SARMs Archives - sarmguide Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:16:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SARMs Archives - sarmguide 32 32 SARMs VS Prohormones | A Comprehensive Comparison Tue, 08 Nov 2022 15:11:47 +0000 Both SARMs and prohormones are powerful PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) that can help you achieve your goals. There are some differences between the two and in this article, I will present both of these compounds in an objective manner. We will put them side by side and see how they perform against each other when it […]

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Both SARMs and prohormones are powerful PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) that can help you achieve your goals.

SARMs VS Prohormones

There are some differences between the two and in this article, I will present both of these compounds in an objective manner.

We will put them side by side and see how they perform against each other when it comes to benefits, side effects, pricing and so on.

What Are SARMs

SARM is an acronym standing for selective androgen receptor modulator; they are androgen receptor ligands.

This means that they selectively bond to the androgen receptor and exert effects usually associated with steroids but without all the side effects of the latter.

While this implies SARMs would be an excellent choice for muscle wasting diseases such as osteoporosis, not one SARM has been approved by the FDA.

Despite that, thousands of men use SARMs for their muscle-building properties as well as their ability to add strength, bone density, etc.

Some of the most popular SARMs are Ostarine, Ligandrol and RAD 140.

What Are Prohormones

As the name implies, prohormones are literally “for hormones” in the sense that they are precursors to actual hormones in the body.

This essentially means that you could be taking a completely legal prohormone, without a prescription, and later watch it turn into pure testosterone in the body!

Needless to say, not all prohormones are androgen prohormones but it’s only natural that these substances are amongst the most popular choices.

Prohormones used to be widely popular in the US before President Bush and later President Obama, signed acts which made them both illegal to manufacture and distribute.

The most popular prohormones are 1-Androsterone, Arimistane and Epiandrosterone.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Ease of Access

While most prohormones are essentially illegal, some of them slipped through the cracks and are in a gray area, like SARMs.

I’m not going to pretend that prohormones, even illegal ones, are hard to get.

In reality, they are just a few clicks away.

While I obviously don’t condone such behavior, it’s important to note that the reason why you shouldn’t go for the illegal ones is lack of quality control.

These vendors who peddle prohormones on the black market get this stuff in bulk from China.

Trust me, they don’t give two damns about your health and are mostly there to make a quick buck.

On the other hand, the legality of SARMs is still unclear, which means you will have no trouble buying them online.

All in all, SARMs are the better option here as they have some quality control and vendors aren’t breaking the law by selling them.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Benefits

The truth is, even the strongest SARM, I’m thinking of S23 in this instance, is still less potent than the weakest prohormone.

The reason for that is obvious; prohormones are quasi-steroids!

With SARMs, you’ll get increased muscle mass, strength, energy levels and so on.

However, prohormones will do all that but at a higher intensity.

This means that you’ll get bigger and better results using prohormones compared to SARMs.

Prohormones are the clear winner here.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Route of Administration

While some people unfamiliar with prohormones might think they are necessarily injected, that’s not quite right.

Prohormones can be taken orally, which might seem convenient but side effects such as increased hepatotoxicity are a real problem.

On the other hand, SARMs can be taken orally, injected and sublingually.

To be quite fair, there isn’t a clear winner here when we strictly look at the options presented.

However, I skew towards SARMs as their proclivity for liver damage is far lower compared to prohormones.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Side Effects

I’ve already described SARMs as the weaker PED in a previous chapter but what about side effects?

Contrary to popular belief, SARMs may or may not have a lot of side effects.

It all depends on the SARM and dosage taken.

For example, if you’re a newbie to SARMs and take 20mgs of YK11 per day, it’s only natural that you’ll experience a myriad of adverse effects.

However, if you pre plan your cycle, research your options, do your due diligence, you’re very likely to have a good time.

On the flip side of the coin, prohormones have side effects like gyno, aggression, testicular atrophy, acne, hair loss

While some of the stronger SARMs can also have these effects, they won’t be as pronounced as in prohormones.

In conclusion, SARMs have a better side effect profile and therefore take home the bacon.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Pricing

The prices of SARMs and prohormones vary quite a lot depending on your vendor.

An average monthly supply of SARMs will set you back around 55$, give or take.

It’s a similar story with prohormones, although prices might vary massively depending on your source.

To be perfectly fair, you shouldn’t look at the price tag of the compounds you’re imbuing.

After all, it’s expected that the higher the price tag, the better the product and service.

Therefore, this entire pricing debacle is pointless.

There are no winners here, although I would never risk buying prohormones on the black market in fear of legal repercussions.


In a perfect world, both SARMs and prohormones would be completely legal and people would have the liberty to decide what and when to take.

That obviously isn’t the case.

For that reason, I prefer SARMs as they are still legal and easy to buy at my recommended companies.

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Where to Buy Cheap SARMs Online? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:47:12 +0000 Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s a tough economy out there and times are getting harder by the day. It’s completely normal that many bodybuilders, especially newbies to PEDs, are looking for cheap SARMs. This article will show you the dangers of penny-pinching, while still revealing the most economically viable options out there. The Dangers of […]

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Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s a tough economy out there and times are getting harder by the day.

It’s completely normal that many bodybuilders, especially newbies to PEDs, are looking for cheap SARMs.

Where To Buy Cheap SARMs

This article will show you the dangers of penny-pinching, while still revealing the most economically viable options out there.

