sarmguide Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:16:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sarmguide 32 32 Biaxol Supplements Review: A Reputable SARMs Source? Sat, 18 Nov 2023 06:40:07 +0000 I’ve reviewed many different SARMs companies over the last couple of years. A lot of them have been shut down and are being replaced by new faces. Biaxol is a realitevely new, European based company that I’ve been keeping a close eye on. This Biaxol review will reveal everything you need to know about them […]

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I’ve reviewed many different SARMs companies over the last couple of years. A lot of them have been shut down and are being replaced by new faces.

Biaxol is a realitevely new, European based company that I’ve been keeping a close eye on.

This Biaxol review will reveal everything you need to know about them and my personal opinion on their quality.

Biaxol Review


Their website is incredible, one of the best ones in the whole SARMs industry and it shows a certain degree of professionalism, which I appreciate.

The company is very new to the industry, they’ve only started in 2023. They are based in the United Kingdom and even have their company address listed on their website.

Once again, this shows a high level of professionalism and confidence which a lot of other companies in this space sadly don’t match.

Product Selection

One of the best things about Biaxol is their huge range of products.

You can find SARMs, peptides, CBD products, Nootropics, protein powder, pre workouts and more.

For this review, we’ll just focus on their SARMs, as that’s what we’re interested in.

Regarding SARMs, they have all of the most popular SARMs in stock, including LGD 4033 and RAD 140.

Their SARMs are sold in capsule form which I like because you can’t mismeasure the dose but on the other hand, you can’t customize the dosages either.


Everybody likes a good deal when it comes to buying products but when it comes to SARMs, it’s best to not base your decision on the price tag.

Laboratory tests and high quality sourcing costs quite a lot for the vendors.

With that being said, the prices at Biaxol are very affordable, especially when compared to some of the other vendors.

60 capsules of YK11, for example, will cost you 60€. And this is the most expensive SARM on the market.

Common SARMs like Ostarine cost 45€.

I honestly expect Biaxol to raise their prices sometime in the next few months to match some of their competitors which have between 20%-40% higher prices.

Quality Control

Biaxol publicly displays their lab tests on their website.

They have 3rd party lab tests for all of their SARMs. However, the lab tests are just over a year old.

I would love to see them update their lab tests frequently and post new lab tests on their website every few months.

Frequent quality control is important when it comes to SARMs and even though their lab tests are perfectly fine, Biaxol can definitely improve in this area by having 3rd party lab tests done more frequently.

Shipping And Returns

Biaxol started off by only selling to European customers but now they ship worldwide.

European customers have to pay 8€ for delivery and can expect their order to arrive within 5 days.

International customers have to pay 15€ for delivery and can expect the package to arrive in 10-14 days.

If your package gets seized, Biaxol will reship your oder for free.

On top of that, Biaxol have a refund policy where if you the products undamaged, you will receive a full refund.

Customer Reviews Online

Before getting shut down on Trustpilot (they don’t work with SARMs companies), they’ve had an amazing 4.7 stars out of 5 with hundreds of reviews.

When we look at online forums, the reviews are very mixed. Some claim good results and some are not happy with their experiences.

However, it’s worth noting that a lot of reviews on forums are faked by the competition.

Other SARMs vendors will post fake reviews in order to convince people not to buy from certain companies and get those customers themselves.

On social media, where people aren’t anonymous like on the internet forums, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive.

My Experience

I bought Biaxol SARMs and had them tested for purity at the end of the 2023 Summer.

The results were great, all of the Biaxol SARMs I tested scored a 98%+ for purity. Keep in mind that 98% is the highest possible score.

I’m planning to do a cycle with the products I’ve bought during the 2023/2024 winter. I’ll keep you updated on my experience on my newsletter.


In conclusion, Biaxol is a great source of SARMs and I will be adding them to my SARMs companies recommendation list.

Their products are high-quality and pure. On top of that, they are one of the most affordable SARMs vendors on the market!

