Ostarine - MK2866 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/ostarine/ Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:17:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://sarmguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Sarmsguide-Icon-150x150.png Ostarine - MK2866 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/ostarine/ 32 32 Ostarine Gyno | Everything You Need To Know https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-gyno/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-gyno/#respond Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:17:30 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=8149 Many people will tell you Ostarine gyno is something that almost never happens and that there’s nothing to worry about. However, once it happens, there isn’t much information on how to effectively combat it or how to prevent it in the first place. This article is a comprehensive guide looking into the relationship between Ostarine […]

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Many people will tell you Ostarine gyno is something that almost never happens and that there’s nothing to worry about.

However, once it happens, there isn’t much information on how to effectively combat it or how to prevent it in the first place.

Ostarine Gyno

This article is a comprehensive guide looking into the relationship between Ostarine and gynecomastia.

Does Ostarine Cause Gyno

All SARMs, no matter how mild, cause a disbalance in the natural order of estrogen and testosterone in your body.

Whenever there’s such disarray, in this case increased testosterone levels, the latter will increasingly convert to estrogen.

By default, this can lead to heightened estrogen levels and the one side effect we all fear, gynecomastia. 

This means that even Ostarine, the safest and most tested SARM of all, has the ability to cause gyno.

Another thing to consider is that Ostarine causes testosterone suppression, which translates to less baseline testosterone in the body.

When this happens, the ratio between testosterone and estrogen becomes skewed and the chances of getting gyno increase.

Chances of Gyno From Ostarine

While there is no exact research studying the relationship between Ostarine and gyno, there are plenty of anecdotal reports we can siphon information from.

From my experience, less than 10% of users taking Ostarine get gyno.

This is seemingly a low percentage but when we consider the destructive consequences of gyno, things get more serious.

From body image issues to swelling and discharge, gyno is not really something you want to get.

Precaution To Take Against Ostarine Gyno

One of the biggest precautions against gyno on Ostarine is your dosage used.

SARMs cause testosterone suppression in a dose-dependent manner, which means the more you take, the stronger the suppression.

Refer to my Ostarine dosage guide to learn the safest dosage.

Another thing to look out for is the purity and quality of the Ostarine you’re buying.

Bunk products have a far higher chance of causing gyno and other nasty side effects compared to pure, unadulterated Ostarine.

However, this doesn’t mean that pure Ostarine won’t cause gyno, just that you’re significantly decreasing your chances if you buy from legitimate sources.

Check out my recommended list of SARMs companies for the best SARMs online.

The last thing on our bucket list is to talk a bit about AI’s or aromatase inhibitors.

Many people praise them as a surefire way of avoiding gyno on Ostarine and SARMs in general.

To be quite frank, AIs like Letrozole or Exemestane on an Ostarine cycle would be an extreme measure.

In fact, they might do more harm than good, as they have side effects of their own.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On Ostarine

Once you get gyno from Ostarine, there’s a couple of things you can do.

Completely stopping the cycle is the first thing many people think of when they get gyno.

I’m against such an extreme measure, as it’s very likely that the initial dosage of Ostarine was high.

That has at least been my experience in most cases.

The right thing to do is to halve your dosage and carefully observe the swelling over the next week.

If it withdraws partially or completely, then you will know the reason for the gyno in the first place.

If not, you’ll have to get a blood test done to see where your estrogen levels are standing at.

On top of that, completely stopping your cycle is recommended.

I’ve seen sources online recommending drugs and even surgery but trust me, it’s not going to be necessary.

Let a few weeks pass and it will all go back to normal.


As we’ve seen from this article, Ostarine gyno is no laughing matter and can happen to anyone at any time.

Ensure that your SARMs are pure and that your dosages are intact. 

Until next time, stay safe, do your due diligence and good luck!

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Ostarine Suppression | Intensity, How It Feels And More! https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-suppression/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-suppression/#respond Fri, 22 Jul 2022 16:12:19 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7556 Despite being one of the most researched and mildest SARMs on the planet Ostarine suppression can still happen. Many people find themselves unprepared for the suppression, as they don’t expect it in the first place. Read this article to learn how testosterone suppression on Ostarine feels like, how intensive it is and in the end, […]

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Despite being one of the most researched and mildest SARMs on the planet Ostarine suppression can still happen.

Ostarine Suppression

Many people find themselves unprepared for the suppression, as they don’t expect it in the first place.

Read this article to learn how testosterone suppression on Ostarine feels like, how intensive it is and in the end, I’ll show you the best ways to mitigate it.

Ostarine Suppression Intensity

Ostarine suppression is usually mild to moderate in intensity, with the latter being an exception, rather than a rule.

You will still feel the suppression in your body, even if you’re not the most perceptive person out there.

The fact of the matter is, testosterone suppression is just something you start experiencing, without any forewarning.

How Does Ostarine Suppression Feel Like

On Ostarine, you may start feeling tired, lethargic and even depressed due to its suppressive nature.

Ostarine suppression usually settles mildly and starts growing in intensity as the days go by.

Usually, it starts at around week six of your cycle and proceeds to get worse until the last day of your eight week cycle.

This means that you will have to be prepared for Ostarine suppression while on cycle.

How To Mitigate Ostarine Suppression

If you’re looking for ways to prevent Ostarine suppression, tough luck, it’s not going to happen.

The thing is, it’s impossible to prevent testosterone suppression while on SARMs or any other androgens.

That’s why we have to find ways to mitigate Ostarine suppression.

The first thing I suggest to anyone willing to listen is to get blood work done before and after your cycle.

Blood work on Ostarine? 

Sounds like a joke but I’m actually being serious; doing blood work shows you exactly which hormones were most affected by Ostarine.

I will now show you the two main ways people mitigate Ostarine suppression!

1. SERMs

I personally think that using SERMs for Ostarine is a bit of an overkill; as previously stated, Ostarine suppression is usually mild in nature.

The biggest issue I have with SERMs like Nolvadex or Clomid is the fact they can have some pretty nasty side effects.

Examples being insomnia, weight gain, joint and muscle pain, etc.

That’s why I much prefer the second option, natural PCT.

2. Natural PCT

The thing about most natural PCT products is that they suck and don’t do the job as intended.

That’s why you’ll see bodybuilders scoff at natural PCT, as it simply doesn’t deliver on its promise.

However, once you find the right product, your entire outlook will change; read my natural PCT for SARMs article to learn more!

There’s also a third road many people take and that is to skip PCT entirely.

It might sound stupid and it basically is stupid but because Ostarine is mild, some users get away with it.

This is the reason why the myth of not needing PCT after Ostarine keeps propagating itself.

My suggestion is to at least use natural PCT if nothing, because untreated testosterone suppression is no fun at all.


Now that we’ve learned everything needed to know about Ostarine suppression, we can go ahead and imbue this SARM without fear or worry.

It’s important you integrate PCT for Ostarine suppression; I know it sounds unnecessary but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

SARMs testosterone suppresion is no joke and that’s why you should always have PCT nearby, even if you’re just starting your cycle.

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Ostarine Stack, Cutting, Bulking & Strength MK 2866 Stacks https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-stack/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-stack/#respond Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:38:49 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7327 In this post, we’ll go over Ostarine (MK 2866) stacks. We’ll go over practical examples of Ostarine stacks for 4 different goals: Cutting Bulking Body Recomposition Strength What To Avoid Before constructing a stack we need to go over a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, we should never plan a SARMs stack that […]

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In this post, we’ll go over Ostarine (MK 2866) stacks. We’ll go over practical examples of Ostarine stacks for 4 different goals:

  • Cutting
  • Bulking
  • Body Recomposition
  • Strength
Ostarine Stack

What To Avoid

Before constructing a stack we need to go over a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, we should never plan a SARMs stack that exceeds 8 weeks. Going over 8 weeks will exponentially increase Testosterone Suppression with any SARM, let alone a SARMs stack.

Secondly, we shouldn’t stack Ostarine with some of the most suppressive SARMs like YK11 or S23.

Stacking Ostarine with SARMs like that will just be a complete waste of MK 2866 since it won’t even get to do anything. YK11, for example, is so much stronger than Ostarine that taking both compounds together will be practically the same as taking only YK11 except that you risk more side effects.

The last thing that you need to keep in mind are PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) products. It’s always a good idea to have those on hand. Check out my protocol and the products that I always keep on hand here.