The Dangers of Cheap SARMs

One is surprised to learn that a lot of companies actually adopt this policy.

They continually undersell their competition, to the point where you can get SARMs like Ostarine or Ligandrol for a fraction of their normal price.

I’ve seen some vendors selling the above for 20 to 30$, which is absolutely ridiculous.

However, what the frenzied buyer doesn’t realize is that those SARMs are very likely imported from China, very low quality and without proper quality control.

It’s a gamble whether you’ll make it till the next day if you imbue that stuff.

You might think I’m joking but it’s exactly cheap vendors like these which give SARMs a bad reputation in the industry.

When you hear all the warnings and “dangers” of SARMs, it’s very likely a batch from China made its way to your home country.

I’m not saying that SARMs don’t have a kick to them, sure they do but if you buy real, high-quality SARMs, you massively reduce the risk of anything going wrong.

To sum up, if something is too good to be true, avoid it, as it’s most likely a scam in some form.

What to Look For In Cheap SARMs Vendors

If you just want the most affordable, high-quality and pure SARMs, check out the table in the section below.

I’ll now name the three biggest telltale signs which I use to determine cheap, yet reliable SARMs vendors.

1. Recent Lab Results

Recent lab results are paramount to good quality control. You can’t have one without the other.

Of course, other factors also contribute to the overall image of the vendor but this is one of the most important traits.

Some vendors try to be sneaky and post lab results from two or three years ago but that simply isn’t enough to win me over.

The problem is, every SARM batch is different and one shouldn’t fall prey to outdated lab reports as you risk health and other issues down the line.

2. Complexity of The Lab Reports

Shady SARMs vendors are getting smarter. 

They simply change the date on their CoA to match the recent week or month and viola, they have successfully fooled you.

That’s why recency of lab reports simply doesn’t cut it anymore, you also have to look at the meat of the lab reports.

This means that if it’s just a simple CoA with little to no information about how the SARM performed on the test or a table detailing the stats of the particular SARM on the test, it’s highly unreliable.

What you’re essentially looking for are HPLC assays of the SARMs tested.

3. The Pushiness of The Vendor

I could’ve looked at payment options, delivery times, customer service or any other common trait which has been covered a million times before.

Nevertheless, how pushy the vendor is on their website, in my opinion, constitutes one of the best markers when something is off.

Of course, it’s a bit hard to quantify what is meant by “pushiness”, as every vendor is out there to get a sale and make profit.

Despite that, stuff like ripped bodybuilders on the front page, annoying pop ups, promises of gains and questionable safety practices constitute a real threat.

That’s why it’s important you look out for the above, as such vendors are best avoided.

One can’t pinpoint exactly what is wrong with them; they seem without fault and too good to be true.

Lastly, every time you feel the vendor is implying human consumption in their product descriptions, avoid them without giving it a second thought.

Legitimate And Cheap SARMs Vendors

If you’ve been a reader of this site for some amount of time, you are probably acquainted with the fact that I tried nearly every vendor out there.

Trust me, the last seven years of my life haven’t been easy but it has been a very rewarding experience, being able to help others (and myself) get the best of the best.

I think it’s best we compare the few vendors that are legitimate and crown the winners with the cheapest products and best service.


Sports Technology Labs

Spectre Labs


Swiss Chems

Price Range ($)

54.99 – 99.99

81.00 – 88.99

39.99 – 99.99 

65.95 – 89.95

Avg. Price of SARMs





Customer Satisfaction

Very Satisfied

Very Satisfied


Very Satisfied

Total Rating (1-10)





While the table above isn’t perfect (for example, it doesn’t tell you how much SARMs you get with each vendor, etc.), it’s a good representation of the best SARMs vendors.

One thing to note is that the total rating is calculated by specifically looking at the price, so if you want the cheapest SARMs available online, you should go with Chemyo.

However, if customer satisfaction is something that tickles your fancy, the other three vendors might be better suited for you.

In reality, all four of these vendors are good places to buy SARMs and you should have zero issues with them.

To find the largest discount codes and the best deal with the vendors above, visit my recommended companies.

It’s a complete list of the best SARMs vendors and it even includes vendors for customers from Australia and the UK

Be sure to check it out!


I think it’s safe to say that cheap SARMs, in the range of 20 or 30$, don’t actually exist.

You’ll have to shell out at least 50$ if you want legitimate SARMs, which is fair, as they usually last for a month, sometimes even for the entirety of your cycle.

Please heed the advice in this article and you’ll avoid a lot of headache, disappointment and most importantly, health problems.

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SARMs VS Testosterone | Which is Better? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:47:05 +0000 Many people will straight up tell you that SARMs are the better option, due to their better safety profile and “selective” nature. What this article will show you is that SARMs aren’t as perfect as they are normally portrayed and that testosterone also has its ups. When comparing SARMs and Testosterone, we’ll be looking at […]

The post SARMs VS Testosterone | Which is Better? appeared first on sarmguide.


Many people will straight up tell you that SARMs are the better option, due to their better safety profile and “selective” nature.

What this article will show you is that SARMs aren’t as perfect as they are normally portrayed and that testosterone also has its ups.

SARMs VS Testosterone

When comparing SARMs and Testosterone, we’ll be looking at things like research, total cost, side effects and so on.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Research

SARMs such as Ostarine obviously have a lot of research to them; over 1000 humans have actively tried it, including children.

