Ibutamoren - MK 677 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/mk677/ Fri, 30 Sep 2022 13:51:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://sarmguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Sarmsguide-Icon-150x150.png Ibutamoren - MK 677 Archives - sarmguide https://sarmguide.com/category/mk677/ 32 32 Is MK-677 Gyno A Myth Or Can It Really Happen? https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-gyno/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-gyno/#respond Fri, 30 Sep 2022 13:51:14 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=8180 Many people falsely believe MK-677 to be a SARM but it’s actually a growth hormone secretagogue and a ghrelin hormone agonist. This technically means that MK-677 gyno shouldn’t be a concern since MK-677 doesn’t aromatize. However, this article will reveal that there’s more to the story than just testosterone suppression and aromatization. Does MK-677 Cause […]

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Many people falsely believe MK-677 to be a SARM but it’s actually a growth hormone secretagogue and a ghrelin hormone agonist.

This technically means that MK-677 gyno shouldn’t be a concern since MK-677 doesn’t aromatize.

MK 677 Gyno

However, this article will reveal that there’s more to the story than just testosterone suppression and aromatization.

Does MK-677 Cause Gyno

This is quite a controversial topic in the bodybuilding community, as many will simply discredit MK-677 based on the fact that it isn’t a SARM.

However, there is one way MK-677 could cause gyno and that’s by increasing prolactin.

To be quite frank, the prolactin increase from MK-677 is not a concern if you’re doing just one eight-week cycle with the compound.

Still, some people use MK-677 as a PCT or don’t cycle it at all, taking it indefinitely.

Those are definitely at risk from increased prolactin levels, which in return can cause side effects such as gyno.

Another reason why some people believe MK-677 causes gyno is due to water retention.

Water retention causes weight and fat gain, even around the nipples, which many falsely believe to be gyno.

Read my MK-677 water retention article to be able to distinguish the two.

Chances of MK-677 Causing Gyno

As I’ve already mentioned, if you’re doing just one or two cycles and are actively cycling the compound, there’s nothing to be scared of.

Judging from the anecdotal reports we have, less than 2% of all people that take MK-677 experience real gyno.

Yes, there are many false flags due to water retention but that shouldn’t be a huge concern as it goes away on its own when you stop taking MK-677.

The real problem are people who’re just taking the compound without cycling it but even that is not a big deal.

Simply do a blood test every three months to check your estrogen and prolactin levels.

Your estrogen levels should be fine and in most cases, your prolactin will only have experienced a minor spike.

This all tells us that there isn’t much to worry about.

Precaution To Take Against MK-677 Gyno

There’s not much to say in this section; it all boils down to cycling the compound.

This gives your body time to restore things to their natural order.

However, one thing you really have to pay attention to is the purity of your MK-677.

Pure, high-quality MK-677 will almost never cause gyno.

Most people who’ve actually taken MK-677 and experienced gyno are actually victims of impure MK-677 from unscrupulous vendors.

That’s why I’ve created my recommended list of companies.

It reveals the best MK-677 vendors online and provides the cheapest options.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On MK-677

If you suspect that you’ve gotten gyno from MK-677, the first thing you should do is get a blood test.

I could spend hours talking about all the signs and symptoms of gyno but a blood test is simply the most superior option available.

It tells you literally everything that’s right or wrong with your body and helps you determine whether you really have gyno.

The normal prolactin range for men is less than 20 ng/mL; if your result is higher, then you’re suffering from heightened prolactin levels.

This is the most likely reason for your gyno.

However, if it’s lower than the aforementioned result, you should consider water retention as the culprit.

If you’ve determined that you got gyno from MK-677, stop your cycle immediately and give your body some rest.

This means no exogenous substances for at least four weeks or until the gyno goes away.


While MK-677 gyno is quite rare, it shouldn’t be overlooked by any means.

It can still happen to those that take MK-677 without cycling it.

Ensure that you’re buying pure MK-677 and that you take a blood test every three months while imbuing the compound!

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Debunking MK-677 Suppression | It’s All Water Retention! https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-suppression/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-suppression/#respond Wed, 20 Jul 2022 10:37:12 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7586 Judging by the amount of posts on bodybuilding forums about MK-677 suppression, many people falsely believe themselves to be suffering from it. The truth is, MK-677 is not suppressive in the least bit but it can cause water retention, which may explain why so many bodybuilders feel like there’s something wrong. This article will explain […]

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Judging by the amount of posts on bodybuilding forums about MK-677 suppression, many people falsely believe themselves to be suffering from it.

The truth is, MK-677 is not suppressive in the least bit but it can cause water retention, which may explain why so many bodybuilders feel like there’s something wrong.

MK 677 Suppression

This article will explain the difference between suppression and water retention, debunking the popular myth that Ibutamoren causes testosterone suppression!

Why MK-677 Is Not Suppressive

To put it simply, MK-677 is not an androgen nor does it exhibit androgenicity in tissues.

This means that it doesn’t affect sex hormones such as testosterone in a direct way, unlike androgens.

MK-677 is actually a ghrelin mimetic, not a SARM, which tells us a lot about how it affects the body; it produces ghrelin in supraphysiological amounts.

This leads to increased hunger and other common effects attributed to ghrelin; it helps with bone density, GH (growth hormone) release, energy consumption and so on.

One thing is telling from all this; MK-677 is not suppressive because it doesn’t act as an androgen in the body.

MK-677 has nothing to do with sex hormones but affects our “hunger” hormone in a significant way.

Not just that but MK-677 also increases IGF-1 levels in the body, which are known for increasing muscle mass and other positive effects.

MK-677 Causes Water Retention

Now that we’ve determined MK-677 to not be suppressive, it’s time to reveal the true culprit as to why people think they’re actually suppressed on Ibutamoren.

The reason is water retention, which many people falsely assume to be harmless.

This is not exactly true, as water retention causes a myriad of side effects in the body, including body image issues, bloating and depression.

Let me make one thing clear; it’s not that MK-677 leads to depression but water retention may cause depression in users prone to it.

Nobody likes a puffy face and so it’s completely normal that most bodybuilders feel like there’s something amiss.

Other effects of water retention are stiff joints, sore muscles and sometimes, swollen legs and arms.

All this may contribute to a feeling of lethargy and depression, two signs which are commonly associated with testosterone suppression.

It is exactly for this reason so many people believe MK-677 to be suppressive.

How To Mitigate Water Retention On MK-677

Now that we know the true reason why so many people feel “suppressed” on MK-677, it’s time to learn how to mitigate water retention.

The best thing you can do is drink plenty of water, this is the easiest way to help prevent water retention and best of all, it’s side-effect free.

Another thing you can do is change your diet; leave out carbs and processed foods and start eating lean.

I actually have an entire guide on this topic, it’s called MK-677 water retention, be sure to check it out!


Ibutamoren is a weird compound; not only is it not suppressive but it’s actually common to see people using MK-677 as a PCT!

Now that you know MK-677 suppression isn’t a thing, you can safely get yourself some Ibutamoren from one of my recommended companies.

Lastly, if you want to see which SARMs are actually suppressive, be sure to read my SARMs testosterone suppression article!

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MK 677 Side Effects & How To Avoid Them https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-side-effects/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-side-effects/#respond Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:44:19 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=7329 In this article we’ll go over everything that you should know about MK 677 side effects. We’ll go over the possible heart, liver, cancer and mental side effects as well as the long-term MK 677 side effects and how to avoid them. In order to fully understand the MK 677 side effects, we must first […]

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In this article we’ll go over everything that you should know about MK 677 side effects.

We’ll go over the possible heart, liver, cancer and mental side effects as well as the long-term MK 677 side effects and how to avoid them.

MK 677 Side Effects

In order to fully understand the MK 677 side effects, we must first understand what this compound actually is, what it does and how it works.

Let’s jump right in.

What Is MK 677

MK 677, also known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal, is a growth hormone secretagogue.