Ostarine Stack For Cutting

The best Ostarine stack for cutting is Ostarine + Cardarine.

Ostarine will ensure that you hold on to all of your muscle mass during a deficit and even build some muscle of the calorie cut isn’t too drastic. Cardarine will help you with your endurance and make cardio a lot easier. This will help you out a lot with burning more calories which ultimately means more fat loss.

A great cycle using this stack would be 8 weeks of 10mg Ostarine and 10mg Cardarine. This is one of the best cycles for somebody that’s new to SARMs and has a goal of losing fat.

Cardarine isn’t a SARM and won’t cause any suppression of your natural Testosterone. That combined with Ostarine being the mildest SARM and causing the least suppression means that you’re likely to not even need to do a PCT protocol. 

However, I always recommend to get your bloodwork done before, during and after the cycle to keep track of your hormones and to know for sure if you need to do a PCT or not.

Ostarine Stack For Bulking

MK 677 stacked with Ostarine is one of the best beginner cycles for bulking and gaining lean muscle.

Ostarine will enhance your muscle-building potential and thus help you gain more muscle in a shorter period of time. MK 677 will help with your appetite to make sure you’re not in a calorie deficit and increase your natural growth hormone production which will help with muscle building, fat loss and increase your hair, skin and sleep quality.

An example cycle would look like this:

Week 1-8: Ostarine at 15mg per day.

Week 1-16 MK 677 at 15 mg per day.

We take MK 677 for 12-16 weeks because it’s a compound that needs to be taken for a longer period of time to get the full benefits out of it.

MK 677 isn’t a SARM (It’s a growth hormone secretagogue) and won’t suppress your production of natural Testosterone

On top of that, since we’re taking MK 677 for 4 to 8 additional weeks after we’re done with Ostarine, it will act as some sort of a PCT and help us recover the suppression from Ostarine without the use of other drugs. Read more about this in our MK 677 PCT guide.

Ostarine Stack For Body Recomposition

Most people that are planning on doing SARMs want to do a body recomposition (losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time).

A great Ostarine body recomposition stack is Ostarine coupled with RAD 140.

A good example cycle would look like this:

Week 1-8 Ostarine at 10 mg per day & RAD 140 at 10 mg per day

RAD 140 will be able to give us the muscle building potential that’s needed for a body recomposition.

Ostarine stacked on top of that will enhance our recovery times and help us be in the gym 5 times a week which will be needed for a successful body recomposition.

It’s important to know that for a successful body recomposition you need to stay at calorie maintenence. This way you’ll be able to stay at the same weight throughout the whole cycle as all the muscle mass gained will be roughly the same as the fat lost.

RAD 140 is one of the more suppressive SARMs and that is why it’s important to keep track of your hormones and have PCT products on hand. 

Ostarine Stack For Strength

If you’re only looking to gain strength, Ostarine stacked with LGD 4033 is probably the best Ostarine stack for you.

A good example cycle for this stack would look like this:

Week 1-8 Ostarine at 10 mg per day & LGD 4033 at 5 mg per day

Ostarine will help with the recovery times allowing us to be in the gym 5 times a week.

LGD 4033 coupled with Ostarine will really help with strength progress allowing us to break PRs week after week.

In order to keep the strength gained during the cycle, intense training is required after the cycle is over.

Ligandrol is a lot more suppressive than Ostarine so I suggest you read our LGD 4033 PCT guide before you start with this stack.


As we’ve seen in this article, we can stack Ostarine with different compounds in order to achieve differen goals.

You should choose your Ostarine stack depending on the results that you want to get.

If you have any questions, don’t hessitate to email me, I always respond in a matter of 48 hours.

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Ostarine Vs RAD 140 | Which One is The Better Choice? https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-vs-rad-140/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-vs-rad-140/#respond Sun, 26 Jun 2022 13:49:40 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7325 In this article, I’ll be comparing Ostarine (MK-2866) and RAD 140 (Testolone). By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly how these two SARMs compare against each other when it comes to strength, muscle gains, fat loss as well as their risk profiles. Let’s jump right in by first going over what Ostarine and […]

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In this article, I’ll be comparing Ostarine (MK-2866) and RAD 140 (Testolone).

By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly how these two SARMs compare against each other when it comes to strength, muscle gains, fat loss as well as their risk profiles.

Ostarine Vs RAD 140

Let’s jump right in by first going over what Ostarine and RAD 140 actually are.

Ostarine - Short Overview

Ostarine, also known as MK 2866, is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that’s most known for being the mildest but also the most researched SARM.

It has the most scientific data backing it than any other SARM on the market. It’s currently being researched to treat muscle wasting disorders and is currently in phase 2 clinical trials.

Ostarine has a very bright future in the medical space as it’s well on its way to getting FDA approval in the next 1-5 years.

It works by selectively targetting the androgen receptors. This means that it has a lot less side effects than, for example, steroids which aren’t selective and can cause side effects such as increased prostate size or overwhelming hair loss. However, it has many of the benefits of steroids such as increased muscle mass, strength, vascularity, etc.

For more information about MK 2866, check out my full Ostarine review.

RAD 140 - Short Overview

RAD 140, also known as Testolone is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator).

It has the same mechanism of action as other SARMs, by selectively targetting androgen receptors in the body.

RAD 140 is one of the stronger SARMs on the market. It’s able to produce significant results in terms of muscle, fat loss and especially strength. It’s not uncommon for somebody on RAD 140 to break through their PRs (Personal Records) on their compound lifts every week.

Testolone is also infamous for being one of the best SARMs for “looks”. It has a very distinct “dry look” and doesn’t cause any water retention (like for example LGD 4033 does). On top of that, you’ll experience insane pumps in the gym when on RAD 140. All of this combined means that you’ll end up looking a lot leaner and bigger during the RAD 140 cycle in the gym mirror. 

For more information about Testolone, check out my full RAD 140 review.

Ostarine Vs Rad 140 - Half Life

Half-life is a very important concept when it comes to SARMs. It represents the time it takes for the compound’s levels to halve in your body. This is what we keep in mind when we designate dosages in SARMs protocols.

Ostarine has a half life of 24 hours. This is a very accepted fact at this point as there have been many human studies conducted that tracked the half life of MK 2866.

RAD 140, on the other hand, has a half life of 60 hours according to a recent human study done in 2020. Now this may seem shocking but it actually doesn’t really mean much. RAD 140 (for bodybuilding purposes) should still be dosed every 24 hours at a dosage of around 10mg per day. This is what works best for most people and doesn’t supress the natural Testosterone production as hard (read our RAD 140 PCT post for more information).

For context, the study that showed a 60 hour half life used dosages of around 100mgs-150mgs, almost 15x the recommeded dosage we usually use. It’s very possible that the high half-life they discovered was a result of the eormous dosages that they administered. At dosages of 10-15mgs or lower, dosing RAD 140 is best done once every 24 hours.

In conclusion, Ostarine has a half life of 24 hours and RAD 140 has a half life of 60 hours. However, they should both be dosed every 24 hours (at appropriate dosages).

Ostarine Vs Rad 140 - Benefits

Let’s compare the benefits that you can expect from Ostarine as compared to RAD 140. We’ll go over muscle building potentil, strength gains, fat loss and more. Now obviously RAD 140 will have more impressive benefits since it’s the stronger SARM.

This does not mean that RAD 140 is the better choice, you should read through this article and go over the side effects as well. That way you can compare the benefits with the side effects so you can decide for yourself which one is better for your specific goals.

If you’re interested in real examples of Ostarine or RAD 140 results, check out my Ostarine before and after results or RAD 140 before and after results compilation. There you’ll find real images of people that have sent me their transformations and regimens with these two compounds.

Muscle Mass

RAD 140 is a clear winner when it comes to muscle building potential.

You are likely to be able gain almost twice as much muscle mass on RAD 140 as you are on Ostarine.

Usually people are able to gain about 3-6 lbs of muscle with Ostarine and anywhere frm 4-8 with RAD 140.

It’s important to note that these supplements aren’t magic pills and that training and excercise will be two major factors. However, they do make it a lot faster and easier.


RAD 140 is one of the best SARMs for strength gains. Only a few of the strongest SARMs such as YK11 or S23 can compare.

Ostarine will definitely improve your strength considerably but it doesn’t come close to Testolone.

With RAD 140 you’re able to break through PRs almost every week.