However, when you take into consideration testosterone has been around since 1935, you quickly realize SARMs are in a tight spot.

The thing is, SARMs have only been discovered for circa 20 years, it will take a while before they reach the research depth of testosterone.

Right now, it’s actually safer to imbue testosterone in a controlled environment as it has more research behind it.

Of course, as we’ll see throughout this article, that’s not all rainbows and sunshine either.

The biggest problem with SARMs is that if you want something with a real punch to it, you’ll have to either settle with YK11 or S23.

While I’m not against people taking these two, the fact of the matter is that there’s little to no research behind them.

The same cannot be said for testosterone.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Intensity

I’ve seen plenty of articles online claiming SARMs are the “new testosterone” but that is a bunch of bull.

While SARMs do increase testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner, they can’t hold a candle to real testosterone.

Whatever your problems or fitness goals, with actual testosterone, you’re no doubt bound to achieve them.

Also, the strength, muscle and other gains from testosterone are going to be much more pronounced.

Expect double the gains from testosterone compared to SARMs.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Ease of Access

The problem with both SARMs and testosterone, especially the former, is that doctors are very unlikely to prescribe them to you.

Take SARMs for example, from the doctor’s perspective, those are potentially unsafe, unregulated and under researched compounds.

On the other hand, doctors are also leery of prescribing testosterone to their patients; it’s usually done as a last resort.

What’s more likely to happen is the doctor telling you to get more sunlight, exercise, etc.

The good thing about SARMs is that you can still get them legally delivered, to almost every country in the world, via the internet.

More on where to buy them in the last section of this article.

If you’re concerned whether SARMs are within the law in your country, check out my are SARMs legal article.

The point is, SARMs are much easier to obtain if you have the right source.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Total Cost

SARMs are far more cost-friendly compared to testosterone.

For example, one bottle of Ligandrol will usually set you back between 60 to 100$.

This might seem like a lot at first but when you consider the monthly cost of testosterone, you realize how economical SARMs really are.

I’ve seen doctors and clinics charge up to one-thousand dollars per month.

Since it’s very likely your claim is going to be rejected by your insurance company, you will have to pay the full price.

To be quite frank with you, if I had the means, I would rather take testosterone in a controlled environment.

In that instance, it’s much better than SARMs, as it provides more benefits and you always have assistance nearby if something goes awry.

To conclude, SARMs are the more economical option but testosterone remains the best choice overall.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Side Effects

Many will just tell you that SARMs have less side effects because they don’t aromatize or because they selectively target the androgen receptor.

The two claims above are not quite true. 

Actually, they are the reason many users find themselves unprepared for the testosterone suppression and estrogen dominance SARMs can cause.

Yes, testosterone has a much bigger kick to it; you’ll feel more side effects and have an increased chance of gyno, prostate enlargement, hair loss, etc.

However, it’s questionable whether SARMs or testosterone is more dangerous.

The reason why stems from the fact that many users don’t give SARMs the respect they deserve.

For example, they don’t get their blood drawn, don’t use PCT, overdose or extend their cycle far beyond the normal eight weeks.

With testosterone, provided you’re doing it legally, you’ll get the exact dosage and instructions on how to behave.

You’re also far more likely to actually listen to the advice given, as it comes from an authority figure.

All in all, testosterone has more side effects but SARMs can be equally as dangerous, especially since so many people don’t give them the respect due.


In the match-up between SARMs and testosterone, there’s no clear winner.

Both have their ups and downs; if you’re a responsible adult and do as you’re told, you’ll have a good time disregarding the compound used.

If you opt for SARMs, go for the best of the best, visit my recommended companies to get the full scoop on the absolute purest SARMs available!

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Do SARMs Shrink Your Balls? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:46:43 +0000 Testicular atrophy or colloquially, ball shrinkage, is a hot topic in the SARMs community. Many users ask themselves whether SARMs shrink your balls but there isn’t much information available. This article will answer the question above and cover the topic in-depth, so make sure you read till the end! Can SARMs Shrink Your Balls Although […]

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Testicular atrophy or colloquially, ball shrinkage, is a hot topic in the SARMs community.

Do SARMs Shrink Balls

Many users ask themselves whether SARMs shrink your balls but there isn’t much information available.

This article will answer the question above and cover the topic in-depth, so make sure you read till the end!

Can SARMs Shrink Your Balls

Although many bodybuilders believe SARMs don’t affect the testes, they actually do, since exogenous testosterone interferes with a process called spermatogenesis.

This means that during your SARMs cycle, not only will your balls shrink by about 10 to 20% but you’ll also be less fertile as you produce less sperm.

Of course, this doesn’t happen to every SARM user and there’s a difference between the intensity of say Ostarine and S23.

The former will rarely cause testicular atrophy and even if it does, it will quickly go away once you discontinue your cycle.

However, S23 has infertility as one of its main side effects and given its strength, it will take a lot more time for things to get back to normal.

While there are studies noting testicular atrophy in bodybuilders taking SARMs, no study looked at the matter in a thorough manner.

This means it’s very hard to answer questions such as “how long will my balls stay shrunk” or “will X SARM cause ball shrinkage”.

On top of all this, you have to consider that every body is different and reacts to SARMs differently.

However, we do know that stronger SARMs have a higher propensity to cause testicular atrophy.

The recovery period also lasts longer, which means if you really want to be safe from this side effect, stick to Ostarine.