It’s frequently mistaken for a SARM but even though it’s often lumped into that category, it’s actually not a SARM at all.

It works by promoting the natural production of GH (Growth Hormone) and IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1) in the body.

This has many benefits such as:

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Fat loss
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved hair and nails quality

Read more about MK 677 by reading our full Ibutamoren review.

MK 677 Side Effects

Let’s go over the possible MK 677 side effects one by one. We’ll split this section into 4 parts and go over these potential MK 677 side effects:

  • Side effects that affect the Liver
  • Cancer
  • Side effects that affect the heart
  • Mental side effects


MK 677 isn’t liver toxic in normal dosages. It doesn’t stay in the liver long enough to do any damage since it gets absorbed very quickly.

However, MK 677 can have some liver toxic properties when manufactured poorly. This is why it’s so important to you go with a high-quality, verified SARMs source.


MK 677 does not cause cancer. It can, however, speed it up.

Think of it like TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy), if you don’t have prostate cancer and you go on TRT, you won’t give yourself cancer. But if you already have it, Testosterone will likely make it progress faster than it would progress without Testosterone.


A lot of people believe that MK 677 can increase GH and IGF-1 to such supraphysiological levels that it can lead to heart growth. But what do the actual data and science say?

So far there are no studies supporting that MK 677 can cause heart growth.

MK 677 can’t take Growth Hormone or IGF-1 to such levels that it can directly cause heart growth. However, if you have incredibly high blood pressure, MK 677 could cause ventricular hypetrophy due to water retention. But if you have that high blood pressure you shouldn’t even think about compounds like MK 677 anyways.

Mental Side Effects

Some people report that they experience anxiety during their MK 677 cycle.

There’s 2 reasons why one would get anxiety when taking MK 677.

They are either very, very prone to anxiety to the point where almost any supplement they take causes anxiety for them. 

The second and most probable reason why one could get anxiety when taking ibutamoren is bunk MK 677. There is a lot of BS in the SARMs industry and a lot of people sell bunk products laced with other substances. 

It’s very possible that some of the people that report anxiety on their MK 677 cycle actually bought bunk products laced with substances that actually do cause anxiety.

Read more about this in our MK 677 anxiety article.

How To Avoid MK 677 Side Effects

There are 3 things that you should stick to in order to avoid side effects from MK 677.

Firstly, make sure that the MK 677 you buy is pure.

There are a lot of companies out there that sell bunk products in order to earn more money. Those products are often laced with prohormones or other substances which can cause a lot of side effects that real MK 677 wouldn’t cause.

Secondly, stick to low-medium dosages.

People who experience side effects from MK 677 or similar compounds usually also take very high dosages. Higher dosages have exponentially more side effects than lower dosages. Make sure to stick to low-medium dosages (up to 20mg per day).

Thirdly, don’t exceed 16 week long cycles.

MK 677 is a compound that should be cycled for maximum of 16 weeks at a time with at least a 10 week break between cycles. There have been some people that experienced nasty side effects and even long-term side effects from MK 677 because they have been on it for a year or even more!

Long-Term MK 677 Side Effects

We don’t have a lot of studies that are researching the long-term effects of MK 677. Because of this, we can’t know for sure if there are any long-term side effects from Ibutamoren usage.

The studies that we do have suggest that there aren’t any long-term side effects. However, there are only 2 studies that came to this conclusion. The first study was researching MK 677 usage over a period of two years. The second study did the same over a period of 18 months.

To summarize, we can’t be certain whether there are any long-term side effects or not when it comes to MK 677. The current evidence suggests that it’s safe but caution is warranted.


In conclusion, MK 677 has side effects that you need to keep in mind before starting to research with it on your own.

However, there are things that you can do in order to prevent experiencing side effects from MK 677.

Remember to stick to low dosages, short cycle length and to buy your compounds from a verified source.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll be glad to help.

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MK-677 For Hair Growth? Four Month Experiment Results Revealed! https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-for-hair-growth/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-for-hair-growth/#respond Mon, 29 Nov 2021 18:57:31 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=6722 MK-677 is used for so many things; as a PCT, to stimulate appetite, for sleep quality, as a skin routine and to increase muscle mass.  As the years go by, research into the compound is improving and a simple question poses itself: Could we also use MK-677 for hair growth? Let’s see what science has […]

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MK-677 is used for so many things; as a PCT, to stimulate appetite, for sleep quality, as a skin routine and to increase muscle mass

As the years go by, research into the compound is improving and a simple question poses itself: Could we also use MK-677 for hair growth?

Using MK 677 for Hair Growth

Let’s see what science has to say and I’ll also show you my four-month long experiment using MK-677 daily.

What Is MK-677

MK-677 is an orally active human growth hormone secretagogue.

People are using it as a Growth Hormone (GH) substitute.

MK-677 also increases IGF-1 levels in the body, which are known for jumpstarting collagen production.

A study has revealed that in just eight weeks, MK-677 supplementation increased collagen levels by 26% in healthy male participants.

This is our starting point, since collagen has ties with hair growth and hair follicle regeneration.

If you want to learn more about this compound, check out my full MK-677 review.

The Science of IGF-1 Levels And Hair Growth

To start off, MK-677 increases IGF-1 production by 60,1% in just six weeks, according to a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Besides collagen, IGF-1 levels are quintessential for hair growth, which I’ll aim to prove with the research you’ll see below.

One cellular study has proven IGF-1 to have a positive effect on hair follicle growth.

It showed that IGF-1 prevented hair follicles from entering a catagen state, i.e. the end of hair follicle growth.

Moving on, another study proved that Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and IGF-1 act as antagonists to each other.

This means that hair follicles with more DHT will have less IGF-1 and vice versa.

DHT is known for inhibiting hair growth, while IGF-1 has been proven to help with rejuvenating hair follicles.

Now that we understand the different roles of IGF-1 and DHT, let’s look at the newest research!

One study performed in 2017 showed three patients with androgenic alopecia.

All three had low IGF-1 levels in their body.

The most interesting participant was a 26-year-old man who complained of hair thinning and regression of hairline.

He was given 1mg of oral Finasteride for five years and his hairline didn’t improve.

Moreover, he was also given 10% topical Minoxidil for another two years, yet again showing no promising results.

In the end, it was found that the serum concentration level of his IGF-1 was 3,0 nmol/L.

The normal range of IGF-1 is almost four times bigger.

As soon as I read this, I knew I had to try MK-677 for hair growth.

Just consider how crazy this is; two of the most popular hair loss products FAILED to have any effect on this man.

IGF-1 levels seem to be one of the main determiner whether your hair will grow and how well you’ll be able to suppress DHT in your hair follicles.

At least that’s what the current science has to say.

Four Month MK-677 Experiment

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to cycle MK-677 the same way you would cycle SARMs. MK-677 is not suppressive and we can cycle it for longer periods of time (up to 16 weeks).

The side effect you have to look out for in long-term MK-677 supplementation is high blood sugar.

Ensure that you’re measuring blood sugar levels every few weeks if you’re taking MK-677 every day.

To give you a bit of a background on myself: I was very blessed through all my years of SARMs usage, I never had problem with hair thinning or shedding, even though I’ve been using SARMs on and off for about seven years.

However, now that I’m approaching my late 30’s, I’m starting to notice some hair thinning, especially on the sides and near my forehead.

My hair is also starting to become more oily as I age, I’m not exactly sure why as I didn’t change my hair routine in any way.

Overall, I’m pretty content with my hairline, although I’m noticing chinks in my armor.

I used a 15mg dosage of MK-677 every day, before going to sleep. 

You can also use it in the morning, although I recommend using it at night personally.

I tolerate MK-677 quite well and I’ve used it before so I knew what to expect.

Anyways, I didn’t notice anything for the first two weeks. Good thing I wasn’t expecting anything or else I would’ve been sorely disappointed.

To anyone reading this, hair growth is a very gradual process, anyone promising you immediate results is simply lying to you.