The only thing I would like Biaxol to improve, is publishing 3rd party lab test results more frequently.

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IGF-1 LR3 Review, Benefits, Dosage | December 2023 Wed, 09 Nov 2022 15:24:51 +0000 Many bodybuilders are interested in IGF-1 LR3, as it’s a better and more metabolically stable version of IGF-1. Some even claim that the former has less side effects, which is a common misconception. In this IGF-1 LR3 review, we’ll be looking at the purported benefits of the compound, dosages, side effects and so on. What […]

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Many bodybuilders are interested in IGF-1 LR3, as it’s a better and more metabolically stable version of IGF-1.

Some even claim that the former has less side effects, which is a common misconception.

IGF-1 LR3 Review

In this IGF-1 LR3 review, we’ll be looking at the purported benefits of the compound, dosages, side effects and so on.

What is IGF-1 LR3

IGF-1 LR3, also written as long arginine 3-IGF-1 is an artificial protein and extended version of IGF-1.

We’ll discuss differences and why IGF-1 LR3 is often touted as the better option in a subsequent chapter.

IGF-1 LR3 is special since it has an arginine amino acid in its composition, which should lead to more protein in the body.

Reason being that arginine is a common component of protein, helping the body not only build but also absorb more protein from exogenous sources.

All this leads proponents to believe IGF-1 LR3 to be a potent muscle builder.

As we’ll later see, a common problem presents itself with IGF-1 LR3; lack of human studies.

How Does It Work

IGF-1 LR3 should work just the same as regular IGF-1, with the added benefit of lasting longer in the body, being more potent and so on.

To recap, IGF-1 is a protein modulated by GH (growth hormone). 

It’s most active during growth spurts in puberty, which is why many people ask whether IGF-1 can make them taller later in life.

When taken recreationally by adults, IGF-1 exhibits anabolic effects.

Basically, it promotes growth in every cell of the body but it also inhibits programmed cell death, which is why some researchers are concerned about IGF-1 causing cancer.

IGF-1 primarily works by binding to IGF-1R, a receptor crucial for the metabolic and proliferative effects of the former.

IGF-1, with the help of GH, also modulates the amount of insulin in the body.

Is IGF-1 LR3 Legal

While I haven’t seen IGF-1 LR3 listed on the WADA or USADA form of prohibited substances, IGF-1 is present and is completely banned.

It’s only natural that not all derivatives and analogues of IGF-1 are listed, meaning that IGF-1 LR3 is illegal in competitive sports and competitions.

However, if you’re just a regular bodybuilder, there’s nothing stopping you from getting IGF-1 LR3 for research purposes.

With the advent of the internet, you can find pure and tested IGF-1 LR3 in just a few minutes.

Near the end of the article, I’ll show you my favorite places to buy pure peptides.

IGF-1 LR3 Benefits

Please note that many websites try to swindle their readers by equalizing the effects of IGF-1 and IGF-1 LR3.

While they are similar, there are no human studies showing the effects of IGF-1 LR3.

They are all either cellular or done on rats or other animals.

With that being said, here are the purported effects of IGF-1 LR3!

1. IGF-1 LR3 Increases Muscle Mass

Based on what we know about IGF-1 LR3, it should act just as injected IGF-1 in the body and exhibit anabolic effects.

The biggest proponent of this claim is this study, which showed anabolic effects in dexamethasone-treated rats.

For the record, dexamethasone is a popular medication used to treat skin diseases and similar ails.

What’s interesting about the study above is that analogues of IGF-1, like IGF-1 LR3,  have been shown to be up to 2.5 times as potent in the rats!

This is great news, provided the effects of IGF-1 LR3 on animals translate on to humans.

2. IGF-1 LR3 Increases Metabolic Rate

A human’s metabolic rate determines how much energy (calories) he will expend during a set period of time.

Given that normal IGF-1 increases metabolic rate in humans, the same should apply to IGF-1 LR3.