SARMs And Testicular Atrophy Experiences

I’ve had a look at popular communities where exactly this topic is discussed.

Let’s take a look at some experiences from actual bodybuilders!

1. The 50% Sack Drop

Although quite short, this experience tells us there’s really nothing to worry about. 

Even if your balls drop to half their size, they will grow back once you stop using the SARM in question.

The user also speaks about Clomid, a SERM which helps restore homeostasis in the body after a cycle.

2. A Questionable SARMs Stack

The second anecdotal report I want to show you guys handles a pretty unique situation.

The user in question did a questionable stack consisting of RAD 140 and YK11

Both of these SARMs are pretty hard on your reproductive system and it’s not too uncommon to see side effects one week into your cycle.

The solution to this problem is quite simple; stop the stack and next time, don’t mix two suppressive SARMs together.

3. The RAD 140 Problem

Last but not least, here’s a report where the user did nothing wrong, his dosage is fine and his selection of SARMs also looks good.

In this instance, since a month of daily usage has been achieved, it’s most likely RAD 140 is the culprit.

The best thing to do is to get a blood test to see how far your testosterone has dipped.

After that, you can either stop your cycle and hop on PCT or continue until the end of your cycle.

Of course, this is just a simplified version of what you should do. 

I will talk in-depth about your options in the next chapter.

What to Do When SARMs Shrink Your Balls

The first thing to do is not panic. 

There are many newbies starting their first SARMs cycles and they are very paranoid and stressed out.

So much in fact that they ask whether their balls have shrunk after three days of SARMs usage.

I don’t want to discredit anyone’s experience but some things are just ridiculous.

Once you’ve stopped panicking and have confirmed that you’re suffering from testicular atrophy, get a blood test.

A blood test is paramount to determining your free testosterone levels. 

If they have dropped beyond nominal levels, you’ll have found the culprit.

It’s up to you whether you want to continue your SARMs cycle or not.

From personal experience, I see no reason why you shouldn’t complete it.

As previously stated, the shrinkage is reversible and people make a full recovery even without using PCT.

The latter is not something I recommend but it has to be mentioned, as you’re able to recuperate even without further supplementation.

If you want to abort your cycle, simply stop taking the SARM in question, get either Nolvadex or Clomid and start your PCT.

An overwhelming majority of people recover within the first two weeks but some take a full month to get well.

That’s about it, your balls will grow back as your body starts producing its own testosterone again

What About HCG

I’ve seen HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) recommended many times, especially for testicular atrophy.

From personal experience, I believe it’s overkill and not necessary.

Not only are you wasting money but you’re also putting yourself at risk for further side effects, such as depression, breast tenderness, etc.

As previously stated, I’ve seen people recover from testicular atrophy without using PCT.


Many bodybuilders find themselves in quite the embarrassing situation when they experience testicular atrophy from SARMs.

Now that you know what to do in such a situation, you no longer have to wonder whether SARMs shrink your balls.

Simply follow the instructions outlayed in this article and you’ll do just fine!

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Do You Lose Gains After Stopping SARMs? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:46:17 +0000 You hop on a SARMs cycle, get all the juicy gains you always wanted but near the end of your cycle, you become anxious. The question on your mind is crystal-clear: Do you lose gains after stopping SARMs? This article will answer the above and I’ll even include a short tutorial on how to keep […]

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You hop on a SARMs cycle, get all the juicy gains you always wanted but near the end of your cycle, you become anxious.

The question on your mind is crystal-clear: Do you lose gains after stopping SARMs?

Do You Lose SARMs Gains

This article will answer the above and I’ll even include a short tutorial on how to keep all your gains after a SARMs cycle.

Do You Lose Gains After a SARMs Cycle

Most people do end up losing some gains after their SARMs cycle.

That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, in the end, it all depends on what you do after you stop taking SARMs.

If you continue training hard and eating right, you’ll minimize the gains you lose.

Of course, other factors play a role too, such as genetics, responsiveness and SARM used.

The good thing about SARMs is that gains are much easier to maintain when compared to “real” anabolics such as steroids.

If you do everything right and play by the book, you’ll be able to keep 90 to 95% of your SARM gains.

The question is, how do you accomplish that?

Keep reading and I’ll reveal all the factors that go into keeping your gains.

How To Keep Gains After SARMs

The first question to answer is, why do so many people end up losing their gains on SARMs? 

If it’s so easy, why do most people actually lose gains?

The answer is simple, they experience a decrease in testosterone levels.

You see, when you take SARMs, your testosterone levels spike and you feel like you can conquer the world.

After your cycle ends, your body needs a bit of time to realize that there’s no exogenous testosterone flowing into it and that it has to restart production of natural testosterone.

This process can take anywhere from a week to a month, depending on the compound used, cycle length, genetics and so on.

The tricky thing is, that week or month will feel vastly different, even depressing, compared to your cycle.

The reason is obvious; less testosterone means lower mood, motivation and drive.

While you can’t do anything about the above, you can influence how you do the following three things.

1. Diet

Continuing to count your macros and prioritizing protein, while eating clean at the same time should be a top priority.

Be warned, your brain will try to find an excuse to stop doing the above but we know better.

All this chatter and confusion in your brain are due to less testosterone present in your body, push through!

2. Exercise

While nobody is expecting you to get the same results as in your cycle, you have to give it your all, just like before.

The obvious problem here is that you’re putting a certain amount of effort and getting lower returns than before.

