome in the after picture, shoulders, arms and neck have all undergone a drastic transformation.

All in all, marvelous results.

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


Here we see a good example of using MK-677 as a PCT. 

Learn more about this compound and glean on even more transformations by reading my MK-677 before and after results article.

Cardarine (GW-501506)

Cardarine is a PPAR delta agonist, which tells us that it functions as a compound that stimulates the release of the PPAR delta nuclear receptor.

In return, this leads to benefits such as increased endurance, better lipid profile, fat loss…

If you want to learn all the benefits of this compound, be sure to read my Cardarine review.

Cardarine Results #1

Here we see some nice fat and weight loss. Not much muscle was gained, but still, it’s an impressive cycle by this young person.

He lost around 10 pounds of weight and 5 to 6% of his total body fat. 

This wasn’t just the doing of Cardarine alone, a proper diet and exercise routine were quintessential to his success – that’s something to keep in mind.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


Cardarine is not a SARM and is therefore not suppressive of our endocrine system. This means that PCT is not needed after a Cardarine cycle.

Cardarine Results #2 (+ Ostarine)

Finally, a woman that has joined our ranks!

She is a very experienced bodybuilder who did numerous cycles with both Ostarine and Cardarine. However, this time, she decided to stack the two compounds and the results are amazing.

She gained a six pack, lost a formidable amount of weight and best of all, she looks fit as hell.

She told me that she lost nine pounds of weight and 5% of her total body fat.

Her cycle:






7,5mgs per day

10mgs per day


She didn’t feel suppressed at the end of her cycle, meaning that PCT was unnecessary.

Want to see more awesome results? Read my Cardarine before and after results article!

Stenabolic (SR9009)

Bodybuilders call it ‘exercise in a bottle’ for a reason, as it massively improves endurance and leads to great benefits to be experienced.

Sadly, Stenabolic suffers from poor bioavailability, but there is one way around it.

I reveal it all in my Stenabolic review.

Stenabolic Results #1

Here we see someone that took Stenabolic on its own. There is a small issue, that being the fact that Stenabolic doesn’t build muscle.

Everything this bodybuilder achieved in the muscle department was thanks to hard work alone.

However, Stenabolic helped him lose ten pounds of weight and over 5% of his total body fat.

Due to his impressive weight and fat loss, this bodybuilder managed to get himself a six pack!

His cycle:





30mgs per day


Stenabolic doesn’t suppress our Testosterone levels since it’s not androgenic. Therefore, PCT is not needed.

I reveal a potent stack with this compound and much more in the Stenabolic results section of another article of mine.

My SARMs results

I’ve been in bodybuilding since the age of 15 and I’ve used SARMs on and off for the last six years of my life.

I’ve tried every SARM on the market, from Ostarine to S23.

Here are my SARMs results:


I remember losing 5% of my total body fat and around six pounds of weight. 

Best of all, I kept all of my previous gains and looked amazing in the mirror!


Ligandrol got me a bit suppressed towards the end of my cycle, even at 2,5mgs per day. 

That was no fun, but I still managed to gain eight pounds of muscle mass and enough strength to surpass my previous limitations.

RAD 140

RAD 140 remains one of my favorite SARMs simply for the fact that I broke the 1000-pound club with the help of the strength it bestowed me with.

I put on around eight pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of my total body fat. Not too shabby.


I’m going to be honest with you guys, I didn’t really like Andarine. 

The vision impairment was serious enough that I was a danger to myself and others while driving my car and the gains weren’t worth it.

I did manage to lose 6% of my total body fat and 8 pounds of weight.


I was a beast on YK11, the experience was otherworldly!

I gained a hefty 15 pounds in just one eight-week cycle. The side effects did bother me a bit, but I managed to power through.


S23 had me feeling like I was on real gear. I even had a bit of ‘roid rage’ at the end of my cycle.

Despite that, I gained around 17 pounds of muscle in just one cycle. 

I trained like a monster, almost every day.

As you can see, SARMs bestow the user with awesome benefits while harboring minimal side effects. 

I hope that I’ve managed to convince you to at least give SARMs a shot.

Before jumping on your first cycle, be sure to read the next section carefully.

Tips to get the best SARMs results

With six years of experience under my belt, it’s safe to say that I know what I’m talking about.

Here is six years of self-experimentation summarized in a few words:

  • Stick to eight-week cycles 
  • Stick to recommended dosages
  • Keep your diet clean
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Take note of the half-life of SARMs
  • Be aware of the side effects
  • Do a blood test before, during and after your cycle
  • Buy your SARMs from vetted and trusted vendors.

All these points are equally important, but the last one takes home the bacon. You can do everything right, but if your SARMs are not pure or in the worst-case scenario, not SARMs at all, you’re screwed.

Please, for your own sake, only buy SARMs from the vendors I’ve personally tried and tested.


We’ve seen so many great SARMs before and after results in this article. 

You too can achieve such results provided you follow the guidelines and keep your diet and exercise routines in check.

Most SARMs are supported by actual science and their safety and effectiveness has been evaluated in numerous studies.

To conclude; there is nothing to fear, you’ve seen the results, now it’s time to tread your own path!

Stay safe and good luck.

The post 14 Incredible SARMs Before And After Results With Pics appeared first on sarmguide.

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YK11 VS LGD 4033 | Which One Is The Better Choice https://sarmguide.com/yk11-vs-lgd-4033/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-vs-lgd-4033/#respond Wed, 06 Jan 2021 18:30:06 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5560 We’re now entering heavyweight territory and believe me, once you experience the power either of these SARMs bestows you with, there is no going back. You will not want to do Ostarine anymore once you feel the strength of YK11, trust me on that one. Both YK11 and LGD 4033 have had a long history […]

The post YK11 VS LGD 4033 | Which One Is The Better Choice appeared first on sarmguide.


We’re now entering heavyweight territory and believe me, once you experience the power either of these SARMs bestows you with, there is no going back.

You will not want to do Ostarine anymore once you feel the strength of YK11, trust me on that one.