A month in and I still wasn’t having any results. To be fair, I was starting to feel a bit frustrated but I knew I had to bide my time.

Another month had passed, I was now two months in and I finally started noticing the first effects; my hair wasn’t as oily and when I looked at my sides, I felt like they were fuller than before!

The next month I did a blood sugar test and when the results came in, I was pleased: 4,9mmol/L, a near-perfect reading.

I didn’t notice any noticeable differences between month two and three but I knew I had to continue on with my experiment.

Month four was great; my hair was thicker, fuller and looking at the pictures before, I could see a difference!

For the next few weeks, my hair kept its thickness, even my forehead felt more covered.

I will take 16 weeks off (time on = time off), measure my blood sugar levels again and possibly do a few short MK 677 cycles a year.

Where to Buy MK-677

I’ve tested dozens of companies for pure MK-677 (and other compounds); only a handful deliver what is promised on the labels.

Therefore, if you want pure, clean and high-quality MK-677, visit my list of recommended companies.


As more and more scientific studies are performed on MK-677 and IGF-1, we’ll be able to see exactly by what mechanism IGF-1 promotes hair growth.

For now, we’ll have to do with the science available and the many positive anecdotal experiences we have online.

From my experience, MK-677 works great for hair growth. However, it’s not a good long-term solution because you can’t take Ibutamoren forever without taking breaks.

To anyone following in my footsteps; remember to take it easy and be patient.

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7 Stunning MK-677 (Ibutamoren) Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-before-and-after-results/#respond Thu, 21 Jan 2021 09:48:05 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5902 All the MK-677 before and after results with pics shown here are from real people from all walks of life. If you have some MK-677 before and after pics that you would like to see published here, please consider contacting me. This article will aim to show you exactly how to undergo a MK-677 transformation. […]

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All the MK-677 before and after results with pics shown here are from real people from all walks of life.

If you have some MK-677 before and after pics that you would like to see published here, please consider contacting me.

This article will aim to show you exactly how to undergo a MK-677 transformation.

Last but not least, if you want to learn more about the kind of results you can get with SARMs, read my SARMs before and after results article.

MK-677 Summary

MK-677 or Ibutamoren is a compound known to potentiate the secretion of the growth hormone.

It achieves that task by imitating the actions of another important hormone called ghrelin.

Ghrelin affects many bodily functions, such as sleep, inflammation, learning, memory and energy input/output.

Besides that, Ibutamoren also increases the levels of IGF-1 in our body, which have been shown to increase muscle mass and much more!

If you would like to learn more about this compound, be sure to read my MK-677 review.

MK-677 Results With Before And After Pics

I will show you seven examples of people that have either taken MK-677 alone or in a stack with SARMs.

Ibutamoren works great for a bulk since it stimulates hunger in users.

Conversely, it doesn’t really do much during a cut, as you’re left with terrible hunger pangs.

Remember that you have to keep your diet and exercise routines in check if you want to have any luck with MK-677.

Hard work is necessary to succeed!

MK-677 Results #1

Here we see a very nice example of what happens when you take MK-677 on its own.

This person gained around 6 pounds of muscle mass, which is a very impressive feat on MK-677.

We can also see that his chest area and shoulders improved massively, and he looks properly defined now.

Overall, a decent transformation.

His cycle:





25mgs per day


 MK-677 doesn’t require PCT as it isn’t androgenic. Moreover, as we’ll later see, it is actually utilized as a PCT itself.

MK-677 Results #2 (+ Ligandrol)

A very popular stack used by bodybuilders worldwide.

We see a good increase in bicep size, his entire body looks stronger and bulkier, so this was a successful cycle.

If I had to guess, this bodybuilder gained around ten pounds of weight, out of which seven pounds were muscle mass. 

The other three pounds were probably gained due to water retention.

All in all, great results!

His cycle:






5mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


This is a very good example of using MK-677 as a PCT. While it might not be as powerful as traditional SERMs, it does the job just right when mild suppression is concerned.

MK-677 Results #3 (+RAD 140)

A very impressive cycle by this person! 

We can see that the presence of RAD 140 dominated the playing field, but MK-677 helped out as well.

Look at the vascularity in the right picture, simply amazing.

This person gained around eight pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of his total body fat.

They also obtained an impressive six pack and improved every inch of their body simultaneously, in just eight weeks!

Their cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


While 10mgs of RAD 140 per day might seem like a lot, this bodybuilder only experienced mild suppression, opting for a four-week PCT with MK-677 instead.

This person didn’t experience any issues during his cycle.

MK-677 Results #4

Now these are the types of results one likes to see!

He gained around 15 pounds of weight, most of it being muscle mass and transformed his body into a beast.

Notice the increased vascularity on the arms!

Shoulder width improved by a lot, chest area looks much better and we even have a six pack on our hands!

Awesome cycle by an intermediate bodybuilder.

His cycle:





25mgs per day


Twelve weeks might seem like a lot, but some people use MK-677 for years without issues, so this isn’t that much of a problem.

MK-677 Results #5 (+ YK11)

We’re stepping into big boy territory now!

I know this guy personally, he always had issues putting on muscle and weight, proclaiming himself a hardgainer.

Well, look at what one cycle with YK11 and MK-677 can do – he gained 15 pounds of muscle mass and completely turned his life around!

Look at how much fuller and more defined his body looks now.

His cycle:




PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day

25mgs per day





50mgs per day




25mgs per day

MK-677 couldn’t handle the heat this time and Clomid had to step in. You can’t do a cycle with YK11 without SERMs, it’s near impossible.

MK-677 Results #6 (+ S23)

Another potent cycle with dramatic results!

This person transformed himself from a skinny slender man into a proper bodybuilder.

Looking at the picture, I estimate that he gained about 20 pounds of weight, with at least 15 of it being muscle mass spread throughout his body.

Arms look much thicker, sturdier and fuller.

Chest area has improved massively, along with shoulder width. 

Biceps and wrists look much bigger in the after picture.

His cycle:




PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day

25mgs per day





50mgs per day




25mgs per day

A proper PCT with Clomid was once again necessary to offset the negative effects of S23.

Luckily, this bodybuilder recovered within a month and kept all of his gains!

MK-677 Results #7

This woman took Ibutamoren mainly as a way to gain weight, but she got way more out of it.

Not only did she gain around six pounds of weight, she also increased the amount of muscle mass in her thighs.

Her backside is looking a lot firmer, stomach is also more refined.

All in all, great results for her first cycle!

Her cycle:





10mgs per day


10mgs per day is a great dosage for women, enabling them to achieve most of their fitness goals in just one eight-week cycle.

My MK-677 Results

My MK-677 before and after results were nothing short of amazing. 

I’ve been using this compound on and off for the last five years, and it has helped so much, especially when it comes to sleep, recovery, weight gain and the health of my skin and hair.

Ibutamoren works even better when you exercise well and eat right. 

I once took it for twelve weeks, if you’re interested in reading about that experience, check out my MK-677 log.

With that being said, here are all the juicy details I noticed from taking MK-677 at a 25mg per day dosage.

Muscle Mass

I gained around 5 pounds of muscle mass from taking MK-677 for twelve weeks. It isn’t much but is more than enough to warrant the usage of this compound.

Weight Gain

MK-677 makes you ravenous when it comes to food, and many ectomorphs could benefit from imbuing this compound as it’s so easy to put on weight while on it.

I’ve gained around 10 pounds while on MK-677. Admittedly, some of it was from the water retention experienced, but it was nothing serious.

Recovery Times

As I got older, so did my muscles complain more after a workout. MK-677 seems to soothe inflammation in the body and while on a cycle, I could practically visit the gym every day without issue.

Memory And Learning

I’m not sure if this is a placebo or if Ibutamoren really helps with cognition, but I did notice my memory getting a bit sharper whilst on a cycle. This is probably due to the increased ghrelin in the body, which harbors benefits similar to nootropics.