This serves as a double whammy to the bodybuilder; not only does he have less testosterone but his results are seemingly missing.

You have to understand that you can’t possibly perform at your previous level due to the very nature of SARMs.

In my opinion, your off-cycle is a real trial of your mental and physical strength, as you have to keep up the effort while everything is seemingly crumbling before you.

Remember to stay focused and realize that this state isn’t permanent, you’ll get out of it eventually and be glad you pushed through.

3. Do a Blood Test + PCT If Necessary

I’ve had this discussion before; some bodybuilders simply don’t see the benefits of PCT and simply skip it.

That’s acceptable with some SARMs, such as Ostarine, which might cause mild to moderate suppression but aren’t that dangerous overall.

However, if you’re taking something like YK11 or even LGD-4033, you have to perform a blood test after your cycle.

You can read hundreds of articles about suppression probability and the strength of individual SARMs.

The above is fine but nothing comes even close to your personal blood test, giving insight into your specific results.

If you just had a cycle with a strong SARM, did your blood test and saw that testosterone has dipped, it’s time for PCT.

There are a lot of SERMs available but in my opinion, you don’t need anything but Nolvadex and Clomid.

Okay, this is all well and good but I’ve never answered why PCT is so important.

The truth is, it will help you recover so much quicker and restore homeostasis in your body.

This means that if you’re feeling like crap right now, imagine how much better you’ll feel if you hop on PCT.

SERMs are designed to increase natural testosterone levels, making your life a thousand times easier.

You Will Recover From SARMs

This will be very brief; my goal is to point out that if you do the three things outlined above, you’ll definitely keep your SARMs gains.

Yes, it’s going to be a rough few weeks but remember the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you persevere, you’ll keep most of your gains and you’ll be fit and healthy for another cycle!

I’ve mentioned three things you can control but what about the things you can’t?

Don’t bother yourself with things outside of your control, such as responsiveness or genetics.

It’s a marathon, not a race and we’re all running at our own pace.

I would rather accomplish my goals in say two years, then rush and end up injuring myself or worse.

Keep a level head, follow the advice above and you’ll do just fine!


Now that you know whether you lose gains after stopping SARMs, you can rest at ease.

If you’re unsure where to buy SARMs, I’ve got a list of recommended companies.

It’s a comprehensive record containing the best SARMs vendors on the market, enjoy!

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Taking SARMs In a Pre Workout | A Good Idea? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:45:40 +0000 Since the advent of SARMs, many things have been tried to make them more appealing to the general population. Is taking SARMs in a preworkout a good idea or should they be taken separately? Vendors are certainly getting innovative; read this article until the end to find the answer and much more! What is a […]

The post Taking SARMs In a Pre Workout | A Good Idea? appeared first on sarmguide.


Since the advent of SARMs, many things have been tried to make them more appealing to the general population.

SARMs Pre Workout

Is taking SARMs in a preworkout a good idea or should they be taken separately?

Vendors are certainly getting innovative; read this article until the end to find the answer and much more!

What is a SARMs Pre Workout

A SARMs pre workout is, as the name implies, a mixture between SARMs and a regular pre workout.

It’s often not mentioned what exactly goes into the preworkout besides SARMs but you can expect the usual mixture of compounds.

I’m talking about caffeine, beta-alanine, l-tyrosine and so on.

SARMs pre workouts are not hard to find online and there are many companies willing to sell the two together.

However, buyers should beware, it’s not such a great idea and will likely lead to problems down the road.

If those companies mixing SARMs and pre workouts were legitimate, I could see how mixing the two would make sense.

First of all, you wouldn’t have to think about the two separately, instead taking them at the same time, much easier to remember.

Secondly, the overall cost of the products would be lower since you’re essentially buying in bulk.

Last but not least, if we really lived in a world where the two were legit to mix, SARMs would probably be in a state where they were approved for human consumption.

All this sounds phenomenal but when you look at the reality of things, you realize how bad it actually is to mix SARMs in a preworkout.

The Problem With SARMs In Your Pre Workout

While there’s nothing wrong with taking a preworkout and SARMs at the same time, it’s a different story when it comes to buying the two together.

The thing is, pre workouts are meant for human consumption, while SARMs are not.

When you mix the two together, they necessarily become unfit for human consumption.

However, they are not marketed that way.

Instead, these shady companies mark them as “safe” and “good for your physique”, while not providing any evidence of testing their SARMs.

Many times, this leads to the buyer not even realizing what they’re taking.

While the buyer is partly at fault too, you can’t really blame him too much, as it’s the responsibility of the company to provide accurate information.

All this leads to people getting a complete testosterone shutdown from their pre workout; it sounds insane but it has happened before.

These shady companies give the entire industry a bad reputation and are best avoided for your own safety.

Where to Buy SARMs For Pre Workout

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against taking SARMs before working out, just the crazy mixtures of SARMs and other compounds some companies are pushing.

Mixing SARMs with your preworkout, provided you bought them separately, is a good way to build some quality muscle.

If you’re struggling to select a pre workout fit for you, look at the ingredients.

Compounds like creatine, caffeine, BCAA, magnesium, beta-alanine are always great signs of a good pre workout.

When it comes to SARMs, things are a bit more complicated.

There are hundreds of vendors to choose from and all of them claim to be the best.

That’s why, after more than 6 years of vetting vendors, I’ve made a list of recommended companies.