Both YK11 and LGD 4033 have had a long history of usage among bodybuilders and even some professional athletes were caught dabbling with the latter SARM, the most notable example being swimmer Shayna Jack.

Just imagine how much of an advantage SARMs can give you, when professional athletes go as far as to risk their carriers taking these compounds.

Let’s explore both of these SARMs and see how they match up against each other!


YK11 is a SARM that is also classified as a steroid owing to its molecular structure that resembles steroids.

It’s very strong and potent, and low dosages seem to have a powerful effect on human users, providing a boost to muscle growth, strength and overall bone density.

Unfortunately, it has been abandoned in cellular studies and no human or animal has ever consumed YK11 under the supervision of a scientist.


Besides being a SARM, YK11 is a myostatin inhibitor which tells us that it will help out with muscle growth, as it lowers the amount of myostatin running amok in your body.

For more information about this SARM, check out my full YK11 review.

LGD 4033

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol in bodybuilding circles is a full agonist of the androgen receptor, exhibiting a 500 to 1 anabolic to androgenic activity – making it the most selective SARM invented so far.

There have been a few human trials so far that have shown Ligandrol to be very safe and well tolerated for consumption.

LGD 4033 chemical structure

Dosages of up to 22mgs a day have been used during these trials and little to no side effects were noted by the researchers.

The one issue with Ligandrol is the fact that it is quite suppressive of the natural Testosterone levels in our body, which means that you have to tread carefully while taking it in order to avoid a complete shutdown.

Interested in learning more? Check out our in-depth LGD-4033 review.

YK11 VS LGD 4033 – Half-Life

Ligandrol has a longer half-life than YK11, boasting numbers ranging between 24 to 36 hours.

On the other hand, you have to take YK11 twice a day as it only has a half-life of 12 hours.

Ligandrol is the more convenient option among the two, but YK11 is stronger, so if you’re up for the challenge, YK11 is definitely worth the hassle.

YK11 VS LGD 4033 – Benefits

There are a lot of pros to both of these SARMs, but what I’m interested in is how these two compare when it comes to the benefits they share.

Muscle Mass

YK11 will outperform LGD 4033 when it comes to building muscle mass. I remember putting on 15 pounds of muscle in just one YK11 cycle, which lasted only eight weeks.

Such a result would have been impossible with Ligandrol, as I had gained only eight pounds of muscle mass during my eight-week cycle.



YK11 will bestow you with more strength in comparison to LGD 4033. It simply is way more potent than Ligandrol and one should expect such a result in the first place, as YK11 shares a steroidal structure denoting its strength.

Bone Health

Both of these SARMs strengthen the bones as they build muscle mass, which avoids the inevitable joint pain that ensues when you build too much muscle in a short period of time.

Although I didn’t really notice any difference between the two when it comes to promoting bone strength, it has to be said that I didn’t feel an ounce of pain from the 15 pounds of new muscle mass that I’ve gained from YK11.

This leads me to believe that YK11 is better at promoting bone strength.


Motivation was sky high with both of these SARMs, but I felt more dominant and in control with YK11. It’s just crazy how much calmer and stoic you become once you start imbuing YK11. You feel as if everything is just going the right way and your confidence skyrockets.

The same can’t be said for LGD 4033.

Recovery Times

If you’re taking Ligandrol, you can get up to five big workouts a week without a hitch, as it is known for promoting faster recovery times.

I didn’t have the same experience with YK11, meaning that this is a trait unique to Ligandrol.

YK11 VS LGD 4033 – Side Effects

Testosterone Suppression

Interestingly enough, LGD 4033 is the more potent SARM when compared on a mg to mg basis to YK11.

However, the recommended dosage for Ligandrol is usually around 2,5 to 5mgs a day, while this number goes substantially up when it comes to YK11 consumption, with most people taking 10 to 15mgs a day.

This means that YK11 is going to be more suppressive of your natural hormones in comparison to Ligandrol and you’ll very likely need PCT for it.

On the other hand, if you’re only taking 2,5mgs of Ligandrol a day, you can avoid doing PCT as your body will naturally recover.

Water Retention

Although I have never experienced water retention in my life, when looking at these two SARMs, it’s obvious that Ligandrol has the higher incidence of causing water retention in bodybuilders.

Make sure to drink lots of water during your cycle to avoid water retention from ruining your progress.

Liver Toxicity

YK11 contains an acid methyl ester meaning that it has a methylated group added to it. This tells us that YK11 can be quite liver toxic and that one has to use liver support while imbuing it. If you’re interested in taking YK11, I suggest you read this article first.

On the other hand, studies on Ligandrol have shown that it doesn’t affect liver enzymes in human subjects, which reveals the fact that Ligandrol isn’t really liver toxic and that you have nothing to fret while imbuing it.

Testicle Pain

This one is unique to Ligandrol, but I have to mention since so many men are concerned about this side effect.

You don’t have to worry – no permanent damage is being done to your testicles.

The pain stops once you quit using Ligandrol and it doesn’t occur in every user.

YK11 VS LGD 4033 – Results

The results you can expect from either of these compounds are going to be massive.

I’ve personally gained around 15 pounds of muscle mass from YK11 alone in just eight weeks.

Ligandrol only bestowed me with eight pounds of new muscle mass, meaning that YK11 outperforms it by seven pounds, which is quite impressive.

Speaking of strength, YK11 made me feel stronger and more powerful compared to Ligandrol. If you’re after strength, you will want to settle with YK11.

The one thing Ligandrol excelled at were the enhanced recovery times. I remember having the physical capability of going to the gym every day, without any pain or soreness.

The same can’t be said for YK11.

All in all, the results from both of these SARMs were amazing, but if I had to crown a winner, I would definitely go for YK11 – it simply is the stronger SARM as it is taken in higher dosages.

YK11 VS LGD 4033 – Pricing

YK11 and LGD 4033 are very similar when it comes to pricing, with Ligandrol being a bit on the cheaper side.

What has to be said is that most legitimate vendors are not going to be carrying LGD 4033 anymore, because of trademark issues.