Secondary Benefits

Sleep is a big one, I’m a messy sleeper and always had trouble with getting my prescribed eight hours at night. MK-677 makes me fall asleep like a baby and not only that, the dreams are vivid, and I quite enjoy them. Sometimes, they even turn into lucid dreams and I get to enact my wildest fantasies…

My skin and hair also took a giant swing for the better since I started imbuing MK-677. 

My hair feels stronger and shinier.  

My skin is more elastic, and it has a soft sheen to it.

The great thing about MK-677 is that you won’t be needing PCT for it. Moreover, as we saw from some previous examples, people actually use it as a substitute for PCT!

Not only that, but cycle lengths aren’t that strict compared to other compounds. Some people have been using Ibutamoren for years without fail (mostly for sleep) and they didn’t report any issues.

To conclude, MK-677 is a great compound for weight loss. Its secondary benefits are also nothing to miss out on.

Overall, a great compound which can completely change the tide of your life.

Tips To Get The Best Results

The tips you’re about to see are a result of my experience with MK-677 and the studies performed on it.

  • If you want to avoid increased hunger, take it at night
  • If you want to be hungrier, take it in the morning
  • Lower your dosage if you experience side effects
  • Drink more water to avoid water retention while on cycle
  • Stick to my recommended dosages and guidelines
  • Exercise regularly and eat right
  • Buy pure, unadulterated MK-677 from vetted vendors

Purity is the most important factor in the success of your cycle. 

People who have bought underdosed or impure MK-677 have quickly learned their lesson, as some have been hospitalized, while others wallowed in pain.


I’ve shown you 7 great MK-677 before and after results.

Now, it’s time for you to seriously consider starting your own cycle with MK-677. 

The sky is the limit with Ibutamoren, as you can stack it or take it alone and the results never seem to disappoint.

All in all, countless people who’ve participated in studies on MK-677 have successfully changed their lives for the better.

This makes this compound safe, effective and well-researched, so there is nothing to worry about.

Good luck and be sure to keep me updated if you take any before and after pictures!

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14 Incredible SARMs Before And After Results With Pics https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/ https://sarmguide.com/sarms-before-and-after-results/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:35:53 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5874 Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle. Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the […]

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Whether you’ve never used SARMs before or are currently going through a SARMs transformation, this article will help you understand what you can expect during a cycle.

Not only will it show you 14 SARMs before and after results with pics, but we’ll also comment on them, making educated guesses as to what changes the person has gone through.

We’ll also:

  • Summarize SARMs
  • Reveal SARMs before and after pics
  • Talk about my personal SARMs results
  • Show tips to get the best SARMs results

We’re in for a lot of fun and I hope that you join us for the ride!

SARMs Summary

When someone mentions the acronym SARM, they are talking about Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, a new class of drugs discovered in the 1990s. 

As their name implies, SARMs are androgen receptor ligands, which means that when introduced into the body, they stimulate the release of androgen receptors.

Steroids do the same thing, but SARMs, who selectively target androgen receptors, don’t affect any other internal organs in the body, making them safer and more effective.

The release of androgen receptors leads to a myriad of benefits to be experienced, such as:

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increased Libido
  • Increased Strength
  • Increased Fat Loss
  • Increased Healing Properties
  • Increased Vascularity
  • Increased Bone Strength

SARMs have undergone a lot of testing in the last twenty years and the outcomes of numerous studies have shown promising results with little to no side effects.

The most popular SARM is Ostarine.

If you’re interested in learning more about SARMs, all the types of SARMs that exist and a whole lot more, check out my in-depth SARMs 101 guide!

SARMs Results With Before And After Pics

Now that we’ve learned a thing or two about SARMs, it’s time to get to the main part of this article, the results themselves.

This section will also present compounds commonly stacked with SARMs, such as Cardarine, Ibutamoren and Stenabolic.

All bodybuilders featured in this section have personally contacted me and requested to be included in this article. I’m incredibly thankful to them, as without their contribution, this article wouldn’t be half of what it is today!

Keep in mind that these people put in a lot of work and the results speak for themselves. Changing the body composition this much is nowadays harder than changing your face or overall look. People can achieve that at some Korean plastic surgery clinics. Body transformations like these, however, require a lot of work and dedication.

One more thing to note is that you have to follow a strict diet and exercise protocol if you want to achieve the same results as the people below.

If you expect SARMs to do all the hard work instead, you’ll be terribly disappointed and your SARMs before and after results will be pitiable.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine is the mildest and most studied SARM among the lot and it’s the SARM with the least side effects. Perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of SARMs.

Learn more about this SARM by reading my Ostarine review.

Ostarine Results #1

It’s pretty clear from the picture that this bodybuilder was cutting. If we take a look at his muscles, we see that he managed to preserve all of them.

Moreover, he looks even more muscular as a result of his weight and fat loss.

If I had to be the judge of it, this person lost around six to seven pounds of weight and around 3-4% of his total body fat.

The area with the noticeable improvement is definitely his stomach, as he now has a proper six-pack.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


A standard Ostarine cycle. No PCT is needed as the body will naturally recover on its own at a 15mg per day dosage.

Read my Ostarine PCT article for more information.

Ostarine Results #2 (+ Cardarine)

Really impressive results by this person. 

The addition of Cardarine definitely helped out, but it’s fairly obvious that hard work was put in here.

We can see a loss of around 7 to 8 pounds of weight and 4 to 5% of his total body fat. 

Vascularity also increased by a bit, stomach area and shoulders are more defined, muscle mass was preserved.

Overall, a successful cycle!

His cycle:






20mgs per day

15mgs per day


PCT is not needed as Cardarine is not suppressive of the natural hormones in our body. 

Want to see seven more people who turned their lives around thanks to Ostarine? 

Read my Ostarine before and after results article!

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Ligandrol is a full agonist of the androgen receptor and one of the most potent and suppressive SARMs in existence. Despite that, studies have shown its safety profile to be exemplary with participants tolerating the compound very well.

Check out my Ligandrol review for more information!

Ligandrol Results #1

Here we see someone that had an impressive physique even at the start of his cycle. Ligandrol made him into a behemoth and I’m not even exaggerating. 

Just look at the blatant increase in muscle mass on his biceps, arms and shoulders. 

His stomach area is also looking a bit better. 

If I had to guess, I would say that this person gained around 8 pounds of muscle mass in just eight weeks.

His cycle:



PCT (Nolvadex)


10mgs per day




20mgs per day

A bit of PCT was necessary as he experienced Testosterone suppression near the end of his cycle. 

Read my LGD-4033 PCT article for more information.

Intrigued by this SARM? Check out my Ligandrol before and after results article for even more samples!

RAD 140 (Testolone)

Testolone is a SARM known for enabling you to put on some nice dry gains. It is less suppressive on a mg to mg basis when compared to Ligandrol but is still very potent. 

Learn more about this SARM by reading my RAD 140 review.

RAD 140 Results #1 (+ Cardarine)

Here we see a unique cycle where the person in question decided to cut with RAD 140 and Cardarine. A bit unorthodox, but I respect it.

He was eating between 300 to 500 calories below maintenance.

From the after picture, we can assume that this bodybuilder lost around four to five pounds of weight and gained around five pounds of muscle.

The muscle increase is mostly seen in the arms and shoulders.

Vascularity is also present but is nothing to brag about.

Still a lot of work to be done, but very good results for one cycle!

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

15mgs per day


This person was very fortunate to not get suppressed by the RAD 140, so he didn’t do PCT.

Usually, on a 10mgs per day dosage, I do recommend PCT.

You can read more about it in my RAD 140 PCT guide.

RAD 140 Results #2

At first glance, this person doesn’t look like he changed much from his eight-week cycle.

Upon further inspection, you can see that his chest and six-pack look more developed.

Even his biceps are more defined and if you look really closely, he gained some nice vascularity on his arms.

Overall, a decent cycle by a person who already had an impressive physique to begin with.

His cycle:


RAD 140



5mgs per day


At 5mgs per day, they didn’t feel the suppression experienced was worth going through PCT.