Have you ever seen some of those fitness influencers lifting crazy numbers? A lot of those were likely on a RAD 140 cycle during that.

Strength does go down a bit after a RAD 140 or Ostarine cycle but with proper training an nutrition after the cycle you’ll be able to keep a majority of your strength gains, ending up stronger than you were before cycle.

Fat Loss

RAD 140 and Ostarine aren’t frequently used exclusively for fat loss. Usually, they are used for building muscle or body recomposition (losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time).

They are roughly equally as effective in terms of losing fat with the goal of body recomposition (or just fat loss). RAD 140 might make you build some more muscle on top of that but when it comes to measuring the fat lost, they can be both equally as good.

This does not mean that you can just eat whatever you want during a cycle and expect to lose fat. 

You have to stay in a caloric deficit to lose fat, caloric maintenance to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, or a slight caloric surplus (+100 or +200 kcal) to gain muscle and lose a small amount of fat at the same time.

Ostarine Vs Rad 140 - Side Effects

RAD 140 is a clear winner over Ostarine when it comes to just the benefits. However, we need to take a look at the side effects as well.

If we were to just care about the benefits, steroids would be the best thing in the world but we know that’s not the case.

Let’s dive in and compare the side effect profiles of MK 2866 and Testolone.

Testosterone Suppression

Both Ostarine and RAD 140 will suppress your prodution of natural Testosterone. However, Ostarine will no supress it nearly as much as RAD 140.

In fact, in the vast majority of cases, people are able to avoid doing a PCT (post cycle therapy) after their Ostarine cycle. For more information about this, read our Ostarine PCT guide.

RAD 140, on the other hand, can cause major suppression, especially when used in higher dosages. If this happens, you’ll likely need to do a proper PCT protocol for 4 weeks after the cycle. 

I recommend sticking to lower dosages with RAD 140, this way you can avoid doing a PCT and you’re body is able to recover naturally after the cycle. For more information about this read our RAD 140 PCT guide where I go over examples of RAD 140 cycles that need or don’t need a PCT.


Ostarine doesn’t cause aggression but RAD 140 does for some people. It’s a side effect that isn’t extremely common.

Some people report that they are easily thrown off during their RAD 140 cycle.

This has never happened to me before but it happens to some people and it’s worth keeping that in mind.

Liver Toxicity

All SARMs are hepatoxic (bad for the liver) to a certain extent. Some SARMs (like YK11) are more hepatoxic than others.

Dosages are also very important, a low dosage of Ostarine is a lot less hepatoxic than an extremely high dosage of the same compound.

RAD 140 is slightly more hepatoxic than Ostarine but they are both safe in normal dosages for the period of the cycle to the point where you don’t need to worry about this unless you have some innate liver problems (talk to your doctor).

Read more about this and how other compounds compare when it comes to hepatoxicity in our SARMs liver toxicity article.

Joint Pain

Same as with aggression, joint pain is a niche side effect that not a lot of people get.

I experience joint pain on SARMs when I reach higher dosages. In order to combat this, I always keep joint support on hand and make sure to stick with low-medium dosages.

Even though Ostarine is the milder SARM, I experience more joint pain on high dosages of Ostarine than high dosages of RAD 140.

Hair Loss

A lot of people, including me, want to keep their hair and hair loss on SARMs is an important factor to keep in mind.

Ostarine causes almost no hair loss in most people. Even if you shed some hair, you’ll likely gain it back after the cycle.

RAD 140 on the other hand, is a lot harsher on your hair. A lot of people report intense shedding on their RAD 140 cycle.

Personally, I take Finasteride and that has solved my hair loss problems/concerns. If you’re not on Finasteride or Dutasteride, a good idea is to administer RU 58841 during your cycle to mitigate the hair loss.

Read more about this topic in our SARMs hair loss guide.

Ostarine Vs Rad 140 - Pricing

There isn’t a major difference between Ostarine and RAD 140 when it comes to pricing. 

Testolone is sometimes slightly (10-20%) more expensive than MK 2866 but that’s really a matter of 5-15$ which shouldn’t be a determining factor for you when it comes to research chemicals (which is what SARMs are at the end of the day).

If you’re high-quality sources (with discount codes to save as much money as possible), check out my company recommendation list. These are sources that I personally use and have verified. A lot of companies out there sell underdosed or even bunk products that can even be dangerous, just to make a bigger profit. I make sure to test and verify all my recommended sources multiple times per year to always include all the high-quality sources on the market.


In conclusion, RAD 140 and Ostarine are quite similar but RAD 140 is definitely a lot stronger and thus has more side effects.

Ostarine is a clear winner for a beginner but if you have some SARMs experience under your belt, RAD 140 might be the better choice for you.

I recommend to read everything about these two on sarmguide.com (the only non-biased SARMs information website) and make a decision based on that.

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14 Incredible SARMs Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:35:53 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5874 Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle. Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the […]

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Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle.

Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the person has gone through.

We’ll also:

  • Summarize SARMs
  • Reveal SARMs before and after pics
  • Talk about my personal SARMs results
  • Show tips to get the best SARMs results

We’re in for a lot of fun and I hope that you join us for the ride!

SARMs Summary

When someone mentions the acronym SARM, they are talking about Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, a new class of drugs discovered in the 1990s. 

As their name implies, SARMs are androgen receptor ligands, which means that when introduced into the body, they stimulate the release of androgen receptors.

Steroids do the same thing, but SARMs, who selectively target androgen receptors, don’t affect any other internal organs in the body, making them safer and more effective.

The release of androgen receptors leads to a myriad of benefits to be experienced, such as:

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increased Libido
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Fat Loss
  • Increased Healing Properties
  • Increased Vascularity
  • Increased Bone Strength

SARMs have undergone a lot of testing in the last twenty years and the outcomes of numerous studies have shown promising results with little to no side effects.

The most popular SARM is Ostarine.

If you’re interested in learning more about SARMs, all the types of SARMs that exist and a whole lot more, check out my in-depth SARMs 101 guide!

SARMs Results With Before And After Pics

Now that we’ve learned a thing or two about SARMs, it’s time to get to the main part of this article, the results themselves.

This section will also present compounds commonly stacked with SARMs, such as Cardarine, Ibutamoren and Stenabolic.

All bodybuilders featured in this section have personally contacted me and requested to be included in this article. I’m incredibly thankful to them, as without their contribution, this article wouldn’t be half of what it is today!

Keep in mind that these people put in a lot of work and the results speak for themselves. Changing the body composition this much is nowadays harder than changing your face or overall look. People can achieve that at some Korean plastic surgery clinics. Body transformations like these, however, require a lot of work and dedication.

One more thing to note is that you have to follow a strict diet and exercise protocol if you want to achieve the same results as the people below.

If you expect SARMs to do all the hard work instead, you’ll be terribly disappointed and your SARMs before and after results will be pitiable.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is the mildest and most studied SARM among the lot and it’s the SARM with the least side effects. Perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of SARMs.

Learn more about this SARM by reading my Ostarine review.

Ostarine Results #1

It’s pretty clear from the picture that this bodybuilder was cutting. If we take a look at his muscles, we see that he managed to preserve all of them.

Moreover, he looks even more muscular as a result of his weight and fat loss.

If I had to be the judge of it, this person lost around six to seven pounds of weight and around 3-4% of his total body fat.

The area with the noticeable improvement is definitely his stomach, as he now has a proper six-pack.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


A standard Ostarine cycle. No PCT is needed as the body will naturally recover on its own at a 15mg per day dosage.

Read my Ostarine PCT article for more information.

Ostarine Results #2 (+ Cardarine)

Really impressive results by this person. 

The addition of Cardarine definitely helped out, but it’s fairly obvious that hard work was put in here.

We can see a loss of around 7 to 8 pounds of weight and 4 to 5% of his total body fat. 

Vascularity also increased by a bit, stomach area and shoulders are more defined, muscle mass was preserved.

Overall, a successful cycle!

His cycle:






20mgs per day

15mgs per day


PCT is not needed as Cardarine is not suppressive of the natural hormones in our body. 

Want to see seven more people who turned their lives around thanks to Ostarine? 

Read my Ostarine before and after results article!

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Ligandrol is a full agonist of the androgen receptor and one of the most potent and suppressive SARMs in existence. Despite that, studies have shown its safety profile to be exemplary with participants tolerating the compound very well.