Some vendors, like science.bio (sarmguide10 for 10% off), sidestepped copyright issues by simply changing the names of their products.

So instead of buying LGD 4033, you will be purchasing LGD4, which is basically the same thing.


To conclude this article, I will just say that both of these SARMs are very strong and if you’re a newbie reading this – I wholeheartedly recommend that you settle for something less potent, like Ostarine. 

Both of these SARMs will suppress you and I recommend that you get your bloods done pre, during and post your cycle, to determine if you need PCT and to see just how much these compounds changed your hormonal values.

Remember to handle SARMs responsibly and you’ll surely reap the vast benefits they bring to the table!

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YK11 Dosage | Revealing The Ideal Dosage For a Bulk or Cut! https://sarmguide.com/yk11-dosage/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-dosage/#respond Tue, 05 Jan 2021 18:53:07 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5524 YK11 is a great SARM for both bulking and cutting and I know that many of you are interested in what the best dosages for YK11 really are, so that’s why I’ve decided to write this article. To give you some background, I’ve done multiple cycles with YK11, one of which I’ve recorded here.  It […]

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YK11 is a great SARM for both bulking and cutting and I know that many of you are interested in what the best dosages for YK11 really are, so that’s why I’ve decided to write this article.

To give you some background, I’ve done multiple cycles with YK11, one of which I’ve recorded here

It wasn’t always smooth sailing, but it paid off massively in the end.

Before revealing my cutting and bulking regimen with YK11, I first want to introduce this compound a bit, so that we’re all aware of what is being discussed in the article.

YK11 Summary

YK11 is a very interesting compound, with it being both a SARM and a steroid. The fact that it is also a steroid tells us that we should tread with caution when it comes to dosages, as too much of it can and will cause side effects to occur.

YK11 works by inhibiting myostatin, a protein that stops muscle cell growth. Hence, when YK11 is consumed, an increase in muscle mass is experienced and a myriad of other benefits.

If you want to know more about how YK11 functions, all the benefits it harbors and much more, please check out this article of mine.

YK11 Half-Life

We currently have no data on the half-life of YK11 as no studies on humans or animals have been performed. This means that we have to rely on anecdotal reports. 

Some bodybuilders prefer splitting their YK11 dosage, taking it once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

This does make sense, as it would ensure that blood levels of YK11 are high throughout the day.

A lot of people that have taken YK11 estimate the half-life to be around 12 hours, but until we get actual scientific research backing these claims up, this remains a guesstimate.

During my research with YK11, I would consume it only once a day and the results were quite amazing.

All in all, if you’re a busy bee like me, taking it just once a day is fine. You can also split the dosage into two equal parts, it all comes down to preference in the end.

YK11 Bulking Dosage + Example Cycle

I recommend taking 15mgs of YK11 a day if you’re going for a bulk. 

Such dosage will ensure that you get the adequate boost necessary to build a lot of muscle mass! If you keep your diet and exercise routines in check, you can also expect to lose quite a bit of fat.

Since you’re bulking, it is recommended that you eat 300 to 500 calories above maintenance.

Example of a bulking cycle:





15mgs per day




50mgs of Clomid per day



25mgs of Clomid per day

As you can see, after a bulking cycle with YK11, PCT is absolutely necessary and for extra caution, we’re using Clomid for the extra punch it packs when it comes to alleviating Testosterone suppression.

Please don’t try to skip PCT after a YK11 cycle, as that could lead to some very unpleasant side effects, one of them being gyno or the enlargement of breast tissue.

YK11 Cutting Dosage + Example Cycle

When you cut, you always want to take less and that applies to the amount of YK11 consumed as well.

A dosage of 10mgs a day should be more than enough to ensure that you have a smooth cut, with quite a bit of weight and fat loss experienced. 

Also, if your eating habits and exercise regimen are on point, you will not lose any accrued muscle! 

Moreover, anecdotal reports tell us that most people actually gain two to three pounds of lean muscle mass in an average eight-week cutting cycle.

Example of a cutting cycle:





10mgs per day




25mgs of Clomid per day

Once again, you cannot run away from PCT while doing YK11, not even on a cut. It is simply too strong to mess around with and many people that have tried skipping it altogether found themselves with the shorter end of the stick.

The good news is that one doesn’t have to use too much Clomid to begin with, which means that the chances of experiencing side effects from the SERM itself are slim to none!

No PCT YK11 Dosage?

Some people really don’t want to mess with PCT, and I understand their sentiment completely.

PCT has side effects of its own and some of us are simply not poised to deal with them.

The thing is, YK11 is the wrong compound to experiment with and I wholeheartedly recommend to not even try to skip out on PCT when you’re doing YK11.

As already mentioned, YK11 is partially a steroid. This means that there is no messing around with it. 

Nolvadex PCT

It’s like playing with fire, you’re going to get burned.

Some bodybuilders try to be smart and decrease the dosage to 5mgs a day or even less, but to their dismay, they soon find themselves in a similar predicament after their YK11 cycle: Their Testosterone levels become suppressed and they still need to do PCT.

All in all, if you really want to avoid doing PCT, you’re best off avoiding YK11 altogether.

Safest YK11 Dosage

The first time I used YK11, I consumed 10mgs a day for eight weeks.

Looking back, this was clearly a mistake, as that is not the safest YK11 dosage around.

If you really want to play it safe and absolutely minimize the side effects experienced, I recommend going for 5mgs a day for six to eight weeks.

At this dosage, you will still experience the awesome benefits YK11 brings to the table (albeit not as strongly as on a higher dosage) and your chances of experiencing a complete Testosterone shutdown or some of the really nasty side effects essentially drop down to zero.

Also, ensure that you’re buying your YK11 from a reputable source, as bunk or underdosed products could really sabotage your efforts in trying to stay safe.

What YK11 Dosage Should I Take

There is no clear-cut answer to this, it mostly depends on your level of experience with strong SARMs, your body composition, genetics and gender.

To simplify things a bit, a newbie to SARMs shouldn’t even attempt to take YK11 before experimenting with some of the other, milder SARMs, like Ostarine and Andarine.