After only a month, this person recovered without problems and went on to keep all of their gains.

I got a whole lot more RAD 140 results in my RAD 140 before and after results article, so be sure to take a look!

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is a SARM that is very similar to Ostarine but has sadly been abandoned since it causes vision impairment in people who imbue it.

However, Andarine is a better cutting agent when compared to Ostarine and some bodybuilders still use it, experiencing impressive results while on cycle.

Read more about the benefits and side effects of this SARM in my Andarine review.

Andarine Results #1

Copyright @Ryan Casey

A very impressive transformation by a popular bodybuilding YouTuber. 

He successfully used S4 to turn himself into a shredded monster!

Not all of this can be attributed to S4 alone, he also had a strict diet and exercise routine.

Despite that, it was the S4 that helped him shed at least 6% of his total body fat and around 10 to 15 pounds of weight. Note that this is all in just one cycle, so this is very impressive.

Biggest gains are definitely seen on the shoulders, also pay attention to his accentuated six-pack, just awesome.

His cycle:





50mgs per day


His Andarine dosage was split into two equal parts, as Andarine has a half-life of only eight hours. 

PCT was not needed as Andarine isn’t that suppressive, especially not at the dosage this bodybuilder took. 

Last thing to note is that Ryan did experience some vision impairment during his cycle, but it all went away once he stopped imbuing Andarine.

Here are some more Andarine before and after results with pictures!


YK11 is both a SARM and a steroid. Known for its potent effects and heavy Testosterone suppression, it is usually reserved for people with a lot of experience.

Interested in reading about the massive impact YK11 can have on your physique? Check out my YK11 review!

YK11 Results #1

Here we see two interesting pictures shot from the back. 

This person gained at least ten pounds of muscle during his cycle, which is very impressive.

Look at how much livelier his back is in comparison to the before picture.

There is also a noticeable decrease in the amount of body fat, I would say around 5 to 6%, which is awesome.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

A strong PCT was absolutely necessary for this type of cycle. 

This person recovered without problems and kept all of his gains, so it was a happy ending.

YK11 Results #2

This person only did a six-week cycle with YK11, probably to avoid doing PCT, which is understandable. 

We see some nice improvements in the arms, especially the biceps are more defined.

Six-pack also looks sturdier.

His shoulders experienced the biggest increase and really showcase just how potent YK11 is.

This bodybuilder gained at least six pounds of muscle. 

He also told me that he was able to best all of his personal records on the big three!

His cycle:





5mgs per day


A very rare example where the person in question didn’t have to do PCT. I usually recommend PCT while on YK11, but this is an exception.

See more pictures and learn some cool tips and tricks by reading my YK11 before and after results article!


S23 is by far the strongest SARM available and is comparable to real steroids when it comes to potency.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t been tested on human subjects as of now, but future studies could reveal its potential in serving as a contraceptive.

Learn all about its potent benefits in my S23 review.

S23 Results #1

This person was probably a bit shy, opting not to take his shirt off.

Not a big issue, as we can still surmise some facts based on what we have in front of us.

First of all, the increase in arm size and the general look of his biceps just shows how potent of a hardener S23 is.

Although it’s a bit hard to see, his shoulders also experienced a marked increase in size.

If I had to give an estimate, he probably gained around 8 to 9 pounds of muscle and broke all of his personal records.

His cycle:



PCT (Clomid)


10mgs per day




50mgs per day



25mgs per day

He split his dosage into two equal parts, which was the smart thing to do.

PCT is absolutely necessary after SARMs like S23. You don’t want to skip it, as that could result in disastrous side effects.

View more results and learn tips and tricks to make your cycle even better by reading my S23 before and after results article.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

MK-677 or Ibutamoren is a compound that forces the pituitary gland to secrete more GH (growth hormone) into the body.

Not only that, but it also increases IGF-1 levels, which have been known to increase muscle mass.

Learn all there is to know about this versatile compound in my MK-677 review.

MK-677 Results #1

This person had a lean body before starting his MK-677 cycle. After just ten weeks, we can see that he got a lot bulkier and stronger.

Biceps definitely grew by quite a bit; his shoulders look two times bigger and his entire chest area looks more defined.

He gained around ten pounds of weight, most of it in the right places.

Overall, a really good cycle, commendable results.

His cycle:





25mgs per day


MK-677 doesn’t require a PCT.

Moreover, it is actually utilized as one and serves as a safer alternative to Nolvadex or Clomid.

MK-677 Results #2 (+ RAD 140)

A stack of RAD 140 and MK-677 is popular for a reason and I think that the after picture tells the entire story.

This person gained around 11 to 12 pounds of muscle mass, it’s almost unbelievable. 

Not only that, but upon talking to him, he told me that the strength gains were insane. He bested all of his personal records and set new heights for himself, goals he never even dreamed of.

Six pack is looking awesome in the after picture, shoulders, arms and neck have all undergone a drastic transformation.

All in all, marvelous results.

His cycle:


RAD 140




10mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


Here we see a good example of using MK-677 as a PCT. 

Learn more about this compound and glean on even more transformations by reading my MK-677 before and after results article.

Cardarine (GW-501506)

Cardarine is a PPAR delta agonist, which tells us that it functions as a compound that stimulates the release of the PPAR delta nuclear receptor.

In return, this leads to benefits such as increased endurance, better lipid profile, fat loss…

If you want to learn all the benefits of this compound, be sure to read my Cardarine review.

Cardarine Results #1

Here we see some nice fat and weight loss. Not much muscle was gained, but still, it’s an impressive cycle by this young person.

He lost around 10 pounds of weight and 5 to 6% of his total body fat. 

This wasn’t just the doing of Cardarine alone, a proper diet and exercise routine were quintessential to his success – that’s something to keep in mind.

His cycle:





15mgs per day


Cardarine is not a SARM and is therefore not suppressive of our endocrine system. This means that PCT is not needed after a Cardarine cycle.

Cardarine Results #2 (+ Ostarine)

Finally, a woman that has joined our ranks!

She is a very experienced bodybuilder who did numerous cycles with both Ostarine and Cardarine. However, this time, she decided to stack the two compounds and the results are amazing.

She gained a six pack, lost a formidable amount of weight and best of all, she looks fit as hell.

She told me that she lost nine pounds of weight and 5% of her total body fat.

Her cycle:






7,5mgs per day

10mgs per day


She didn’t feel suppressed at the end of her cycle, meaning that PCT was unnecessary.

Want to see more awesome results? Read my Cardarine before and after results article!

Stenabolic (SR9009)

Bodybuilders call it ‘exercise in a bottle’ for a reason, as it massively improves endurance and leads to great benefits to be experienced.

Sadly, Stenabolic suffers from poor bioavailability, but there is one way around it.

I reveal it all in my Stenabolic review.

Stenabolic Results #1

Here we see someone that took Stenabolic on its own. There is a small issue, that being the fact that Stenabolic doesn’t build muscle.

Everything this bodybuilder achieved in the muscle department was thanks to hard work alone.

However, Stenabolic helped him lose ten pounds of weight and over 5% of his total body fat.

Due to his impressive weight and fat loss, this bodybuilder managed to get himself a six pack!

His cycle:





30mgs per day


Stenabolic doesn’t suppress our Testosterone levels since it’s not androgenic. Therefore, PCT is not needed.

I reveal a potent stack with this compound and much more in the Stenabolic results section of another article of mine.

My SARMs results

I’ve been in bodybuilding since the age of 15 and I’ve used SARMs on and off for the last six years of my life.

I’ve tried every SARM on the market, from Ostarine to S23.

Here are my SARMs results:


I remember losing 5% of my total body fat and around six pounds of weight. 

Best of all, I kept all of my previous gains and looked amazing in the mirror!


Ligandrol got me a bit suppressed towards the end of my cycle, even at 2,5mgs per day. 

That was no fun, but I still managed to gain eight pounds of muscle mass and enough strength to surpass my previous limitations.