Check out my Ligandrol review for more information!

Ligandrol Results #1

Here we see someone that had an impressive physique even at the start of his cycle. Ligandrol made him into a behemoth and I’m not even exaggerating. 

Just look at the blatant increase in muscle mass on his biceps, arms and shoulders. 

His stomach area is also looking a bit better. 

If I had to guess, I would say that this person gained around 8 pounds of muscle mass in just eight weeks.

His cycle:



PCT (Nolvadex)


10mgs per day




20mgs per day

A bit of PCT was necessary as he experienced Testosterone suppression near the end of his cycle. 

Read my LGD-4033 PCT article for more information.

Intrigued by this SARM? Check out my Ligandrol before and after results article for even more samples!

RAD 140 (Testolone)

Testolone is a SARM known for enabling you to put on some nice dry gains. It is less suppressive on a mg to mg basis when compared to Ligandrol but is still very potent. 

Learn more about this SARM by reading my RAD 140 review.

RAD 140 Results #1 (+ Cardarine)

Here we see a unique cycle where the person in question decided to cut with RAD 140 and Cardarine. A bit unorthodox, but I respect it.

He was eating between 300 to 500 calories below maintenance.

From the after picture, we can assume that this bodybuilder lost around four to five pounds of weight and gained around five pounds of muscle.

The muscle increase is mostly seen in the arms and shoulders.

Vascularity is also present but is nothing to brag about.

Still a lot of work to be done, but very good results for one cycle!

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

15mgs per day


This person was very fortunate to not get suppressed by the RAD 140, so he didn’t do PCT.

Usually, on a 10mgs per day dosage, I do recommend PCT.

You can read more about it in my RAD 140 PCT guide.

RAD 140 Results #2

At first glance, this person doesn’t look like he changed much from his eight-week cycle.

Upon further inspection, you can see that his chest and six-pack look more developed.

Even his biceps are more defined and if you look really closely, he gained some nice vascularity on his arms.

Overall, a decent cycle by a person who already had an impressive physique to begin with.

His cycle:


RAD 140



5mgs per day


At 5mgs per day, they didn’t feel the suppression experienced was worth going through PCT.

After only a month, this person recovered without problems and went on to keep all of their gains.

I got a whole lot more RAD 140 results in my RAD 140 before and after results article, so be sure to take a look!

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is a SARM that is very similar to Ostarine but has sadly been abandoned since it causes vision impairment in people who imbue it.

However, Andarine is a better cutting agent when compared to Ostarine and some bodybuilders still use it, experiencing impressive results while on cycle.

Read more about the benefits and side effects of this SARM in my Andarine review.

Andarine Results #1

Copyright @Ryan Casey

A very impressive transformation by a popular bodybuilding YouTuber. 

He successfully used S4 to turn himself into a shredded monster!

Not all of this can be attributed to S4 alone, he also had a strict diet and exercise routine.

Despite that, it was the S4 that helped him shed at least 6% of his total body fat and around 10 to 15 pounds of weight. Note that this is all in just one cycle, so this is very impressive.

Biggest gains are definitely seen on the shoulders, also pay attention to his accentuated six-pack, just awesome.

His cycle:





50mgs per day


His Andarine dosage was split into two equal parts, as Andarine has a half-life of only eight hours. 

PCT was not needed as Andarine isn’t that suppressive, especially not at the dosage this bodybuilder took. 

Last thing to note is that Ryan did experience some vision impairment during his cycle, but it all went away once he stopped imbuing Andarine.

Here are some more Andarine before and after results with pictures!


YK11 is both a SARM and a steroid. Known for its potent effects and heavy Testosterone suppression, it is usually reserved for people with a lot of experience.

Interested in reading about the massive impact YK11 can have on your physique? Check out my YK11 review!

YK11 Results #1

Here we see two interesting pictures shot from the back. 

This person gained at least ten pounds of muscle during his cycle, which is very impressive.

Look at how much livelier his back is in comparison to the before picture.

There is also a noticeable decrease in the amount of body fat, I would say around 5 to 6%, which is awesome.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

A strong PCT was absolutely necessary for this type of cycle. 

This person recovered without problems and kept all of his gains, so it was a happy ending.

YK11 Results #2

This person only did a six-week cycle with YK11, probably to avoid doing PCT, which is understandable. 

We see some nice improvements in the arms, especially the biceps are more defined.

Six-pack also looks sturdier.

His shoulders experienced the biggest increase and really showcase just how potent YK11 is.

This bodybuilder gained at least six pounds of muscle. 

He also told me that he was able to best all of his personal records on the big three!

His cycle:





5mgs per day


A very rare example where the person in question didn’t have to do PCT. I usually recommend PCT while on YK11, but this is an exception.

See more pictures and learn some cool tips and tricks by reading my YK11 before and after results article!


S23 is by far the strongest SARM available and is comparable to real steroids when it comes to potency.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t been tested on human subjects as of now, but future studies could reveal its potential in serving as a contraceptive.

Learn all about its potent benefits in my S23 review.

S23 Results #1

This person was probably a bit shy, opting not to take his shirt off.

Not a big issue, as we can still surmise some facts based on what we have in front of us.

First of all, the increase in arm size and the general look of his biceps just shows how potent of a hardener S23 is.

Although it’s a bit hard to see, his shoulders also experienced a marked increase in size.

If I had to give an estimate, he probably gained around 8 to 9 pounds of muscle and broke all of his personal records.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

He split his dosage into two equal parts, which was the smart thing to do.

PCT is absolutely necessary after SARMs like S23. You don’t want to skip it, as that could result in disastrous side effects.

View more results and learn tips and tricks to make your cycle even better by reading my S23 before and after results article.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

MK-677 or Ibutamoren is a compound that forces the pituitary gland to secrete more GH (growth hormone) into the body.

Not only that, but it also increases IGF-1 levels, which have been known to increase muscle mass.

Learn all there is to know about this versatile compound in my MK-677 review.

MK-677 Results #1

This person had a lean body before starting his MK-677 cycle. After just ten weeks, we can see that he got a lot bulkier and stronger.

Biceps definitely grew by quite a bit; his shoulders look two times bigger and his entire chest area looks more defined.

He gained around ten pounds of weight, most of it in the right places.

Overall, a really good cycle, commendable results.

His cycle:





25mgs per day


MK-677 doesn’t require a PCT.

Moreover, it is actually utilized as one and serves as a safer alternative to Nolvadex or Clomid.

MK-677 Results #2 (+ RAD 140)

A stack of RAD 140 and MK-677 is popular for a reason and I think that the after picture tells the entire story.

This person gained around 11 to 12 pounds of muscle mass, it’s almost unbelievable. 

Not only that, but upon talking to him, he told me that the strength gains were insane. He bested all of his personal records and set new heights for himself, goals he never even dreamed of.

Six pack is looking awesome in the after picture, shoulders, arms and neck have all undergone a drastic transformation.

All in all, marvelous results.

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


Here we see a good example of using MK-677 as a PCT. 

Learn more about this compound and glean on even more transformations by reading my MK-677 before and after results article.

Cardarine (GW-501506)

Cardarine is a PPAR delta agonist, which tells us that it functions as a compound that stimulates the release of the PPAR delta nuclear receptor.

In return, this leads to benefits such as increased endurance, better lipid profile, fat loss…

If you want to learn all the benefits of this compound, be sure to read my Cardarine review.

Cardarine Results #1

Here we see some nice fat and weight loss. Not much muscle was gained, but still, it’s an impressive cycle by this young person.

He lost around 10 pounds of weight and 5 to 6% of his total body fat. 

This wasn’t just the doing of Cardarine alone, a proper diet and exercise routine were quintessential to his success – that’s something to keep in mind.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


Cardarine is not a SARM and is therefore not suppressive of our endocrine system. This means that PCT is not needed after a Cardarine cycle.

Cardarine Results #2 (+ Ostarine)

Finally, a woman that has joined our ranks!

She is a very experienced bodybuilder who did numerous cycles with both Ostarine and Cardarine. However, this time, she decided to stack the two compounds and the results are amazing.

She gained a six pack, lost a formidable amount of weight and best of all, she looks fit as hell.

She told me that she lost nine pounds of weight and 5% of her total body fat.

Her cycle:






7,5mgs per day

10mgs per day


She didn’t feel suppressed at the end of her cycle, meaning that PCT was unnecessary.