If you have already done a few cycles with SARMs and everything went well, you can start off your first YK11 cycle with a dosage of 5mgs per day. 

There is no need to increase the dosage at any point in your cycle, just remain consistent, finish your cycle and when you’re ready for the next one, increase the dosage consumed.

Once you’ve done a cycle with a 5mg dosage and provided everything went well, you may then add another 5mgs to your initial dosage, for a total of 10mgs a day. 

Stay at that level for at least a few cycles and note how your body reacts to the increased amount of YK11 present in the body. Be sure to consume liver support while you’re at it, as YK11 does have a methylated group added to it.

Once you feel ready to move to the next and final level, add another 5mgs to your dosage, for a total of 15mgs a day.

As already mentioned, this dosage is best used for a bulk and you can expect really good results with it.

Please don’t attempt to further increase the dosage, 15mgs is more than enough to help you achieve all of your fitness goals.

Moreover, it doesn’t make any sense as you reach a point of diminishing returns – a negligible increase in gains when compared to the ideal 15mg dosage. 

Not only that, but you also significantly increase the risk of side effects, which can be quite nasty.


YK11 is an awesome SARM and disregarding the fact whether you’re bulking or cutting, it will help you out immensely and you will definitely feel like you’re on something. 

As we saw from the data above, we’re forced to rely on anecdotal reports when it comes to our YK11 dosage, but that shouldn’t discourage us from taking it, as bodybuilders have and always will be the prime explorers when it comes to novel substances.

Despite its potency, YK11 is relatively safe when used in the correct dosages.

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YK11 VS RAD 140 | Is Testolone Better Than YK11? https://sarmguide.com/yk11-vs-rad-140/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-vs-rad-140/#respond Sat, 12 Sep 2020 20:40:23 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4878 I read a ton of reports online, as I like to keep myself updated with all the new info about SARMs, which includes anecdotal evidence as well. While doing that, I’ve stumbled upon many experiences of people stacking these two SARMs to achieve ‘marvelous’ results. It just goes to show how much misinformation is available […]

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I read a ton of reports online, as I like to keep myself updated with all the new info about SARMs, which includes anecdotal evidence as well.

While doing that, I’ve stumbled upon many experiences of people stacking these two SARMs to achieve ‘marvelous’ results.

It just goes to show how much misinformation is available online; while such a stack wouldn’t necessarily kill you, it would cause a complete shutdown in your Testosterone production, which would feel awful.

RAD140 VS YK11

Both YK11 and RAD 140 are quite suppressive, with the former being stronger than the latter in terms of the suppression experienced.

With that out of the way, let’s have a closer look at these two SARMs and see how they fare up against each other.


YK 11 is a steroidal SARM that is also a myostatin inhibitor which means that it will build a lot of muscle in a short period of time. 

Myostatin is a protein that prevents muscle growth from occurring, and bodybuilders that naturally ‘suffer’ from myostatin deficiency find themselves building a lot more muscle in shorter periods of time.

We have no human or animal data from this SARM, as it has been abandoned in clinical trials. 

While cellular studies limit the scientific scope of our research, one can still find hundreds of anecdotal reports online from real users.

Check out my entire article on YK11 here.

RAD 140

RAD 140, also known as Testolone in the bodybuilding community is known to bestow the user with massive strength.

It’s also one of the best compounds for dry gains, as so many users happily live to tell the tale.

Unlike YK11, RAD 140 is a pure SARM and acts as a partial agonist to the androgen receptor.

This should technically mean that it is less suppressive than the former, but that doesn’t always need to be the case. 

RAD 140 works very well in low dosages and it has been shown to promote muscle growth in animal studies.

RAD 140 suffers from the same problem as YK11 – the lack of human studies makes it difficult to gouge the safety profile of this SARM.

Read my entire blog post on RAD 140 here.

YK11 VS RAD 140 – Half-Life

When it comes to the half-life of these two SARMs, RAD 140 vastly outperforms YK11.

You have to take YK11 twice a day to feel its full effects, as it has a half-life of only twelve hours.

Conversely, RAD 140 boasts a 60-hour half-life, which means that even if you miss your daily dosage, your blood concentration levels of RAD 140 shouldn’t fall by too much.

YK11 VS RAD 140 – Benefits

Since I’ve used both of these SARMs, I’ll inject some of my own experiences in this chapter. It will be interesting to see just how these two SARMs compare against each other when it comes to feats such as muscle growth, strength, power…

Muscle Mass

YK11 wins in this department, hands down. RAD 140 simply can’t compete with a compound whose sole purpose is to inhibit myostatin.

I’ve gained around 15 pounds of muscle in just one eight-week cycle while on YK11, while RAD 140 bestowed with around 10 pounds of muscle.


Although RAD 140 is known as ‘the strength SARM’ around bodybuilding communities, when compared to YK11, it simply fails to impress.

I felt a lot stronger and more powerful while on YK11 and the best part about all of this was that I didn’t even experience an increase in irritability or aggression.

I did feel more dominant in the gym, but it wasn’t suffused with a feeling of raw aggression, which is something that I’ve struggled with while on RAD 140.


Both YK11 and RAD 140 increase vascularity, but if I had to pick a winner, it would be the latter.

YK11 simply can’t compete with the fat loss RAD 140 bestows you with which indirectly causes more vascularity to be exhibited.


You will feel increased motivation from both of these SARMs while at the gym. Your usual weights will feel lighter since both compounds increase strength, which will further drive you to lift more and more.

I have personally felt more motivation while on YK11 as it made me a beast both inside and outside of the gym. I felt invincible, full of Testosterone, manly, and out of this world.

It was quite the experience.

YK11 VS RAD 140 – Side Effects

When it comes to side effects, the stronger compound usually takes the cake, but is that the case in this instance? Let’s find out!

Testosterone suppression

When it comes to suppression, YK11 will definitely suppress you more in comparison to RAD 140. I’ve seen many bodybuilders get away with using RAD 140 and not having to do PCT, but that all changed once they introduced YK11 to their bodies.