We all know that muscle mass indirectly impacts our metabolism.

With that being said, cutting should be made much easier given the potency and metabolic activity of IGF-1 LR3.

3. IGF-1 LR3 Increases Fat Loss

Weight loss and therefore, fat loss has been associated with increased IGF-1 levels.

While no studies have shown a direct link between IGF-1 LR3 and fat loss, many anecdotal reports confirm the notion.

IGF-1 LR3 should be good for cutting weight and fat, given its previously mentioned metabolic activity.

However, you do need to put some work in, the compound won’t do the heavy lifting alone.

4. IGF-1 LR3 Build Bones, Increases Bone Strength

There’s a very interesting paper on this subject, showing that IGF-1 had very good effects on bone strength, growth and density in animal models.

Not just that but IGF-1 has been shown to mediate the above throughout life, not just during puberty.

We all know that bones are the foundation of big muscles.

While there are no direct studies confirming this effect on IGF-1 LR3, once again, anecdotal reports speak in favor.

5. IGF-1 LR3 Increases Sleep Quality

Good sleep is associated with increased muscle mass.

Although the relationship between IGF-1 and sleep are poorly understood, scientists believe it has to do with orexin neurons.

Many people reported better and higher-quality sleep after receiving IGF-1 injections.


As previously stated, most of the studies presented in this article are on actual IGF-1.

Reason being the lack of information on IGF-1 LR3; even when studied, it’s often grouped together with IGF-1 and other derivatives.

Please don’t assume that IGF-1 LR3 will have the same effects in the body as IGF-1.

IGF-1 LR3 Dosage

Judging from anecdotal reports, people inject anywhere between 30 to 200mcg per day.

From a personal standpoint, everything beyond 100mcg is a bit too much and carries more risk of side effects.

Reason being the dose-dependent effects of IGF-1 LR3; the more you take, the harder it hits.

A sweet spot would be 50mcg per day for the next six to eight weeks

If you’re a newbie, stick to six weeks and see how your body is reacting to the compound.

IGF-1 LR3 usually comes in 1mg denominations.

This means that a 1mg bottle of IGF-1 LR3 should last you 20 days provided you inject the recommended 50mcg dosage.

Also important to mention is that IGF-1 LR3 is best injected either subcutaneously or intramuscularly, depending on preference.

IGF-1 LR3 Half-Life

According to this study, IGF-1 LR3 has a half-life of 20 to 30 hours.

The reason why it takes so long for IGF-1 LR3 to leave the body is decreased binding to insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP).

The latter regulates the activity of IGF-1, oftentimes decreasing it as the body notices exogenous IGF-1 present in tissues.

IGF-1 LR3 Side Effects

Since it’s agreed that IGF-1 LR3 is basically a more potent analogue of IGF-1, the side effects are nothing to scoff at.

I’m here talking about proliferation of malfunctioning cells (cancer), protruding gut (“GH gut”), diabetes and so on.

Let’s look at the top three side effects of IGF-1 LR3 and see what the fuss is all about.

1. IGF-1 LR3 Causes Cancer?!

I already penned an interesting article on the topic surrounding MK-677 and cancer.

For those left out of context, MK-677 is a GH secretagogue that increases IGF-1 levels.

With the data we have right now, there’s no definitive proof IGF-1 LR3 causes cancer.

However, you have to beware of IGF-1 and its effects on existing tumors, as it has been proven to promote cancer development.

Basically, don’t use it if you have cancer. 

In all other instances, you’re more than likely going to be just fine.

2. IGF-1 LR3 Causes GH Gut?!

If you’ve watched bodybuilding shows from the 90’s, you have probably noticed some of the contestants having a protruding gut.

Around the same time, IGF-1 injections entered the professional scene.

Was that a mere coincidence or is there something to it?

The thing is, GH gut is most often caused by either insulin resistance or an unhealthy diet.