The list above contains the best SARMs vendors with the most economical prices and best of all, the biggest coupon codes!


All in all, remember that both pre workouts and SARMs are good.

However, mixing the two and selling them as one product is not only a scummy move but also illegal.

Stay away from those products, instead, buy them separately and rest assured that you’ve made the right decision!

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Is MK-677 Gyno A Myth Or Can It Really Happen? Fri, 30 Sep 2022 13:51:14 +0000 Many people falsely believe MK-677 to be a SARM but it’s actually a growth hormone secretagogue and a ghrelin hormone agonist. This technically means that MK-677 gyno shouldn’t be a concern since MK-677 doesn’t aromatize. However, this article will reveal that there’s more to the story than just testosterone suppression and aromatization. Does MK-677 Cause […]

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Many people falsely believe MK-677 to be a SARM but it’s actually a growth hormone secretagogue and a ghrelin hormone agonist.

This technically means that MK-677 gyno shouldn’t be a concern since MK-677 doesn’t aromatize.

MK 677 Gyno

However, this article will reveal that there’s more to the story than just testosterone suppression and aromatization.

Does MK-677 Cause Gyno

This is quite a controversial topic in the bodybuilding community, as many will simply discredit MK-677 based on the fact that it isn’t a SARM.

However, there is one way MK-677 could cause gyno and that’s by increasing prolactin.

To be quite frank, the prolactin increase from MK-677 is not a concern if you’re doing just one eight-week cycle with the compound.

Still, some people use MK-677 as a PCT or don’t cycle it at all, taking it indefinitely.

Those are definitely at risk from increased prolactin levels, which in return can cause side effects such as gyno.

Another reason why some people believe MK-677 causes gyno is due to water retention.

Water retention causes weight and fat gain, even around the nipples, which many falsely believe to be gyno.

Read my MK-677 water retention article to be able to distinguish the two.

Chances of MK-677 Causing Gyno

As I’ve already mentioned, if you’re doing just one or two cycles and are actively cycling the compound, there’s nothing to be scared of.

Judging from the anecdotal reports we have, less than 2% of all people that take MK-677 experience real gyno.

Yes, there are many false flags due to water retention but that shouldn’t be a huge concern as it goes away on its own when you stop taking MK-677.

The real problem are people who’re just taking the compound without cycling it but even that is not a big deal.

Simply do a blood test every three months to check your estrogen and prolactin levels.

Your estrogen levels should be fine and in most cases, your prolactin will only have experienced a minor spike.

This all tells us that there isn’t much to worry about.

Precaution To Take Against MK-677 Gyno

There’s not much to say in this section; it all boils down to cycling the compound.

This gives your body time to restore things to their natural order.

However, one thing you really have to pay attention to is the purity of your MK-677.

Pure, high-quality MK-677 will almost never cause gyno.

Most people who’ve actually taken MK-677 and experienced gyno are actually victims of impure MK-677 from unscrupulous vendors.

That’s why I’ve created my recommended list of companies.

It reveals the best MK-677 vendors online and provides the cheapest options.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On MK-677

If you suspect that you’ve gotten gyno from MK-677, the first thing you should do is get a blood test.

I could spend hours talking about all the signs and symptoms of gyno but a blood test is simply the most superior option available.

It tells you literally everything that’s right or wrong with your body and helps you determine whether you really have gyno.

The normal prolactin range for men is less than 20 ng/mL; if your result is higher, then you’re suffering from heightened prolactin levels.

This is the most likely reason for your gyno.

However, if it’s lower than the aforementioned result, you should consider water retention as the culprit.

If you’ve determined that you got gyno from MK-677, stop your cycle immediately and give your body some rest.

This means no exogenous substances for at least four weeks or until the gyno goes away.


While MK-677 gyno is quite rare, it shouldn’t be overlooked by any means.

It can still happen to those that take MK-677 without cycling it.

Ensure that you’re buying pure MK-677 and that you take a blood test every three months while imbuing the compound!

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RAD 140 Gyno | The Full Tutorial Thu, 29 Sep 2022 14:35:29 +0000 Despite what many people claim, RAD 140 is a strong SARM and has the possibility of causing gyno at any stage of your cycle. One thing many bodybuilders like to forgo is RAD 140 PCT after a cycle and as we’ll see, it’s very important one doesn’t skip it. In this article, we will go […]

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Despite what many people claim, RAD 140 is a strong SARM and has the possibility of causing gyno at any stage of your cycle.

One thing many bodybuilders like to forgo is RAD 140 PCT after a cycle and as we’ll see, it’s very important one doesn’t skip it.

RAD 140 Gyno

In this article, we will go through why RAD 140 gyno happens, how to stop it from happening and what to do if it does occur.

Does RAD 140 Cause Gyno

RAD 140 has the ability of causing gyno, since it causes moderate testosterone suppression.

In return, this equates to less testosterone floating in your body, while your estrogen remains on the same level.

This is what we like to call estrogen dominance.

When you’re in such a state, you’re more likely to suffer from a myriad of side effects, including gyno.

As a matter of fact, most bodybuilders won’t skew their estrogen levels to the point where gyno occurs.

However, it still remains a possibility, especially if you’re prone to it.

Chances of Gyno From RAD 140

According to anecdotal reports, gyno from RAD 140 is fairly rare but still happens to around 15% of all users.

This means that nearly 1 in 6 people taking RAD 140 will suffer from gyno at some point during their cycle.