RAD 140

RAD 140 remains one of my favorite SARMs simply for the fact that I broke the 1000-pound club with the help of the strength it bestowed me with.

I put on around eight pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of my total body fat. Not too shabby.


I’m going to be honest with you guys, I didn’t really like Andarine. 

The vision impairment was serious enough that I was a danger to myself and others while driving my car and the gains weren’t worth it.

I did manage to lose 6% of my total body fat and 8 pounds of weight.


I was a beast on YK11, the experience was otherworldly!

I gained a hefty 15 pounds in just one eight-week cycle. The side effects did bother me a bit, but I managed to power through.


S23 had me feeling like I was on real gear. I even had a bit of ‘roid rage’ at the end of my cycle.

Despite that, I gained around 17 pounds of muscle in just one cycle. 

I trained like a monster, almost every day.

As you can see, SARMs bestow the user with awesome benefits while harboring minimal side effects. 

I hope that I’ve managed to convince you to at least give SARMs a shot.

Before jumping on your first cycle, be sure to read the next section carefully.

Tips to get the best SARMs results

With six years of experience under my belt, it’s safe to say that I know what I’m talking about.

Here is six years of self-experimentation summarized in a few words:

  • Stick to eight-week cycles 
  • Stick to recommended dosages
  • Keep your diet clean
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Take note of the half-life of SARMs
  • Be aware of the side effects
  • Do a blood test before, during and after your cycle
  • Buy your SARMs from vetted and trusted vendors.

All these points are equally important, but the last one takes home the bacon. You can do everything right, but if your SARMs are not pure or in the worst-case scenario, not SARMs at all, you’re screwed.

Please, for your own sake, only buy SARMs from the vendors I’ve personally tried and tested.


We’ve seen so many great SARMs before and after results in this article. 

You too can achieve such results provided you follow the guidelines and keep your diet and exercise routines in check.

Most SARMs are supported by actual science and their safety and effectiveness has been evaluated in numerous studies.

To conclude; there is nothing to fear, you’ve seen the results, now it’s time to tread your own path!

Stay safe and good luck.

The post 14 Incredible SARMs Before And After Results With Pics appeared first on sarmguide.

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MK-677 Dosage Guide | Safest, Best Cutting And Bulking Dosages https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-dosage/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-dosage/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2021 18:55:50 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5717 In this article, we will go over:  The safest MK-677 dosage The best dosage for a bulk Why it isn’t wise to cut with MK-677 Dosages used in human trials The recommended MK-677 dosage is anywhere between 10 to 50mgs per day and that was also the range of dosages used in human trials. Speaking […]

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In this article, we will go over: 

  • The safest MK-677 dosage
  • The best dosage for a bulk
  • Why it isn’t wise to cut with MK-677
  • Dosages used in human trials

The recommended MK-677 dosage is anywhere between 10 to 50mgs per day and that was also the range of dosages used in human trials.

Speaking of human trials, MK-677 is researched quite well and there is a lot of data available for those curious about its benefits and long-term effects.

When it comes to the perfect MK-677 dosage, we have more than enough research backing the compound telling us that it’s somewhere around the 25mg mark. 

MK-677 Summary

MK-677 or Ibutamoren is an orally active human growth hormone secretagogue.

This means that MK-677 forces the pituitary gland to secrete more of the growth hormone into the body.

In return, this leads to a myriad of positive effects to be experienced, such as increased muscle mass, better sleep, increased longevity, increased energy…

Besides GH, Ibutamoren also increases IGF-1 levels in the body, which have been shown to have a positive effect on healing bones and ligaments. 

Increased IGF-1 levels also support the creation of new muscle cells via a process called hyperplasia

Ibutamoren is orally bioavailable.

If you want to read more about this compound, please check out my thorough MK-677 review.

MK-677 Half-Life

The half-life of MK-677 is only around five hours.

Fret not, for the thing that we’re really after, IGF-1 levels, remain elevated throughout the body for up to 24 hours after MK-677 ingestion.

This means that taking it once a day is more than enough to keep receiving the benefits that we’re after.

Many people like to debate whether it is best to take your MK-677 dosage in the morning or at night.

I personally believe the best time to be at night, for reasons outlined in the article above.

Dosages Used In Studies And Human Trials

What’s very important to note is that MK-677 has been tested on over 1000 human subjects.

People from all walks of life were part of these trials and even children deficient in GH have shown great results with Ibutamoren.

The great thing about Ibutamoren is the fact that its very well tolerated, even in high dosages and for lengthy periods of time.

The most common dosages used in studies and human trials were between 10 to 50mgs per day, with the median average and most frequently used dosage being 25mgs per day.

At the 25mg dosage, some side effects were noted, including increased anxiety, water retention and headaches, but the researchers didn’t stop any of the experiments as the adverse effects were never severe enough to cause a disruption in the subject’s life.

Interestingly enough, when pitting the 10mg and 50mg dosage against each other, little difference was discovered between their effectiveness in increasing GH/IGF-1 levels.

After a lot of trials and testing, researchers determined that any dosage above 25mgs a day exhibited diminishing returns, meaning that 25mgs a day is the sweet spot which we should be aiming for.

The longest study performed with MK-677 lasted for two years and no significant side effects were noted even though the subjects were above the age of 60.

Is MK-677 Safe?

Some people are leery of taking MK-677 since they’ve read that increased IGF-1 levels can lead to a higher chance of developing cancer later on in life.

This is an understandable concern and one that I shared myself when I first started researching the compound.

Luckily for us, long-term studies have shown that there is nothing to worry about and that the only real concern is for those people who already suffer from cancer. 

The safety of Ibutamoren has been proven time and time again, so there is little room for doubt.

MK-677 Bulking Dosage + Example Cycle

MK-677 is a versatile compound and has high synergy with virtually any SARM out there. 

I personally like to combine MK-677 with LGD-4033, as that stack provides you with a heap of benefits and if you follow my recommended dosages, you won’t even have to do PCT!

Example of a bulking cycle:






5mgs per day

25mgs per day




25mgs per day


 The reason behind taking MK-677 for an additional eight weeks is because we’re essentially utilizing Ibutamoren’s power as a PCT supplement!

This means that we’re not risking any of the side effects usually associated with SERM usage.

MK-677 Cutting Dosage?

I would really advise against using MK-677 as a cutting supplement, as the increased hunger you feel on it is quite pronounced.

Even if you do take it 10 minutes before going to sleep, in a caloric deficit, it’s questionable whether your sleep will be negatively affected by the gnawing hunger pangs.

While Ibutamoren does improve sleep quality, it cannot help much against cravings for food – it exacerbates them in the first place.

I think it’s futile to even attempt to cut with this compound, as it simply wasn’t designed for that task.

People that still want to try it out aren’t that off the mark, since MK-677 has anti-catabolic properties which help preserve muscle during a cut.

It’s just that there are so many other, better compounds for that job, like Ostarine.

MK-677 Dosage In mL

The most likely type of MK-677 you’ll be using will be in liquid form.

The text below doesn’t apply if you’re using MK-677 pills or capsules.

As we all should know, vendors measure liquids in milliliters (mL) which are part of the metric system.

You can’t just blindly assume that a mL of MK-677 has a certain amount of grams in it, you have to carefully read the label on the compound.

For example, Sports Technology Labs, one of my recommended vendors, sells MK-677 that contains 25mgs per 1mL of MK-677. This means that measuring out 1mL with a dropper and consuming it will be enough to cover your daily MK-677 dosage.

Make sure to use the discount code sarmguide15 when buying from Sports Technology Labs to get the most value out of your purchase. That discount code is the biggest possible discount for their website.

Safest MK-677 Dosage

The safety, effectiveness and pharmacokinetics of MK-677 have all been determined to be more than acceptable in numerous human trials. 

Researchers never cited an ideal MK-677 dosage, but preference was given to 25mgs per day as it yielded the best results while exhibiting minimal side effects.