It’s simply too strong to recover from naturally and even I had to do a four-week PCT regimen with Nolvadex while on it.

If you’re wondering what suppression feels like, the first thing you’ll notice is the lethargy and lack of libido, which is then followed by mood swings and a decrease in motivation.


Interestingly enough, RAD 140 did make me a bit moody while I was on it. I was feeling irritable all the time, and something was always irking me.

As already mentioned, my experience with YK11 was quite different and if I had to put it in one word, it would be dominant – I felt in control during day-to-day situations and could still manage my anger.

Liver toxicity

YK11 has a methylated group added to it, which means that it’s laced with alcohol. As we all should know, alcohol is quite bad for the liver and that’s why I highly recommend using liver support while on a YK11 cycle.

With RAD 140, you will not really experience elevated AST or ALT levels, but there is always a possibility of things going awry, so I suggest that you do take a hepatic panel before and after your cycle.

Joint pain

This is something I usually don’t talk about much, but I did feel my joints hurting during RAD 140 usage

It wasn’t as pronounced with YK11 as this SARM is known for strengthening the bones alongside with giving you muscle mass.

YK11 VS RAD 140 – Results

Don’t let the nature of this article fool you into believing that one SARM is worse than the other, both of these compounds are great aids to your bodybuilding regime, and you’ll be happy you took them on.

I did gain five more pounds of muscle with YK11 in comparison to RAD 140 and YK11 bestowed me with a lot more strength.

Speaking of fat loss and vascularity, I would have to pass the torch to RAD 140, as it gave me dry gains which made my vascularity visible. It also made me lose more fat than ever!

Lastly, YK11 gave me more motivation in the gym and I felt like a monster unleashed upon the poor souls around me. It was really an awesome feeling and one that I would love every bodybuilder to experience.

YK11 VS RAD 140 - Pricing

You will usually find RAD 140 to be tad bit cheaper when compared to YK11, but the difference is negligible.

After all, you should never look at the price tag when buying SARMs and if you’re really on a budget and want to indulge in SARMs, find ways to save more money to buy quality products.

Speaking from personal experience, it really pays off when you find a reputable source that knows how to put a proper price tag on their SARMs.


In this article, we’ve gone ahead and compared two compounds that are among the strongest SARMs in existence.

As you could see, both of these SARMs have had their ups and downs, with YK11 winning when it comes to strength, muscle mass and performance, while RAD 140 caught up by dominating fat loss and vascularity.

All in all, if I had to recommend one or the other, I would say that it would be in your best interest to start off with RAD 140. It’s less potent than YK11 and you won’t feel that much suppression from it.

Remember to stay safe and watch your dosages while imbuing these two SARMs!

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My 8-Week YK11 Log – Incredible Results, But Did The Side Effects Ruin My Cycle? https://sarmguide.com/yk11-log/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11-log/#respond Thu, 23 Jul 2020 19:46:59 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4355 Having successfully joined the 1000-pound club, I took a small break from bodybuilding to focus on my professional career. I had attained most of my fitness goals and I just wasn’t feeling the same kind of pull towards lifting as I did before. That all changed when I heard word about YK11, a steroid-like SARM […]

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Having successfully joined the 1000-pound club, I took a small break from bodybuilding to focus on my professional career. I had attained most of my fitness goals and I just wasn’t feeling the same kind of pull towards lifting as I did before.

That all changed when I heard word about YK11, a steroid-like SARM that was never tested on human nor animals.

After doing my research and writing an article on it, the only thing left to do was to actually try it out.

I always try to talk the talk and walk the walk, and this time it was no different – I was going to do YK11 even if it cost me my life.

YK11 log

Here is what my stats looked like after a six-month hiatus from bodybuilding: I was 6’1’’ as always, 220 pounds, 15% body fat and 29 years old, almost 30; I was getting old.

I ate what I wanted up until this point, so I decided to introduce some changes to my diet; I completely cut off processed sugar from my menu and made it a goal to eat as clean as possible.

Here are the macros I was trying to uphold: 250 grams of protein, 330 grams of carbs and 74 grams of fat a day.

I didn’t have a specific goal in mind with YK11, I was mostly interested in trying it out so that I could finally understand what the ruckus was all about.

My First Day On YK11

I got my bloods and a hepatic panel done, as YK11 is known to be liver toxic. I’ve wrote a bit about it here.

Here is what my blood test looked like:

Total Testosterone: 450 ng/dL

Free Testosterone: 11,5 pg/mL

Luteinizing Hormone (LH): 4.5 mIU/mL

Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH): 6,0 mIU/mL

Estradiol: 23.4 pg/mL

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG): 22,1 nmol/L

I wish my T-levels weren’t so low, I was actually around 600 ng/dL naturally, while training. It’s a marvel to behold just how much a few months of abstinence can hurt you.

Anyways, my other blood levels were in pretty good shape, so I was feeling ready to take the bull by the horns.

My liver function test also came out fine:

Total bilirubin: 0,9 mg/dL

Alanine transaminase (ALT): 30 U/L

Aspartate transaminase (AST): 24 U/L

AST/ALT ratio: 0,8

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): 69 U/L

Now that I was ready to face the fire, I took 10mgs of the YK11 liquid, administered it sublingually (for better absorption), felt the familiar sting and prayed that everything would go alright.

To be completely honest with you, this might have been one of the rashest things I did in my life, and I was shaking like a leaf during the entire process.

I went to the gym and felt an immediate boost in power, it was something I’ve never experienced before. The weights seemed to lift themselves off the ground, with me just being a casual observer.

I’m not sure if I had this experience because I was so pumped (placebo) or because of the YK11, but disregarding that, I had a blast in the gym!

Week 1-2

YK11 ignited the fire back in me, I was feeling like a beast in the gym and I was definitely lifting like that too.

In the first two weeks, I managed to once again break through the 1000-pound club, and I didn’t even need to strain myself. It came naturally, probably because of muscle memory, but YK11 also had an active role to play in it, at least that’s what I figured.