Want to see more awesome results? Read my Cardarine before and after results article!

Stenabolic (SR9009)

Bodybuilders call it ‘exercise in a bottle’ for a reason, as it massively improves endurance and leads to great benefits to be experienced.

Sadly, Stenabolic suffers from poor bioavailability, but there is one way around it.

I reveal it all in my Stenabolic review.

Stenabolic Results #1

Here we see someone that took Stenabolic on its own. There is a small issue, that being the fact that Stenabolic doesn’t build muscle.

Everything this bodybuilder achieved in the muscle department was thanks to hard work alone.

However, Stenabolic helped him lose ten pounds of weight and over 5% of his total body fat.

Due to his impressive weight and fat loss, this bodybuilder managed to get himself a six pack!

His cycle:





30mgs per day


Stenabolic doesn’t suppress our Testosterone levels since it’s not androgenic. Therefore, PCT is not needed.

I reveal a potent stack with this compound and much more in the Stenabolic results section of another article of mine.

My SARMs results

I’ve been in bodybuilding since the age of 15 and I’ve used SARMs on and off for the last six years of my life.

I’ve tried every SARM on the market, from Ostarine to S23.

Here are my SARMs results:


I remember losing 5% of my total body fat and around six pounds of weight. 

Best of all, I kept all of my previous gains and looked amazing in the mirror!


Ligandrol got me a bit suppressed towards the end of my cycle, even at 2,5mgs per day. 

That was no fun, but I still managed to gain eight pounds of muscle mass and enough strength to surpass my previous limitations.

RAD 140

RAD 140 remains one of my favorite SARMs simply for the fact that I broke the 1000-pound club with the help of the strength it bestowed me with.

I put on around eight pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of my total body fat. Not too shabby.


I’m going to be honest with you guys, I didn’t really like Andarine. 

The vision impairment was serious enough that I was a danger to myself and others while driving my car and the gains weren’t worth it.

I did manage to lose 6% of my total body fat and 8 pounds of weight.


I was a beast on YK11, the experience was otherworldly!

I gained a hefty 15 pounds in just one eight-week cycle. The side effects did bother me a bit, but I managed to power through.


S23 had me feeling like I was on real gear. I even had a bit of ‘roid rage’ at the end of my cycle.

Despite that, I gained around 17 pounds of muscle in just one cycle. 

I trained like a monster, almost every day.

As you can see, SARMs bestow the user with awesome benefits while harboring minimal side effects. 

I hope that I’ve managed to convince you to at least give SARMs a shot.

Before jumping on your first cycle, be sure to read the next section carefully.

Tips to get the best SARMs results

With six years of experience under my belt, it’s safe to say that I know what I’m talking about.

Here is six years of self-experimentation summarized in a few words:

  • Stick to eight-week cycles 
  • Stick to recommended dosages
  • Keep your diet clean
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Take note of the half-life of SARMs
  • Be aware of the side effects
  • Do a blood test before, during and after your cycle
  • Buy your SARMs from vetted and trusted vendors.

All these points are equally important, but the last one takes home the bacon. You can do everything right, but if your SARMs are not pure or in the worst-case scenario, not SARMs at all, you’re screwed.

Please, for your own sake, only buy SARMs from the vendors I’ve personally tried and tested.


We’ve seen so many great SARMs before and after results in this article. 

You too can achieve such results provided you follow the guidelines and keep your diet and exercise routines in check.

Most SARMs are supported by actual science and their safety and effectiveness has been evaluated in numerous studies.

To conclude; there is nothing to fear, you’ve seen the results, now it’s time to tread your own path!

Stay safe and good luck.

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9 Amazing Ostarine Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-before-and-after-results/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:09:25 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=3935 You’re probably curious as to what an Ostarine transformation looks like, especially if it’s your first time hearing about this SARM. This article will show you seven Ostarine before and after results with pics, more than enough to get a solid grasp of what will likely happen to your body in a typical cycle. The […]

The post 9 Amazing Ostarine Before And After Results With Pics appeared first on sarmguide.


You’re probably curious as to what an Ostarine transformation looks like, especially if it’s your first time hearing about this SARM.

This article will show you seven Ostarine before and after results with pics, more than enough to get a solid grasp of what will likely happen to your body in a typical cycle.

The Ostarine before and after pics you’ll see all come from real people and are an accurate representation of the power of this SARM.

Ostarine summary

Ostarine, also known as MK 2866, is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator).

Ostarine, like other SARMs, is specifically designed to have a similar effect just like androgenic drugs.

The difference is, Ostarine selectively targets the androgen receptors in our bodies. As a result, it has very few side effects.

The benefits of Ostarine are:

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Fat Loss
  • Increased Strength

When it comes to side effects, the only side effect of MK 2866 is suppression. In other words, during an Ostarine cycle, the production of our natural Testosterone will drop. Our bodies will almost always naturally recover within a few weeks after a cycle. In rare cases when that doesn’t happen, a PCT is necessary.

Thankfully, Ostarine is the least suppressive out of all SARMs. This means that it doesn’t require a PCT because our bodies will naturally recover by themselves in a few weeks after a cycle.

You can read my in-depth Ostarine review for more information about this compound.

Ostarine Results With Before And After Pics

Now, we will go over the results that people have achieved using Ostarine. People featured in this article have sent us their results through social media. If you have had good Ostarine results, you can send them to us via email and we will include you in this article. When submitting, you have the extra option of blurring your face or omitting it completely, if you want to stay anonymous.

We will cover 7 real Ostarine before and after results (with photos). Keep in mind that these results are a reflection of a proper diet and training. In other words, you can expect to get similar results as long as you train hard and stick to a clean diet.

Ostarine results #1 (+Cardarine)

Cardarine before and after

This is a proper transformation!

This bodybuilder gained a six pack in just eight weeks and it was all thanks to Ostarine/Cardarine and keeping a clean diet.

Arms, shoulders and biceps also experienced a small increase.

Vascularity is definitely more pronounced.

Overall, great results, especially considering the short time frame.

His cycle:






10mgs per day

15mgs per day


At just 10mgs of Ostarine per day, you really don’t need PCT, as it will not suppress you enough to cause significant side effects.

Ostarine results #2

This perfectly showcases the weight and fat loss properties of Ostarine.

This person went from being skinny fat to ripped in just one cycle.

Look at how pronounced his six pack is!

His arms look properly defined now, veiny, manly, just the thing you want.

Shoulders didn’t experience that much of an increase, but Ostarine isn’t really the SARM for that task.

His cycle:





20mgs per day


While 20mgs per day is a moderate dosage, you still won’t need PCT for it.

Your body will naturally recover within a month.

Refer to my Ostarine PCT guide for more information.

Ostarine results #3 (+Cardarine)

Cardarine before and after result

As this guy found out, when you mix Cardarine and Ostarine, things just go right!

I would even go as far as to call this person fat in the before picture. After eight weeks of proper dieting and training, he managed to obtain an enviable six pack.

Other parts of his body didn’t experience that much of an increase, but still, this is an awesome transformation and it really shows the synergy between Ostarine and Cardarine.

His cycle:






15mg a day

20mg a day


Since Cardarine is not androgenic, it doesn’t cause Testosterone suppression.

This means that PCT is not necessary for the cycle above.

Ostarine results #4 (+Cardarine)

Cardarine before and after

This person lost at least 20 pounds of weight and around 8% of his body fat, if not more, in just eight weeks.

They went from zero to hero, quite literally.

What has to be mentioned is that many before pictures are oftentimes overblown, people have been known to drink a lot of water before taking a picture, just to create the illusion of better results.

While I’m not saying that this is the case in this example, it is something to be aware of.

His cycle:






20mg a day

15mg a day


Comparable to the last cycle we’ve seen, nothing to add here, PCT is not necessary.

Ostarine results #5 (+Cardarine)

Ostarine before and after

It’s quite obvious from all the samples that the most popular compound to stack with Ostarine is none other than Cardarine.

It’s pretty clear that this person lost around 7 to 8 of weight and around 3 to 4% of his total body fat.

Arms and biceps stayed pretty much the same, but that is to be expected.

His cycle:






20mgs a day (in two dosages)

30mgs a day


Here we see someone that has imbued over 25mgs of Ostarine per day for twelve weeks!