This means that 25mgs a day should be our goal, since the difference in adverse effects between 10mgs a day and 25mgs a day are minimal.

It is only after you breach the 25mgs per day dosage that you put yourself at risk of more severe adverse effects, at least that’s what the research shows.

What MK-677 Dosage Should I Take

Even if you’re just a beginner to MK-677, 25mgs per day will not cause you any trouble, since most research subjects participating in studies and human trials took the exact same dosage for the first time without any issues.

I think it’s pretty clear from the text above that my recommended dosage is quite obvious: 25mgs per day if you’re a male.

However, if you’re a woman, I would suggest starting off with just 10mgs per day.

This advice highly depends on your stature and weight, if you’re of a sturdier build, nothing should prevent you from taking 25mgs per day right off the bat.

The same thing applies to males, if you’re under 150lbs and on the shorter side of the equation, there is no shame in starting off with 10mgs per day.

You can always increase the dosage to 25mgs per day later on.


At the present moment, MK-677 is probably the best compound for increasing GH and IGF-1 levels on the planet, even better when compared to HGH itself!

Dosages up to 50mgs were used in human trials and people tolerated them quite well.

However, a dosage of 50mgs per day led to an increased risk of side effects and is just one of the reasons why 25mgs per day is preferred.

The second reason is because 25mgs per day is the most researched dosage till date, and it should only be natural that we choose that dosage for ourselves.

Remember to cycle MK-677 once in a while and purchase it from a reliable source which you can trust!

The post MK-677 Dosage Guide | Safest, Best Cutting And Bulking Dosages appeared first on sarmguide.

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MK 677 As a PCT | Can You Use Ibutamoren As a PCT? https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-as-pct/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-as-pct/#respond Thu, 07 Jan 2021 13:16:56 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=5545 In this article, we will discuss using MK 677 as PCT. MK 677 has been lauded by the bodybuilding community for its awesome effects at building muscle mass, providing you with better sleep and increasing the quality of your hair, skin and nails. Some people have even started using it as a PCT supplement, but […]

The post MK 677 As a PCT | Can You Use Ibutamoren As a PCT? appeared first on sarmguide.


In this article, we will discuss using MK 677 as PCT.

MK 677 has been lauded by the bodybuilding community for its awesome effects at building muscle mass, providing you with better sleep and increasing the quality of your hair, skin and nails.

Some people have even started using it as a PCT supplement, but how did they come up with that idea?

To answer that question, we’ll first have to learn a bit more about MK 677, and later on, I’ll even show you how to do a PCT with it and I’ll also reveal the best vendor to buy it from.

What is MK 677

MK 677, also known as Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue, which means that it increases the production of the naturally occurring HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in our body.

Besides that, it has also been shown to act on ghrelin, which controls many important functions in our body, such as hunger, sleep quality and the release of the growth hormone.

Additionally, MK 677 increases IGF-1 levels which have been shown to promote the creation of new muscle mass, and most importantly, it performs that action without affecting cortisol levels.

Ibutamoren is usually consumed orally as it has high bioavailability. Moreover, it’s tolerated quite well and its safety profile has been evaluated in multiple studies.

Now that we know a bit more about MK 677, let’s take a look at its efficacy as a PCT supplement.

MK 677 And PCT

There are several reasons why MK 677 is being considered as an alternative to standard PCT supplements such as Nolvadex or Clomid, one of them being the fact that it has fewer side effects than standard SERMs.

Also, it can be used for longer as it doesn’t suppress Testosterone or Estrogen levels. Many people perceive Estrogen in a negative way, but low Estrogen levels can also be detrimental to the body.

Regular PCT is only used for four weeks and if you’re not fully recovered by then, you’re out of luck.

Conversely, I have heard of people taking Ibutamoren for years as a general sleeping aid, without experiencing any side effects whatsoever.

While MK 677 doesn’t directly promote muscle growth like other SARMs, studies have shown that people who were taking 12,5mgs of Ibutamoren a day for 16 weeks gained two pounds of muscle mass, without any training whatsoever.

This means that you’ll be able to preserve all of your muscle after a SARM cycle!

So why aren’t people just taking Ibutamoren instead of PCT altogether?

The fact of the matter is, Ibutamoren is weaker than traditional PCT supplements and it’s a big question as to whether MK 677 would work for PCT if you were using SARMs like S23 or YK11.

MK 677 As A PCT Example

The most common example of a MK 677 PCT protocol will be shown in the following table:





X mgs a day

20mgs a day



20mgs a day

You should start taking Ibutamoren from the beginning of your SARM cycle, it will not interfere with the workings of the SARM in question. Moreover, it will actually help with muscle growth and bestow you with an even better cut, bulk or body recomp.

I personally don’t recommend the usage of MK 677 while cutting, as it increases hunger quite a bit, but if you can handle it, go for it!

You don’t have to stop taking Ibutamoren at the sixteen-week mark, but it is recommended that you cycle it off a few weeks in a six-month period, as to avoid the appearance of some side effects associated with MK 677 use.

We’ll talk more about them in the next chapter of this article.

MK 677 Side Effects

MK 677 has quite a few side effects, but most of them can be mitigated with ease and if you stick to my dosages and cycle lengths, you really shouldn’t have to worry much.

Here are some of the most common side effects of MK 677: 

I’ve linked some of the articles I’ve penned on these adverse effects, so if you’re interested in learning more about them and how to lessen their effects, follow the links outlined above.

Where to Buy MK 677

Pure MK 677 is hard to come by, but don’t worry, I got you covered.

I usually buy my MK 677 at science.bio (use the code sarmguide10 for 10% off), since they are quite cheap and have extensive quality control over the products they sell.

If you choose their powder, you get 1000mgs of pure Ibutamoren for only fifty dollars.

However, if you opt for their liquid, you receive 750mgs of MK 677 for the same price as the powder.

I usually buy their liquid since it’s easier to measure and it usually lasts me for around a month. 

That’s less than 2$ per day, which is a good deal.


As we’ve seen from this article, MK 677 can be used as a PCT after SARMs, but I personally would take a real PCT like Nolvadex or Clomid after a heavy SARM cycle.

We must remember that MK 677 can’t really be compared to a real SERM and that the latter will always work better and faster than the former.

All in all, MK 677 is great aid in battling suppression from SARMs like Ostarine, Andarine, Testolone and Ligandrol.

Just remember to take it in a 20mg dosage per day and you should be golden!

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MK 677 VS HGH | Which One Is Safer And Better? https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-vs-hgh/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-vs-hgh/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 09:02:08 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4988 Today, we’ll be comparing two very popular compounds used by bodybuilders and athletes worldwide in order to enhance their performance during training or at the gym.  Both HGH and MK 677 have been excessively studied on humans since their discovery, and so far, no serious adverse effects have been found for both of these supplements. […]

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Today, we’ll be comparing two very popular compounds used by bodybuilders and athletes worldwide in order to enhance their performance during training or at the gym. 

Both HGH and MK 677 have been excessively studied on humans since their discovery, and so far, no serious adverse effects have been found for both of these supplements.

MK 677 vs HGH

Quite on the contrary, you enjoy marvelous benefits to your health and fitness once you start imbuing either of these two products.

The big question is whether there is a difference between the two and that’s exactly what this article is going to be about.

Let’s explore these two compounds in detail first, before making any attempt at a closer comparison.

MK 677

MK 677 is an orally active human growth hormone secretagogue, which means that it forces the body to secrete more of the growth hormone. 

It is also a full agonist of the hormone ghrelin, without affecting cortisol levels in the body, which only gives it more of a plus since increased cortisol leads to a myriad of side effects.

Besides that, it also increases IGF-1 levels in the body which have been shown to have a great effect on building muscle mass, which makes it a potential contender in helping with frailty in the elderly.

It’s usually consumed orally as it has great bioavailability.

Unfortunately, MK 677 is still in the preclinical stages of development when it comes to getting approved by the FDA for growth hormone deficiency.