Gyno itself has a strong effect on the user; from body image issues to shame and shock at what is happening to their body.

That’s why it’s important to acquaint yourself with the risks and dangers associated with RAD 140 usage.

Precaution To Take Against RAD 140 Gyno

The first and biggest precaution against RAD 140 gyno would have to be PCT.

As previously stated, so many bodybuilders simply skip this step, thinking just because they feel good after their cycle, that it’s unnecessary.

From my experience, you can feel like a million dollars one day and wake up a shell of your former self the next day.

This especially applies to strong SARMs like RAD 140 which cause a hormonal disbalance in the body.

I’ve attached a full guide on how to do PCT after RAD 140 at the beginning of the article, be sure to check it out.

Next thing is pure products.

Many people will tell you this doesn’t matter as much but judging from all the side effects of impure SARMs, I beg to disagree.

Ensure you’re getting the best and purest SARMs out there by visiting my recommended companies.

Moving on, your RAD 140 dosage has to be on point.

I can’t count how many times newbies to SARMs will just take 30 or even 40mgs per day, completely disregarding all safety protocols.

While SARMs do increase testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner, they also harbor side effects in the same way.

Please keep that in mind before upping your dosage.

Lastly, let’s talk a bit about aromatase inhibitors.

I’m not a huge fan of them, they have a lot of side effects and their overall effectiveness is questionable.

It’s not that they don’t work but it’s very hard to gouge an effective dosage on an individual basis, you would need a blood test for that.

In my YK11 Gyno article, I mention that Arimistane is a good addition to your cycle but it’s not necessary with RAD 140.

In all actuality, it might do more harm than good.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On RAD 140

If you’re one of the unfortunate ones to get gyno during or after a RAD 140 cycle, don’t fret.

I know your first instinct will be to panic but with proper care, you’ll get rid of it in no time.

First thing to do is to completely stop your RAD 140 cycle; it’s clear that your body isn’t tolerating the SARM as it should.

You have to respect that and act accordingly, lowering your dosage is a possibility for Ostarine gyno but I wouldn’t play around with RAD 140.

Next thing you should do is immediately hop on PCT.

In this case, you’ll use Clomid for four weeks, adjusting your dosage at the two-week mark.

It’s all written in the aforementioned tutorial, so be sure to read it as well.

Finally, the step many bodybuilders find the hardest is to just wait.

Your gyno will go away in four weeks of PCT and if it doesn’t, wait for a few more weeks and it should be gone.

SARMs don’t cause permanent gyno, just be patient and follow the instructions above.


You should respect RAD 140 as the behemoth it is.

Failing to do so may cause RAD 140 gyno and a myriad of other problems.

I hope this article has been instructive, let me know if you’ve had any bad experiences in the comment section below.

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YK11 Gyno | A Comprehensive Guide Thu, 29 Sep 2022 14:28:33 +0000 YK11 is one of the strongest SARMs out there, comparable only to S23, which means gyno is very much a possible side effect on YK11. One additional problem is that there are not many people taking this SARM, which makes anecdotal reports quite rare. This article will look at YK11 gyno thoroughly, it will tell […]

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YK11 is one of the strongest SARMs out there, comparable only to S23, which means gyno is very much a possible side effect on YK11.

One additional problem is that there are not many people taking this SARM, which makes anecdotal reports quite rare.

Yk11 Gyno

This article will look at YK11 gyno thoroughly, it will tell you exactly how gyno feels on YK11, the chances of getting it, precautions to take and so on.

Does YK11 Cause Gyno

YK11 has the possibility of causing gyno, at a much higher rate than say Ostarine or RAD 140.

It’s all due to the way it affects the endocrine system; testosterone gets a temporary boost, which diminishes when you stop taking the SARM.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t get gyno during YK11 usage, quite on the contrary, any changes to the natural ratio of testosterone and estrogen may cause gyno.

This means that gyno comes as a result of a disbalance between testosterone and estrogen.

We know that elevated estrogen levels cause gyno but how do we get to that state in the first place?

Two ways, testosterone suppression and testosterone abundance.

The former makes estrogen dominant in the body and the latter causes an increase in estrogen levels.

Chances of Gyno From YK11

The chances of getting gyno from YK11 are quite high, around 20% of users get it during or after their cycle.

Everything considered, that’s quite a high number as gyno has long-lasting effects on any person that gets it.

The biggest issue is the paranoia it causes; the user sees any change or stimulus on their nipples as a direct result of gyno, which doesn’t have to be the case.

In fact, once someone learns about it, they are much more likely to misdiagnose themselves with gyno.

That’s why I’ve added a special section to the article, answering how gyno actually feels.

Precaution To Take Against YK11 Gyno

In my Ostarine Gyno article, I said that taking aromatase inhibitors was an extreme measure.

However, considering the strength of YK11, taking Arimistane, a mild AI which you can buy at Spectre Labs (coupon code “sarmguide” for 20% off) is a good option.

Arimistane is completely legal and keeps your estrogen levels balanced throughout your cycle.

The best dosage would be 25mgs of Arimistane per day for the entire cycle.

After that, taking 4 weeks of PCT to offset the testosterone suppression caused by YK11 is a good way to proceed.

Of course, buying high-quality, pure YK11 should be at the top of your bucket list.

Not only do you protect yourself from gyno but you also avoid other nasty side effects which may happen with impure products.