Pumps were amazing and I could feel my vascularity start showing even in the first week!

I also felt increased stamina (not sure why none of the reviews that I’ve read talk about that) and my lifts had a purpose to them. I felt like I was actually there lifting, and not just wasting time loitering around the machines.

I didn’t break any PRs in the first two weeks, but that didn’t matter to me, I was feeling awesome and having fun in the gym.

Week 3-4

I knew that YK11 was strong and that one shouldn’t take it lightly, but words cannot describe the kind of strength, power and aggression that I felt on it.

I started sizing people up at the gym, wanting to pick fights with them, to show them just how strong I was.

I know this sounds bad, but the feeling is just indescribable, you feel invincible.

I’m usually a reserved guy and wouldn’t hurt an ant, but I knew that if someone stepped on my toes while I was on YK11, I would be breaking some jaws.

I also felt more masculine and my libido shot up to enormous levels. I was having coitus two to three times a day just to stave off the craving. My girlfriend at the time definitely liked it. I also felt a lot more sensitivity down there, which made the experience awesome!

In the four weeks of my YK11 usage, I put on around 8 pounds of weight, of which most was muscle and I improved all of my lifts by 10 to 15 pounds. It was incredible, really.

One effect I have also noticed were decreased recovery times, the gym basically became my second home.

Week 5-6

The aggression was irking me, but through mindfulness and meditation, I managed to tone it down a bit.

Power went through the roof; I was now lifting 20 to 25 pounds more than I used to at my highest peak (before taking YK11).

It is surreal just how much this SARM-steroid can improve your lifts; you have to try it out for yourself to really see it.

My arms and back both looked fuller and my shoulders appeared wider. Triceps was more defined. My legs and chest also experienced growth.

I had changed my body composition in just six weeks with YK11.

I built another eight pounds of muscle, for a total of fifteen pounds.

Speaking of growth, my veins weren’t just vascular, but they were actually bulging through my skin, I felt like a fricking beast.

I experienced my second minor side effect: Acne on my back. It wasn’t a disaster, but it was definitely visible. It didn’t bother me too much, so I thought nothing of it.

Libido was still high, but I felt it falling off compared to the last two weeks. I wasn’t feeling the suppression yet, but it was lurking there; I had a sixth sense for it as I had previous experiences with suppressive SARMs.

Week 7-8

Suppression hit me like a brick. It was on day 53, I remember it clearly.

I woke up and everything just seemed so lame; I wanted to go back to sleep even though I spent the last eight hours doing just that.

Motivation at the gym significantly decreased and it wasn’t the only thing decreasing.

My libido plummeted like the stock market on a bear run.

I literally couldn’t get it up and that bothered me a lot. I had a girlfriend to please and she wasn’t too happy about me not performing.

I just wasn’t feeling like lifting weights anymore, I just wanted to sleep and do nothing. It was horrible.

I knew it was time to look at my bloods again, so I took a blood test and here is what happens when you take 10mgs of YK11 for seven weeks:

Total Testosterone: 189 ng/dL

Free Testosterone: 8,0 pg/mL

LH: 3,8 mIU/mL

FSH: 5,1 mIU/mL

Estradiol: 19.9 pg/mL

 SHBG: 7.7 nmol/L

My SHBG and total Testosterone crashed by a lot, I knew that I had to do PCT, even though that was the last thing on my mind. I had some Nolvadex on hand, but I always strived to avoid SERMs, even mild ones like Nolvadex, as they carry side effects with them.

When I read my hepatic panel, I started seeing red. It was horrendous! Just take a look at this:

Total bilirubin: 1,5 mg/dL

Alanine transaminase (ALT): 70 U/L

Aspartate transaminase (AST): 57 U/L

AST/ALT ratio: 0,814

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): 113 U/L

After I saw these results, which was 55 days into my cycle, I immediately decided to add TUDCA to my regime. I had to do something about my elevated ALT and AST levels, or I could potentially suffer from liver damage!

I made the mistake of not taking something like milk thistle right from the get-go.

Since it was just one day before my cycle was supposed to end, I decided to see it through and took my last 10mg dosage of YK11 on day 56.

I didn’t gain or lose any muscle in the last two weeks, but let’s just say that I didn’t go to the gym nearly as much as before.


I did PCT with Nolvadex and it lasted four weeks. For the first two weeks, I took 40mgs of Nolvadex and for the last two weeks, I halved the dosage.

My libido started improving two weeks into my PCT and the acne was completely gone from my back, meaning that YK11 was the culprit.

I did go to the gym frequently, so I didn’t lose any of the awesome muscle I’ve gained.

Lethargy started gradually subsiding from week one onwards and completely disappeared a month in.

In total, I had gained 15 pounds of raw muscle and my entire body looked shredded. I forgot to measure my total body fat, as this period was quite stressful for me, but I reckon it stayed the same.

There was a price to pay, but was it worth it?

I think that the answer leans more towards yes than no.

I had gained so much muscle and my body looked so much sharper that it would’ve taken me at least six months to a year to achieve these results as a natty.

YK11 is an incredible compound, but you should tread carefully.

Don’t be a fool like me and take your milk thistle from day one. Also, expect suppression to occur and have PCT nearby.

All in all, I liked what YK11 had to bring to the table, even the aggression experienced taught me new things about myself and the way I process the world around me.

I see my time with YK11 as a learning experience and don’t regret it one bit.

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YK11 Review: Benefits, Dosage, Results | December 2023 https://sarmguide.com/yk11/ https://sarmguide.com/yk11/#respond Wed, 05 Feb 2020 18:22:19 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=2244 This is the ultimate guide and review of YK11, one of the strongest SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators). In this guide / review, you will find out everything you need to know about YK11, including: YK11 benefits and side effects What is it and how does it work Is YK11 legal Can it cause gyno or […]

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This is the ultimate guide and review of YK11, one of the strongest SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators).