The average person should’ve done PCT at such a dosage and cycle length, but I’ve actually had a conversation with this bodybuilder, and he told me that he didn’t feel the suppression one bit.

He is one of the lucky ones, but be aware that at 30mgs per day, you’re very likely to get suppressed, even on Ostarine. 

One more thing to mention is the fact that the Cardarine dosage was halved, leading to a bigger concentration of the compound in the blood throughout the day, which paved the way for even better results.

Read my article on the best time to take Cardarine for more information.

Ostarine results #6

This is an awesome transformation, this guy made a lot of gains; even his face changed for the better.

This is what happens when you lose some fat and weight, your entire body starts looking swole!

If I had to be the judge of it, he lost around 4 to 5% of his total body fat and ten pounds of weight.

Marvelous results, especially considering the newfound vascularity on his arms.

His cycle:





20mg a day


As you can see, Ostarine doesn’t really need another compound to shine. 

At 20mgs per day, provided you keep your diet and exercise routines in check, you will be well on your way to looking just like the guy in the right picture.

Ostarine results #7

Ostarine results

My mouth went agape the first time I saw this picture. This is a complete body recomp, it’s actually kind of unbelievable that so much is achievable in just eight weeks.

This swole guy lost at least 15 pounds of weight and 7 to 8% of his total body fat.

I’m not going to be secretive about it; his genetics must’ve been insane for such a transformation.

Even with the addition of Ostarine, proper dieting and exercise routines, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to replicate these results.

Still, it’s good to see what the genetically gifted among us can do with a little push from Ostarine.

His cycle:





20mg a day


A standard dosage and cycle length were used, nothing much to comment on.

My Ostarine results

I think that the time has come to share my Ostarine results. 

If you’re still on the fence about taking Ostarine, know that it is the most researched SARM to date and that thousands upon thousands of people have imbued it without experiencing any problems.

With that being said, be sure to check out my eight-week Ostarine log where I go into much more detail about my Ostarine results.

My cycle:





10mgs per day


Fat Loss

Fat loss was consistent throughout the cycle, with about 0,5 – 1% fat lost per week.

I ended up shedding 5% of my total body fat in just eight weeks.

The best thing about this was the fact that I had lost fat around my stomach area, which for me was the one part of my body where I just couldn’t lose any fat.

Proper dieting definitely helped, but it was Ostarine that gave me the extra push that I needed.

Weight Loss

I lost around six pounds of weight, which wasn’t all that much, but I was happy nonetheless since I had lost so much fat.

My caloric deficit was 500 calories. At that range, one doesn’t experience that many hunger pangs and I would fall asleep without any problems.

Lean Muscle Mass

Although Ostarine is mostly used to preserve muscle, I was actually able to gain two to three pounds of lean muscle mass without straining myself too much during exercise.

Preserves Muscle

Even though I was eating 500 calories below maintenance, in the eight weeks that passed, not only did I not lose any muscle, but I’ve actually gained a few pounds of lean muscle mass!

I only took 10mgs per day this time as that is the safest Ostarine dosage around, and I didn’t feel like having to deal with PCT or side effects.

Speaking of side effects, the only negative thing about Ostarine that I’ve personally experienced were mild headaches, which completely disappeared by week two.

Other than that, I felt on top of the world!

To me, Ostarine served as a gateway drug to all the other SARMs. I felt so good on it and performed so much better in the gym that I was simply mesmerized by the hidden potential of SARMs.

Tips to get the best Ostarine results

Here are three standard tips to get you the best Ostarine results possible.

  • Train Hard
  • Eat Clean
  • Buy real, pure, high-quality Ostarine

While dieting and exercise are very important, whether you get pure Ostarine will either make you or break you.

A study by JAMA found that almost half (48%) of what is being labeled as SARMs on the internet are not SARMs at all!

Please heed to my advice and only buy Ostarine from vetted vendors.


The Ostarine before and after results with pics that you saw all represent men from different walks of life who have taken this SARM, achieving great results.

I hope that you found yourself in one of them and that you’re now ready to start your own Ostarine cycle.

The fact of the matter is; Ostarine is very safe, well-tolerated and quite effective. 

All in all, I recommend Ostarine to anyone that has troubles with fat and weight loss or plain simply wants to preserve his muscle during a cut.

Speaking from experience, Ostarine will give you the extra nudge you need to succeed!

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Andarine (S4) VS Ostarine (MK-2866) | Which SARM Is Better https://sarmguide.com/andarine-vs-ostarine/ https://sarmguide.com/andarine-vs-ostarine/#comments Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:41:49 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4779 This will be a very interesting comparison article as both of these SARMs are used for cutting. Despite Andarine being abandoned in favor of Ostarine in clinical trials – given Ostarine’s better safety profile – that doesn’t mean that the former is necessarily going to be forgone by bodybuilders. Bodybuilders generally look for results in […]

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This will be a very interesting comparison article as both of these SARMs are used for cutting.

Despite Andarine being abandoned in favor of Ostarine in clinical trials – given Ostarine’s better safety profile – that doesn’t mean that the former is necessarily going to be forgone by bodybuilders.

Andarine VS Ostarine

Bodybuilders generally look for results in lieu of the safety profile presented by the SARM in question. 

With that being said, let’s have a closer look at these two SARMs!

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is a SARM that is purportedly stronger than Ostarine in building muscle mass and promoting bone health, at least that’s what studies on animals revealed.

When Andarine was first discovered, it was seen as a miracle in the science community as it boasted high bioavailability, tolerability, affinity to the androgen receptor… 

This all came to a halt when it was discovered that Andarine impaired vision in those taking it in higher dosages, which led scientists to shun the SARM and as of now, no new studies have been done on it.

Read more about Andarine here.

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine, being the most studied and popular SARM out there, boasts similar effects to those of Andarine, but without vision impairment as a side effect.

It is relatively mild and very safe to use, but despite that, one has to watch his dosages, as Ostarine can cause heavy suppression if you overdo it.

Ostarine is currently being investigated by scientists as a potential remedy for osteoporosis and other bone wasting diseases.

You can find my article on Ostarine here.

Andarine vs Ostarine (Half-life)

Ostarine is far easier to use as it requires dosing only once a day, in comparison to Andarine, whose purported half-life of four hours makes it necessary to dose multiple times a day.

I think that it’s pretty clear that Ostarine takes the cake here, as dosing multiple times a day requires a strict time schedule and commitment not many of us have.

Andarine VS Ostarine - Benefits

It will be interesting to see just how these two SARMs fare up against each other when it comes to benefits. I’ve taken both of these SARMs, so I’ll be sharing my experiences inside of this section.

Muscle Mass

Both Andarine and Ostarine will preserve muscle during a cut. 

The real question is, how much muscle will you gain while on a caloric deficit with these two SARMs?

From experience, I can tell you that you’ll gain around 2 to 3 pounds of lean muscle mass with both of these compounds and there isn’t much of a difference between them in this department.

Fat Loss

This is where the real battle happens! I found Andarine to be just a tad bit better at fat loss in comparison to Ostarine. The difference is minimal, but it’s still out there and those looking for better results are going to be choosing Andarine for fat loss.


You will only experience a minor increase in strength while on these two SARMs. Considering the fact that you’ll most likely be taking them on a caloric deficit, you cannot expect to really gain a significant amount of strength.

If I had to compare the two based on the strength gains I’ve made (which were miniscule in their nature), I would have to call it a tie once more.

Andarine VS Ostarine – Side Effects

So far, Andarine might have looked like the better SARM to take, but after this section, things will become unclear as Andarine has a lot of problems when it comes to side effects.

Impaired Vision

While Ostarine doesn’t have this side effect, it is still worthy of mentioning just because Andarine has it and it’s serious.

People that take too much Andarine or that are susceptible to this particular side effect experience a yellow tint in their peripheral area and their vision is seriously hindered at night.

I remember driving one night while on an Andarine cycle and I’m being completely honest here – I couldn’t see jack out there! It’s a miracle I came home safely.

My advice is to not downplay the negative effects of Andarine and to be very careful while imbuing it.


Contrary to popular belief, Andarine and Ostarine do cause suppression to occur in our bodies.

While they might be the mildest SARMs out there, they still suppress Testosterone in our body and it’s important to watch your dosages as to prevent heavy suppression from occurring.

If I had to judge the more suppressive out of the two, I would have to say Andarine, since it’s a bit stronger and one takes it multiple times a day.