The former can be caused by IGF-1, especially if the person in question is using it long-term.

With the added power of IGF-1 LR3, there seems to be a real concern about developing GH gut.

My recommendation is to cycle IGF-1 LR3 and not take it for more than eight weeks.

That should offset the chances of developing GH gut.

3. IGF-1 LR3 Causes Diabetes?!

An interesting review of research papers states that IGF-1 may have a future in treating some types of diabetes.

Both low and high IGF-1 levels are linked to insulin resistance which may lead to diabetes.

This is an obvious problem for people that constantly keep their IGF-1 levels high through exogenous compounds.

However, for someone cycling IGF-1 LR3, there shouldn’t be any problems.


While many online sources will tell you that the two compounds above are similar, there are some important differences between them.

IGF-1 has 70 amino-acids in total, while IGF-1 LR3 has a total of 83.

Not only that but IGF-1 LR3 has been shown to be more resilient to IGFBP, which leads to the heightened half-life of the former.

In cellular and animal studies where IGF-1 and IGF-1 LR3 were put to the test, the latter consistently outperformed IGF-1 by two to three times.

Last but not least, IGF-1 LR3 has improved metabolic stability compared to IGF-1.

Where to Buy IGF-1 LR3

Conventional IGF-1 is still too expensive.

On the other hand, its analogue, IGF-1 LR3 is less than 100$ in most shops.

You’re usually bestowed with 1mg of the compound which is enough for around 20 days of administration.

I tested many online sources and came up with a list of recommended peptide vendors.

These companies go above and beyond but most importantly, they have pure and laboratory tested IGF-1 LR3.

Don’t forget that IGF-1 LR3 is injected, so ensure that you have proper and sterilized equipment if you’re going to use it.


I haven’t tried IGF-1 LR3 personally, as I’m waiting for some human studies to crop up.

What this IGF-1 LR3 review has shown us is that there’s more to this peptide than meets the eye.

It’s downright criminal to assume that a synthetic analogue is equivalent to the real deal, keep that in mind before you consider IGF-1 LR3 usage.

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SARMs VS Prohormones | A Comprehensive Comparison Tue, 08 Nov 2022 15:11:47 +0000 Both SARMs and prohormones are powerful PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) that can help you achieve your goals. There are some differences between the two and in this article, I will present both of these compounds in an objective manner. We will put them side by side and see how they perform against each other when it […]

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Both SARMs and prohormones are powerful PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) that can help you achieve your goals.

SARMs VS Prohormones

There are some differences between the two and in this article, I will present both of these compounds in an objective manner.

We will put them side by side and see how they perform against each other when it comes to benefits, side effects, pricing and so on.

What Are SARMs

SARM is an acronym standing for selective androgen receptor modulator; they are androgen receptor ligands.

This means that they selectively bond to the androgen receptor and exert effects usually associated with steroids but without all the side effects of the latter.

While this implies SARMs would be an excellent choice for muscle wasting diseases such as osteoporosis, not one SARM has been approved by the FDA.

Despite that, thousands of men use SARMs for their muscle-building properties as well as their ability to add strength, bone density, etc.

Some of the most popular SARMs are Ostarine, Ligandrol and RAD 140.

What Are Prohormones

As the name implies, prohormones are literally “for hormones” in the sense that they are precursors to actual hormones in the body.

This essentially means that you could be taking a completely legal prohormone, without a prescription, and later watch it turn into pure testosterone in the body!

Needless to say, not all prohormones are androgen prohormones but it’s only natural that these substances are amongst the most popular choices.

Prohormones used to be widely popular in the US before President Bush and later President Obama, signed acts which made them both illegal to manufacture and distribute.

The most popular prohormones are 1-Androsterone, Arimistane and Epiandrosterone.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Ease of Access

While most prohormones are essentially illegal, some of them slipped through the cracks and are in a gray area, like SARMs.

I’m not going to pretend that prohormones, even illegal ones, are hard to get.