YK11 review

In this guide / review, you will find out everything you need to know about YK11, including:

  • YK11 benefits and side effects
  • What is it and how does it work
  • Is YK11 legal
  • Can it cause gyno or hair loss
  • YK11 dosage, half-life and cycle length

We will answer all of these questions and topics as well as go over other YK11 topics such as the latest studies, reviews etc.

SARMs disclaimer

Let’s start off by explaining what YK11 actually is.

What is YK11

YK11 is a steroidal SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). More specifically, it’s a Myostatin inhibitor. It’s considered to be one of the most powerful SARMs on the market and it’s actually comparable to certain steroids in its effectiveness.

Because it’s a SARM, it binds itself to our androgen receptors. Unlike steroids, SARMs are selective. This means that they choose which androgen receptor to bind on so that we can get all the benefits of when they bind to muscles and no side effects that steroids cause (prostate problems etc.).

But YK11 is also a Myostatin inhibitor. This is actually the main reason why it’s getting so much attention and popularity lately. Let’s explain what this is and how YK11 actually works.

YK11 molecule
YK11 is also a myostatin inhibitor (myostatin reduces our muscle mass), which means that you won’t be losing muscle while cutting and will very likely gain some instead, making it a great compound for cutting, lean bulking and especially body recomposition.

How does YK11 work

As we said, YK11 is a Myostatin inhibitor. It’s important that we know what Myostatin and Follistatin are to understand how YK11 works.

Myostatin is a protein that reduces muscle mass in our bodies as well as our strength. Follistatin is the antagonist of Myostatin, it increases our muscle mass and strength. Basically, Follistatin keeps Myostatin in place and promotes muscle growth. Myostatin, on the other hand, blocks muscle growth.

YK11 aims to increase our Follistatin levels by inhibiting our Myostatin. Because it inhibits the Myostatin, it’s very effective at keeping our muscle mass because Myostatin can’t promote muscle loss. The results of this are increased levels of Follistatin which very effectively promote great muscle gains.


When it comes to the legality of YK11, it all really comes down to the legality of SARMs. Basically, SARMs are legal to buy and use in every country in the world. The only exception is Australia, we will talk about that later.

Everywhere else, however, you don’t have to worry about getting into trouble for using compounds like YK11. Remember, however, that YK11 is only meant for research purposes and isn’t approved for human consumption.

Is YK11 legal in Australia

When it comes to Australia, the laws regarding SARMs are different from the rest of the world.

In Australia, you aren’t allowed to use SARMs without a doctor’s prescription. This is because YK11 and other SARMs are considered to be Schedule 4 prescription only compounds by the TGA.

You can read more about this subject in my article on Australia SARMs.

YK11 in sports

Almost all sports bodies, including the Olympics, listed YK11 as a prohibited substance because of the unfair advantages that it gives (increased muscle mass, strength, etc.). It’s listed as a banned substance by the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) and the USADA (the United States Anti Doping Agency).

Don’t use this compound if you are a competing professional athlete.

If you want more information on the legality of YK11 and other SARMs, read our article where we answer this question in detail- are SARMs legal.

YK11 Benefits

Most likely, this is what you are the most interested in when it comes to this compound. Let’s go over the benefits.

The benefits are:

  • Increased muscle growth
  • Strengthened bones
  • Increased strength

Now let’s go over each benefit in more detail.

Increased muscle mass

YK11 has an incredible ability to increase your lean muscle mass. Out of every other SARM on the market right now, YK11 will result in the biggest muscle gain during a cycle.

The reason YK11 helps build muscle so well is that it blocks Myostatin (a protein that reduces muscle) and shoots up Follistatin levels (Follistatin promotes muscle gain). This results in an incredible ability to increase lean body mass when bulking and preserve your muscle when cutting.

Strengthened bones

With the research we have right now, we have seen that YK11 shoots up the amount of activated PKB (Protein Kinase B) in the body. PKB is responsible for the growth of bone cells. This means that YK11 supports bone health and reduces bone breakability.

Increased strength

People who take YK11 report incredible strength gains along with the muscle gains. They are able to consistently get stronger week after week and break their bench press, squat and deadlifts by up to 50 pounds each during a cycle.

YK11 side effects

People who took YK11 and stuck to the recommended report incredible muscle and strength gain and very little side effects. Some people still report side effects such as:

  • Hair-loss (Most people who report this got their “lost” hair back in a few weeks after the cycle, suggesting that the reason hair-loss / hair shedding occurred in the first place was due to them being nervous and stressed during the cycle.)
  • Mild acne (Most people lose acne after the cycle, suggesting that the reason they got it was due to the stress.)
  • Increased aggression
  • Lower libido (This is due to the testosterone suppression that YK11 causes. Libido will return to normal a few weeks after the cycle)
  • Gyno (This is very, very rare and only happens to people who take dosages close to 40mg a day and keep their cycle up for over 12 weeks.)

It is also worth noting that YK11 does not cause liver damage up to a 30mg dosage. After that, the substance can become toxic to the body and make unnecessary damage to the liver or other organs.

Dosage and cycle length

Most bodybuilders say that they get great results by taking a dosage of 10 to 15mg per day and see very little side effects when taking a dosage like this for the length of 8 weeks. We recommend if you are inexperienced with SARMs to take a dosage of 5mg YK11 per day for a length of 6 to 8 weeks. Your body will see great improvement when taking a dosage like this, especially if you are not close to your genetic limit yet.

If you’re interested to see some real YK11 results, check out our YK11 before and after results page where we go over 7 before and after results with pics.

Here are two examples of YK11 cycles, example 1 is meant for a beginner with SARMs and example 2 is meant for people who had previous SARMs experience. These two cycles are very safe, will provide great results and no side effects if you stick to them.

yk11 cycle


The research so far tells us that the half-life is 12 hours. This means that in order to keep YK11 levels in our body optimal, we should split our dosage into two parts and take one in the morning and the second one in the evening.

For example, if your dosage will be 5mg per day, you should take 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg in the evening. Doing this will get you the best results possible out of your cycle.

Hair loss

In short, no it cannot. Real, pure SARMs don’t cause hair loss, prohormones that are in some bunk products do. Read more about this subject in my article on SARMs hair loss.