Andarine VS Ostarine – Results

Results will be similar from both of these compounds, but Andarine wins when it comes to intensity and the amount of fat and weight lost.

As already stated above, Andarine is a tad bit stronger than Ostarine and anecdotal evidence from bodybuilders shows that it burns more fat and makes you lose more weight.

In a typical Ostarine cycle, you will lose about 3% of your total body fat and around seven pounds of weight.

On the contrary, with Andarine, you will shed around 4% of your total body fat and eight to ten pounds of weight.

It might not seem like that much of a difference at first glance, but for professional bodybuilders, every pound counts!

Andarine VS Ostarine - Pricing

If you’re in a cash crunch and are unsure which one of these two you should pick, heed to the following advice: At first glance, it might seem wiser to buy Andarine as it looks cheaper on a mg to mg basis, but what many people seem to forget is that one is taking Andarine three or more times a day!

For example, at science.bio, which is a trusted vendor of mine, 1500mgs of liquid Andarine will cost you about $50 and 900mgs of liquid Ostarine will set you back $45. 

Considering that people take up to 75mgs of Andarine a day (25mgs, three times a day), it is only natural to choose Ostarine, whose dosages in bodybuilders don’t exceed 20mgs a day.

This means that Ostarine is the more budget-friendly option and that you should stick with it, not only because it costs less money but because it also induces less side effects in users.


We can draw some conclusions from the sections above, mainly the fact that while Andarine might be a bit stronger than Ostarine, it carries more risks to the end user, and one should be careful while handling it.

If you’re a newbie to SARMs, I definitely recommend that you go for Ostarine, as the effects of the two SARMs mentioned above are similar and the differences in results miniscule.

If you already have experiences with SARMs and know what to expect, then you may go ahead and opt for Andarine – It will produce better results.

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Cardarine Ostarine Stack | Results That You Can Expect https://sarmguide.com/cardarine-ostarine-stack/ https://sarmguide.com/cardarine-ostarine-stack/#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:33:56 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4772 If you’re looking to lose fat while preserving all of your muscle, look no further because you’ve found the gold mine you’ve been searching for! Cardarine and Ostarine enjoy a lot of synergy with each other – not only do they both make you lose fat in their own way, but the Ostarine will ensure […]

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If you’re looking to lose fat while preserving all of your muscle, look no further because you’ve found the gold mine you’ve been searching for!

Cardarine and Ostarine enjoy a lot of synergy with each other – not only do they both make you lose fat in their own way, but the Ostarine will ensure that your muscles stay intact during a cut.

Cardarine Ostarine stack

Previously, people that were taking Cardarine alone experienced a gradual decrease in their fat cells, but they also had to grapple with the fact that they would also be losing some muscle.

Now, we have the solution that we’ve been frantically searching for, the only thing left to do is learn how to apply the stack for maximum efficiency and safety.

Cardarine Ostarine Stack Dosages And Cycle Length

Cardarine Ostarine example cycle

As you can see from the table above, taking 15mgs of Ostarine a day in combination with 10mgs of Cardarine a day is the perfect mix of these two compounds.

Don’t attempt to take more than what is prescribed above as that will NOT lead to faster results.

The only thing that it can do is exacerbate the side effects of these two compounds, which we’ll talk about later.

Cardarine Ostarine stack results

The results with these two compounds are going to be absolutely stunning. I’ve seen seasoned bodybuilders lose up to 8 to 10% of their total body fat in just eight weeks. 

I know this sounds insane and to be completely honest with you, it is, but you have to have faith in this stack as it can produce marvelous results for your body.

What is even more strange is that the same people kept 95% of their muscles while on a cut with Cardarine and Ostarine.

If I went around and asked bodybuilders if they would sign up for such a deal, I would have a thousand signatures in seconds!

Not only that, but you will also lose weight as you’re cutting. It is only natural that fat loss precedes weight loss and I’ve seen people lose from ten to fifteen pounds while on this stack.

The above results obviously varied based on the bodybuilders composition before the cycle, but it gives us a glimpse into what we can expect.

Cardarine Ostarine Stack Side Effects


One thing you’ll have to deal with, and nobody likes hearing that, is suppression from the Ostarine.

I’ve heard people say that Ostarine isn’t suppressive a million times, but only once I tried it out myself did I find out the ugly truth – this supposedly mild SARM was actually quite suppressive!

Make sure to stick to the dosages outlined above and however tempting it may be, don’t exceed them as that will only increase your chances of experiencing even heavier Testosterone suppression.


I have to ascribe this side effect entirely to the Ostarine. It usually appears at the start of your cycle and disappears a week in. There isn’t a thing you can do about them and you’ll just have to get over them on your own.

Liver Damage

Both Cardarine and Ostarine are hepatotoxic, which means that using them does elevate some liver enzymes which indicate that there is some damage being done to the liver.

Luckily for us, you can always use liver support such as TUDCA or milk thistle with your stack. These two have been scientifically proven to mediate the damage done by outside agents. 

Read more about how to use them here.

Cardarine Ostarine stack PCT

I generally like to avoid recommending PCT where it is not fully needed, as SERMS like Nolvadex or Clomid have side effects of their own. 

With this stack, provided you follow my recommended dosages and cycle lengths, you will not be needing PCT. 

In rare instances, if someone is really susceptible to suppression from Ostarine, I recommend cutting Ostarine’s dosage in half, i.e. taking only 7,5mgs a day.


This stack can literally transform your body in just a few cycles. I’ve seen people that had troubles with losing fat and weight completely change their physique in just six months.

Such results wouldn’t have been possible if everything was done the natural way, meaning that Ostarine and Cardarine truly do wonders for our body.

Just stick to your diet and exercise routines, take the stack as prescribed and you’ll be well on your way to attaining your dream body!

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Cardarine VS Ostarine | Which One Is Better For Fat Loss https://sarmguide.com/cardarine-vs-ostarine/ https://sarmguide.com/cardarine-vs-ostarine/#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:21:57 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4765 Let’s get one thing out of the way first – we’re not comparing two SARMs – as it is commonly assumed that Cardarine is a SARM. No, Cardarine is actually a PPAR delta receptor agonist that induces changes in how the liver processes its energy source. With that out of the way, let’s take a […]

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Let’s get one thing out of the way first – we’re not comparing two SARMs – as it is commonly assumed that Cardarine is a SARM.

No, Cardarine is actually a PPAR delta receptor agonist that induces changes in how the liver processes its energy source.

Cardarine VS Ostarine

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at how these two compounds fare up against each other when it comes to fat loss during a cut.

Ostarine for fat loss

Ostarine does help with fat loss, but indirectly, through increasing the basal metabolic rate of the end user.

In a typical eight-week cycle, you will lose up to 5% of your total body fat, if you stick to your diet and exercise regime.

Professional bodybuilders usually take Ostarine not for its efficiency in fat loss, but for the fact that it prevents muscle loss during a cut. This will become important in a later chapter.

Cardarine for fat loss

Cardarine increases endurance, especially during cardio, which helps users break their plateaus at the treadmill.

This causes fat loss as you’re expending more energy and given the fact that Cardarine itself makes the liver switch its food source from glucose to fatty acids, you’ll be turning into a fat-burning machine in no time!

Cardarine also increases oxidative capacity in the muscles, which leads to more calories to be expended while doing the same type of exercises.

In an eight-week cycle, with proper dieting and exercises routines, you can lose a stunning 7 to 8% of your total body fat.

Of course, if you already have a low body fat percentage, this rule is somewhat mitigated.

Cardarine VS Ostarine for fat loss

If I had to pick a winner between the two, I would definitely go for Cardarine. It is basically molding your body in a way that makes it lose a ton of fat.

Even if you aren’t motivated and hate cardio, the increased endurance will lead to a change of heart, at least that’s what it did in my case – running started suiting me and I became one with the flow.

On the other hand, Ostarine can also help you lose fat, but that is not it’s primary objective. As previously mentioned, its main goal is to preserve muscle in your body, while indirectly causing fat loss through increasing your basal metabolic rate.


Cardarine is the obvious winner when it comes to inducing fat loss in the end user. It was practically made to cause fat loss and it’s very potent at doing just that.

I think that combining Ostarine and Cardarine is the best way to go forward and that taking these compounds individually is basically ignoring the amazing synergy those two have.