You will find MK 677 also nicknamed as Nutrobal, Oratrope and Ibutamoren.


The human growth hormone, also known as somatotropin is a peptide that helps with building lean body mass, speeding up healing of muscle tissue, burning fat, increasing metabolism…

HGH is secreted by the pituitary gland and is managed by two hormones in the brain: GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) which, as the name implies, increases the amount of HGH in the body and somatostatin, which coincidentally decreases the amount of HGH present.

Contrary to popular belief, HGH is secreted throughout our entire lives and not just during puberty. HGH monitors many functions, among them our blood sugar levels and is needed for the normal functioning of our body.

MK 677 VS HGH – Route of Administration

I would give this one to MK 677 as you don’t have to inject anything into your body. Simply pop a pill when needed and you get your daily dose of GH delivered straight into your body.

The problem with HGH is that it doesn’t metabolize in the liver, meaning that it is impossible to take it orally as it isn’t bioavailable enough when administered in such a way.

This leaves injections as the only proper way of administering HGH, and we all know the many problems that can ensue when you inject stuff into your body, especially as a non-professional.


It is quite difficult to compare dosages between the two as they have different measurements.

For example, MK 677 is measured in mgs, while HGH is quantified in something called IU (International Unit).

25mgs of Ibutamoren is enough to cover about 3IU of HGH, which is more than enough for a day.

That’s why the most common dosage used is 25mgs of MK 677 a day.

Frequency of Usage

HGH is quite annoying to use as it requires multiple injections a day, while MK 677 is the more convenient option as you only need to take it once a day to work.

Simply down your liquid and you’re done for the day.

This is a straight up point for MK 677, as it is more convenient, and you avoid all the side effects of injections such as a burning sensation around the injection area.


Once again, MK 677 wins in this department as well. 

You need a legitimate prescription from a doctor to start using HGH, which can be a real pain in the neck to get.

Buying it on the black market is as shady as you can get and you never know what you’re really receiving, so I wouldn’t bother with it.

On the other hand, MK 677 can be purchased as a research chemical, and you don’t have to jump any hoops in order to get to it, simply order it online from a reputable source and that’s it!


You must have realized by now that MK 677 and HGH are basically the same thing. One potentiates secretion of the other, which means that they have similar benefits in the body.

Instead of comparing benefits, which is inane as there is nothing to be compared, I’ll simply list down some of the biggest pros of these two compounds.

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Fat Loss
  • Better REM Sleep
  • Better Healing
  • Reduced Recovery Times
  • Hair Growth
  • Improves Bone Density
  • Nootropic Effects 

Side Effects

MK 677 and HGH also share the same side effects with one another, I’ll also be listing them down below so that you may know what you might have to be dealing with once you start imbuing either of these compounds.

  • Increased Hunger
  • Water Retention
  • Anxiety


That’s basically it! 

As you can see, neither of these two supplements have many side effects which means that they are safe to use, and studies have shown that they are well-tolerated for long-term consumption!

MK 677 VS HGH Results

As expected, MK 677 and HGH share the same results.

If you’re not excited about taking one or the other, you should be, as either of these compounds will bestow you with marvelous positive gains in your life.

You will gain around 4 to 5 pounds of muscle mass in around two to three months of usage; you will also lose a bit of fat during that time period.

Dozing off won’t be a chore anymore, as you’ll sleep like a baby thanks to the enhanced sleeping these compounds bring to the table.

Also, you’ll be ready to have a go at the gym much sooner and you’ll heal a lot faster which will precipitate even bigger gains.

If you’re troubled with hair loss as a result of your anabolic usage or genetics, these two compounds will come in handy as they help with hair growth.

Lastly, you will feel smarter and more accomplished than ever as both of these drugs affect the brain just like a nootropic since they act on the ghrelin receptor.

All in all, the results from both HGH and MK 677 are awesome, and you should definitely integrate one or the other into your day-to-day life.

MK 677 VS HGH Pricing

So far, MK 677 and HGH have enjoyed almost equal footing, save for the obvious advantages of MK 677 when it came to route of administration, legality and dosage frequency.

It is here where MK 677 rips the torch out of HGH’s hands and takes home the bacon.

You see, monthly costs of taking HGH daily can mount up to a thousand dollars. 

That’s like paying for an extra mortgage on your house and not many can afford it.

Luckily for you, if you buy MK 677 from a trusted source such as these ones, you won’t pay more than 50$ a month!

You get 750mgs of liquid Ibutamoren with your purchase, which on a 25mgs per day dosage, should last you exactly 30 days!


I think it’s more than obvious which compound I recommend – MK 677 is simply the better and more affordable option; you can take it once a day and forget about it and that’s not the best thing about it either. 

To conclude, both HGH and MK 677 are similar compounds, since the latter is essentially promoting the secretion of the former, but throughout this article, we’ve come to realize that MK 677 is simply the better choice.

Not only will real HGH send you towards financial ruin, but you have to inject yourself, subject yourself to a painful vetting process just to get a prescription or even worse, buy it from some shady market. 

Choose MK 677 and forget about all of the nonsense above.

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Does MK-677 Cause Cancer Through The IGF-1 Hormone? https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-cancer/ https://sarmguide.com/mk-677-cancer/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 08:56:28 +0000 https://sarmguide.com/?p=4975 There have been several human studies so far done with Ibutamoren and not one of them has linked its usage with increased cancer growth. Still, some people are not convinced, and they do still fear the fact that MK-677 might cause cancer. This article was written in order to combat such a stance and to […]

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There have been several human studies so far done with Ibutamoren and not one of them has linked its usage with increased cancer growth.

Still, some people are not convinced, and they do still fear the fact that MK-677 might cause cancer.

can MK 677 cause cancer

This article was written in order to combat such a stance and to show those that still doubt MK-677 as a safe compound that there is nothing to worry about.

IGF-1 And Cancer

As we all should know by now, Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue that increases IGF-1 hormone count in the body.

Increased IGF-1 levels have been linked to increased risk of cancer growth since it increases cell differentiation. 

This means that more cells are replicating themselves at any given time, leading to an increased risk of cancer as there is a heightened chance of mutations to occur.

Multiple studies have shown that those with increased IGF-1 levels have a higher chance of suffering from cancer during their lifetimes.

This all sounds very concerning, but when you consider the fact that the chances of a cell mutation to occur are 1 in two million (during your lifetime) and that most of these mutations are caught at their root, it paints quite a different picture.

Realistically, your chances of getting cancer from Ibutamoren through increased IGF-1 production are infinitely close to zero.

Fearing cancer from Ibutamoren is similar to being scared of winning the lottery or being hit by lightning, it just doesn’t happen.

You would have to be really unlucky, and so far, no studies on MK-677 have linked cancer as a side effect in study participants.

Age And Cancer

Age plays a much bigger role in determining whether you’ll have cancer or not. 

Mutations become more prevalent and harder to catch for your aging system, which increases the chances of you having cancer.

Personally speaking, I wouldn’t take Ibutamoren if I were over 50 years old. 

While the risk of getting cancer from MK-677 is still very low at that age, I wouldn’t risk it for another reason, and I will explain more about it in the next section of this article.

IGF-1 Effects On People With Cancer

The chances of undiagnosed cancer in elderly people is much higher in comparison to younger folk out there.

IGF-1 starts becoming really problematic when you start taking it while you have cancer. It helps cancer cells grow and proliferate at a much higher rate, and that’s why it’s so dangerous.

Under no circumstances should you take MK-677 or any other growth hormone secretagogue if you currently have cancer.


If you don’t have cancer and are under the age of 50, it’s perfectly fine to take Ibutamoren as you don’t have to worry about getting cancer from it.

The only problem with Ibutamoren and similar compounds like HGH is when someone with preexisting cancer starts taking it, that’s when it becomes really dangerous.

All in all, MK-677 is perfectly safe and effective in healthy people and you can start using it right away!

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