I recommend you buy SARMs from good, trusted vendors like my recommended companies to avoid side effects like hair loss.

Stacking with other SARMs

I don’t recommend that you stack YK11 with other SARMs. This is because it’s one of the strongest SARMs on the market and stacking it with other, weaker SARMs would be a waste. There are only so many androgen receptors available in your body. Stacking YK11 with another SARM would just waste some of these receptors because the other SARM would bind to some of them.

Another reason why this is a bad idea is suppression. YK11 is already suppressive, you don’t want to raise that suppression by adding more suppressive compounds.

At the end of the day, it’s safer and more effective to just cycle YK11.

Stacking with other compounds

There are a few compounds that would do very well if you stacked them with YK11. These compounds are MK 677Cardarine and SR9009.

These three compounds are non-hormonal (non-suppressive) so they are great when stacked with SARMs. If you want to lose fat, I recommend that you add Cardarine or SR9009 to your stack and if you want to bulk up, add MK 677.

YK11 MK 677 stack

YK11 MK 677 stack is probably the most popular YK11 stack and rightfully so.

As we said, YK11 has great benefits of both muscle gains and strength gains as well as fat loss.

MK 677 compliments that very nicely. It also has fat loss and muscle gains benefits. Not only that, but if you take MK 677 in the morning, you will also get increased hunger. This is great if you are trying to bulk up. If you want to avoid this, just take it in the evening.

Overall, this is a great cycle and most users seem to go for it. Probably the best thing about this stack is the fact that MK 677 is non-hormonal. In other words, it won’t cause any additional suppression.


When it comes to the question PCT or no PCT, you really have to know if you are suppressed or not. The only 100% certain way of knowing if you are suppressed enough to need to do a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is by getting your blood work done.

A good rule of thumb is that you don’t need a PCT for any SARM because they aren’t that suppressive, this includes YK11. Your body will recover naturally in a few weeks after the cycle if your compounds are high-quality and pure.

Sometimes, companies sell bunk products that are way more suppressive than they should have been so that is why some people get suppressed from SARMs.

Testosterone suppression

As we said, the only way to 100% certainly know if you are suppressed is by getting a blood test done. Another way of knowing, though not as reliable, is to see how you are feeling. If you feel like sh*t and have no energy and just want to sleep all day then yeah, you are probably suppressed. If you don’t feel like that, however, you almost certainly aren’t suppressed.

Your body will recover naturally if you use real, high-quality, pure YK11 and stick to normal dosages and cycle length.

If you still want to do a PCT, here is an example of a YK11 PCT.

YK11 PCT examples

Here are two PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) YK11 protocol examples. Keep in mind that this is assuming that your cycle lasts 8 weeks. So if the PCT says to take 20mg of Nolvadex or Clomid a day from week 6-9 this means that you should start at the 6th week of your YK11 cycle and continue it for 2 weeks after the cycle (cycle lasts 8 weeks).

PCT protocol for YK11 if you don’t feel suppressed and want to do it to be safe:

Week Nolvadex/Clomid
6-9 (4 weeks) 20mg a day

PCT protocol for YK11 after obvious suppression:

Week Nolvadex/Clomid
6-7 (2 weeks) 40mg a day
8-9(2 weeks 20mg a day

Studies done with YK11

Sadly, the only studies that were done on this compound so far were cellular studies.

So far, (checked in March of 2020) there weren’t any animal studies or clinical trials done on this compound. All of the evidence/knowledge that we have about it is from the cellular studies and the anecdotal evidence from people using it.

There is, however, one interesting in vivo study that was done in November of 2018. You can find it here.

We also know quite a bit about YK11 because it has similar properties that other SARMs with a lot more research have. There are a lot of people that cycle this compound and report good results. We will go over what other people report later in the article.

Does YK11 cause gyno

Even though YK11-induced gynecomastia (this goes for all SARMs) is rare, it is possible.

SARMs attach to the androgen receptors and to the SHBG. By doing this, they kick Testosterone out of those receptors.

This leads to an increase in free Testosterone which then coverts into Estrogen. This can potentially cause an imbalance in Testosterone/Estrogen ratio which can sometimes lead to gyno.

Gyno is only possible in the beginning of the cycle. This is because towards the end of the cycle, the suppression of total Testosterone levels offsets the increase in free Testosterone.

To avoid gyno with YK11, have a PCT ready on hand.

Where to buy YK11

To get the best possible results from your cycle without side effects, you should buy high-quality, pure YK11. A lot of people experience weird side effects because their products are bunk and have other substances mixed into them.

Even though I haven’t done a YK11 cycle before, I have cycled almost all other SARMs and I can confidently recommend these companies. I even talked to people who tested their YK11 and all of them report great results and are very satisfied with what the compound that they bought.


In conclusion, YK11 is one of the most powerful SARMs currently available on the market. The strength and muscle gains from this compound are comparable to the ones you would get from certain anabolic steroids. It’s a lot stronger than some strong SARMs like LGD 4033 or RAD140.

Keep in mind, there aren’t a lot of studies done on YK11 and so far there aren’t any clinical trials either. Still, a lot of people cycle it and report good results. The best thing you can do to get good results and to avoid side effects when cycling YK11 is to make sure that you buy high-quality and to stick to normal dosages as well as a normal cycle length.


How strong is YK11

It’s very, very powerful. One of the most powerful SARMs on the market, the only one that can be compared to it is S23. It’s so strong that it can be compared to steroids in muscle growth as well as strength gains.

YK11 blows other strong SARMs like RAD140 and LGD 4033 out of the water.

However, with few human or animal studies to back these claims, it could be a bit difficult to tell how accurate the claims are. Most of what we know so far about is based on the experiences of those who used it.

Video format

If you are in a rush and you didn’t have the time to read this in-depth article, check out this YK11 video. It’s not as in-depth as this article but it’s still a good source of information.

The post YK11 Review: Benefits, Dosage, Results | December 2023 appeared first on sarmguide.

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