All in all, if you want the maximum amount of fat loss without losing any muscle, go for the stack outlined above!

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Ostarine (MK-2866) VS Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | Which Is The Better SARM https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-vs-ligandrol/ https://sarmguide.com/ostarine-vs-ligandrol/#comments Fri, 04 Sep 2020 14:49:37 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4760 Despite both being SARMs, Ostarine and Ligandrol are vastly different in many aspects, including their anabolic to androgenic ration, potency, strength, dosages used, suppression experienced, etc.  It’s unlikely to see these two SARMs pitted up against each other, given their obvious dissimilarities, but in this article, I’ll be doing exactly that since it’s such a […]

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Despite both being SARMs, Ostarine and Ligandrol are vastly different in many aspects, including their anabolic to androgenic ration, potency, strength, dosages used, suppression experienced, etc. 

Ostarine vs Ligandrol

It’s unlikely to see these two SARMs pitted up against each other, given their obvious dissimilarities, but in this article, I’ll be doing exactly that since it’s such a common request.

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is generally seen as a mild SARM that is relatively safe to use as its safety profile has been evaluated in tons of studies both in vivo and in vitro.

It’s the most studied SARM up until this date and it’s well on its way to become an FDA approved drug, despite failing phase III clinical trials for the treatment of lung cancer. 

Ostarine displayed very high bioavailability and tolerability in all human studies, with dosages ranging from 0,1mgs all the way up to 100mgs a day.

Ostarine is usually used for cutting and it’s a great aid in fat and weight loss while still showing increases in lean body mass.

Read my entire article on Ostarine here.

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Despite being less studied than Ostarine, Ligandrol still enjoys a high safety profile in humans even in dosages as high as 22mgs. 

Not only that, but Ligandrol is so potent, that preclinical rat models have shown its anabolic to androgenic activity to be 500 to 1. 

To give you an accurate measure of how strong that is, consider the fact that the SARM closest to Ligandrol in that respect is RAD 140, with a ratio of only 90 to 1.

Ligandrol, being a full agonist of the androgen receptor is quite suppressive and dosages as low as 5mgs a day have been known to cause heavy Testosterone suppression.

Ligandrol is usually taken while bulking, as it can easily help you gain muscle mass at a rate that is impossible to replicate naturally.

Take a peek at my entire guide on Ligandrol here.

Ostarine VS Ligandrol - Half-Life

A lot of people will logically claim that both Ostarine and Ligandrol have a similar half-life and that there isn’t much to talk about here.

These people fail to recognize the strength of Ligandrol and the fact that a study has shown that blood serum levels of Ligandrol increased by three times in just three weeks of daily usage.

This tells us that Ligandrol shouldn’t be used every day, despite having a purported half-life of just 24 hours, since it is so strong that it doesn’t leave the body at a fast-enough rate.

On the other hand, Ostarine can be used every day without problems as it doesn’t accumulate in the body.

Ostarine VS Ligandrol - Benefits

As previously mentioned, these two SARMs are used for different purposes, so it’s only natural that one will dominate in some respects, while failing to impress in others.

Muscle Mass

You will obviously gain a lot more muscle mass while on Ligandrol since you’ll be on a caloric surplus, not mentioning the fact that Ligandrol is a lot more potent than Ostarine when it comes to building muscle.

With Ligandrol, I gained around eight pounds of raw mass in just eight weeks, while Ostarine did manage to bestow me with two to three pounds of lean muscle mass in two months.

You have to get it clearly into your head that Ostarine is more likely to be used to prevent muscle wasting and muscle loss during a cut rather than as a muscle builder.


I definitely felt a whole lot more strength while on Ligandrol. The pumps were insane, and you feel like you could go on forever just lifting weights and minding your business.

Ostarine isn’t really a SARM that will bestow you with strength, so don’t expect much out of it.

Fat Loss

This one goes to Ostarine. It’s only natural that you will lose more fat and weight with Ostarine as you’re cutting with it.

In comparison to Ostarine, Ligandrol will not net you any fat loss. You might even gain fat as a result of your bulking regime.


This is a tricky one since Ostarine will naturally make you more vascular because of the fat loss you’ll experience while on it.

Conversely, Ligandrol will also cause vascularity on its own and it’s not surprising given its sheer power.

I’ll have to give this round to Ostarine. Your veins are going to be a lot more pronounced with it, as you lose more fat and weight. 

You might not feel as strong and powerful as with Ligandrol, but your vascularity will speak for itself.

Energy Levels

Energy and stamina were way more pronounced while on Ligandrol. To be quite frank with you, I didn’t feel any difference in energy levels while taking Ostarine, which seemingly indicates that it doesn’t affect energy.

Ostarine VS Ligandrol - Side Effects

Some might have come this far in the article thinking that Ostarine is a definite loser in my book and that there is no reason not to jump straight to Ligandrol. I hope that this section will change your mind about that – what goes up, must come down.


Measured on a mg to mg basis, Ligandrol is far more suppressive than any other SARM out there. Even 2,5mgs a day can get you suppressed and not to speak about the disastrous dosages used by some bodybuilders, such as 10 or 20mgs of Ligandrol per day. The latter dosages lead to a complete shutdown in users, ruining any progress made. 

Overall, you can take more Ostarine without having to fear nearly as much suppression when compared to Ligandrol.

If you’re a beginner, definitely stick to Ostarine.

Water Retention

Even though Ligandrol is far more likely to cause water retention in comparison to Ostarine, personally speaking, I didn’t experience it with either compound. Make sure to drink a lot of water whilst taking Ligandrol, this will minimize the chances of you needing to worry about water retention.


My libido levels were seemingly unaffected during my Ostarine usage. I was taking 10mgs a day without seeing any changes in my sexual performance.

On the other hand, with Ligandrol, I was in for a surprise. 

Not only was I having troubles down there, but I also felt a decrease in sexual motivation while on Ligandrol. It was especially pronounced during the last few weeks of my cycle.


I was way more lethargic while I was taking Ligandrol. I’m not sure if it was related to my hectic life at that point in time and the ensuing apathy that I felt about everything or if the Ligandrol I was taking had a finger in the pie.

What I do know is that my life was similar both during my Ostarine and Ligandrol usage, which leads me to believe that Ligandrol did affect my mood more than I wish to admit.

As you can see, the more a SARM gives, the more it takes as well. 

That’s why I always recommend that beginners start with Ostarine, to get a feeling of how their bodies react to SARMs in general.

After doing a few cycles with the milder SARMs out there, like Ostarine or Andarine, you’re than ‘allowed’ to indulge yourself into more precarious territory.

Ostarine VS Ligandrol - Results

Ligandrol takes home the bacon on the results you can expect. As previously mentioned, it is far more powerful than Ostarine and it builds muscle like crazy. I have personally gained over eight pounds of muscle in just eight weeks of Ligandrol usage, while Ostarine only gave me a measly two pounds.

Conversely, Ostarine did help me lose fat and weight and I did end up looking shredded after finishing one of my cycles. Please note that the Ostarine itself didn’t make me shredded, it was only natural after years of training to attain such a physique – all I needed was to lose a bit of fat and weight, with which the Ostarine helped.

Ligandrol will also bestow you with more strength, power, stamina and motivation in comparison to Ostarine.

All in all, both of these compounds deserve their due respect for what they do, even though they are used for different purposes by bodybuilders.

Ostarine VS Ligandrol - Pricing

Strictly speaking, if you’re on a budget – which you shouldn’t be when buying SARMs – than Ostarine should be your choice, it is far cheaper than Ligandrol and most shops carry it as it is the most popular SARM out there.

What’s also very important to mention is that stocks of Ligandrol are quickly dwindling and that vendors selling SARMs are now forced to abandon the name ‘Ligandrol’ as they are facing lawsuits by the company currently holding the patent, Viking Therapeutics.

A few of my most trusted sources, including science.bio have already sent out emails stating that they will be discontinuing Ligandrol sales as it simply is no longer feasible.

We’ll see what vendors will come up in the future to sidestep this ban (maybe a simple name change would suffice?), it will be interesting to watch this cat and mouse game between the company and the vendors.


To sum up, both Ligandrol and Ostarine serve their particular purpose well and there is no point in proclaiming a winner amongst the two.

While Ligandrol might be stronger, Ostarine is the safer option and you should take that into account before deciding on which SARM to imbue.

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