The best way to determine a good SARMs vendor is to visit my recommended companies.

It’s a list containing the absolute best of the best in the SARMs world.

I have also noticed a dangerous trend in the SARMs community; overdosing.

In an attempt to get better results as fast as possible, many take increasingly higher dosages to accomplish that feat.

I’m vehemently opposed to such a practice as it not only puts you at risk for gyno but also increases the chances of a complete testosterone shutdown.

Please refer to my YK11 dosage guide for the most accurate way of taking this SARM.

How Does Gyno on YK11 Feel

Gyno on YK11 will most likely happen during the 3rd or 4th week of your cycle.

You’ll notice that one of your breasts or in some cases, both, are unnaturally enlarged.

Not just that but your nipples may feel painful when touched.

Another problem that may appear is nipple discharge, very uncomfortable and in some cases, painful for the user.

Let’s not forget to mention that you may also notice an enlarged lump near one or both of your nipples.

All in all, you’ll definitely notice when it happens as it’s quite uncomfortable.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On YK11

If gyno were to happen to me while on a YK11 cycle, I would immediately put a halt to my cycle.

I know it sounds extreme but considering how strong YK11 is, there simply isn’t any reason to further take risks.

I would also get on PCT, most likely Clomid, as soon as possible.

Next thing on my bucket list would be getting a blood test.

The main culprit is increased estrogen so I would focus my attention on that.

Personally speaking, I feel most balanced when my estrogen is at around 30 pg/mL.

That is my sweet spot and I try my best to uphold it.

Last but not least, I would just wait.

A few weeks without YK11 and it’s very likely all traces of gyno will be gone.


YK11 gyno is not to be underestimated as it can happen to anyone.

1 in 5 people taking YK11 will have this side effect and that’s why it has to be taken seriously.

I hope you’ve learned something new, see you in the next article!

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Ostarine Gyno | Everything You Need To Know Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:17:30 +0000 Many people will tell you Ostarine gyno is something that almost never happens and that there’s nothing to worry about. However, once it happens, there isn’t much information on how to effectively combat it or how to prevent it in the first place. This article is a comprehensive guide looking into the relationship between Ostarine […]

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Many people will tell you Ostarine gyno is something that almost never happens and that there’s nothing to worry about.

However, once it happens, there isn’t much information on how to effectively combat it or how to prevent it in the first place.

Ostarine Gyno

This article is a comprehensive guide looking into the relationship between Ostarine and gynecomastia.

Does Ostarine Cause Gyno

All SARMs, no matter how mild, cause a disbalance in the natural order of estrogen and testosterone in your body.

Whenever there’s such disarray, in this case increased testosterone levels, the latter will increasingly convert to estrogen.

By default, this can lead to heightened estrogen levels and the one side effect we all fear, gynecomastia. 

This means that even Ostarine, the safest and most tested SARM of all, has the ability to cause gyno.

Another thing to consider is that Ostarine causes testosterone suppression, which translates to less baseline testosterone in the body.

When this happens, the ratio between testosterone and estrogen becomes skewed and the chances of getting gyno increase.

Chances of Gyno From Ostarine

While there is no exact research studying the relationship between Ostarine and gyno, there are plenty of anecdotal reports we can siphon information from.

From my experience, less than 10% of users taking Ostarine get gyno.

This is seemingly a low percentage but when we consider the destructive consequences of gyno, things get more serious.

From body image issues to swelling and discharge, gyno is not really something you want to get.

Precaution To Take Against Ostarine Gyno

One of the biggest precautions against gyno on Ostarine is your dosage used.

SARMs cause testosterone suppression in a dose-dependent manner, which means the more you take, the stronger the suppression.

Refer to my Ostarine dosage guide to learn the safest dosage.

Another thing to look out for is the purity and quality of the Ostarine you’re buying.

Bunk products have a far higher chance of causing gyno and other nasty side effects compared to pure, unadulterated Ostarine.

However, this doesn’t mean that pure Ostarine won’t cause gyno, just that you’re significantly decreasing your chances if you buy from legitimate sources.

Check out my recommended list of SARMs companies for the best SARMs online.

The last thing on our bucket list is to talk a bit about AI’s or aromatase inhibitors.

Many people praise them as a surefire way of avoiding gyno on Ostarine and SARMs in general.

To be quite frank, AIs like Letrozole or Exemestane on an Ostarine cycle would be an extreme measure.

In fact, they might do more harm than good, as they have side effects of their own.

What To Do If Gyno Happens On Ostarine

Once you get gyno from Ostarine, there’s a couple of things you can do.

Completely stopping the cycle is the first thing many people think of when they get gyno.

I’m against such an extreme measure, as it’s very likely that the initial dosage of Ostarine was high.

That has at least been my experience in most cases.

The right thing to do is to halve your dosage and carefully observe the swelling over the next week.

If it withdraws partially or completely, then you will know the reason for the gyno in the first place.

If not, you’ll have to get a blood test done to see where your estrogen levels are standing at.

On top of that, completely stopping your cycle is recommended.

I’ve seen sources online recommending drugs and even surgery but trust me, it’s not going to be necessary.

Let a few weeks pass and it will all go back to normal.


As we’ve seen from this article, Ostarine gyno is no laughing matter and can happen to anyone at any time.

Ensure that your SARMs are pure and that your dosages are intact. 

Until next time, stay safe, do your due diligence and good luck!

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