In reality, they are just a few clicks away.

While I obviously don’t condone such behavior, it’s important to note that the reason why you shouldn’t go for the illegal ones is lack of quality control.

These vendors who peddle prohormones on the black market get this stuff in bulk from China.

Trust me, they don’t give two damns about your health and are mostly there to make a quick buck.

On the other hand, the legality of SARMs is still unclear, which means you will have no trouble buying them online.

All in all, SARMs are the better option here as they have some quality control and vendors aren’t breaking the law by selling them.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Benefits

The truth is, even the strongest SARM, I’m thinking of S23 in this instance, is still less potent than the weakest prohormone.

The reason for that is obvious; prohormones are quasi-steroids!

With SARMs, you’ll get increased muscle mass, strength, energy levels and so on.

However, prohormones will do all that but at a higher intensity.

This means that you’ll get bigger and better results using prohormones compared to SARMs.

Prohormones are the clear winner here.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Route of Administration

While some people unfamiliar with prohormones might think they are necessarily injected, that’s not quite right.

Prohormones can be taken orally, which might seem convenient but side effects such as increased hepatotoxicity are a real problem.

On the other hand, SARMs can be taken orally, injected and sublingually.

To be quite fair, there isn’t a clear winner here when we strictly look at the options presented.

However, I skew towards SARMs as their proclivity for liver damage is far lower compared to prohormones.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Side Effects

I’ve already described SARMs as the weaker PED in a previous chapter but what about side effects?

Contrary to popular belief, SARMs may or may not have a lot of side effects.

It all depends on the SARM and dosage taken.

For example, if you’re a newbie to SARMs and take 20mgs of YK11 per day, it’s only natural that you’ll experience a myriad of adverse effects.

However, if you pre plan your cycle, research your options, do your due diligence, you’re very likely to have a good time.

On the flip side of the coin, prohormones have side effects like gyno, aggression, testicular atrophy, acne, hair loss

While some of the stronger SARMs can also have these effects, they won’t be as pronounced as in prohormones.

In conclusion, SARMs have a better side effect profile and therefore take home the bacon.

SARMs VS Prohormones | Pricing

The prices of SARMs and prohormones vary quite a lot depending on your vendor.

An average monthly supply of SARMs will set you back around 55$, give or take.

It’s a similar story with prohormones, although prices might vary massively depending on your source.

To be perfectly fair, you shouldn’t look at the price tag of the compounds you’re imbuing.

After all, it’s expected that the higher the price tag, the better the product and service.

Therefore, this entire pricing debacle is pointless.

There are no winners here, although I would never risk buying prohormones on the black market in fear of legal repercussions.


In a perfect world, both SARMs and prohormones would be completely legal and people would have the liberty to decide what and when to take.

That obviously isn’t the case.

For that reason, I prefer SARMs as they are still legal and easy to buy at my recommended companies.

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Fragment 176-191 Review, Benefits, Dosage | December 2023 Mon, 07 Nov 2022 17:12:55 +0000 When fat loss is concerned, Fragment 176-191 is being tossed around as the perfect peptide for the job. While studies on this peptide are scarce, there are plenty of anecdotal reports featuring its effectiveness.  This Fragment 176-191 review will tell you the exact benefits you can expect from this peptide, along with: What is Fragment […]

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When fat loss is concerned, Fragment 176-191 is being tossed around as the perfect peptide for the job.

While studies on this peptide are scarce, there are plenty of anecdotal reports featuring its effectiveness. 

Fragment 176-191 Review

This Fragment 176-191 review will tell you the exact benefits you can expect from this peptide, along with:

  • What is Fragment 176-191
  • Is Fragment 176-191 legal
  • The best Fragment 176-191 dosage
  • Fragment 176-191 side effects you can expect
  • …and much more!

What is Fragment 176-191

Fragment 176-191, also known as HGH Frag and Somatotropin 176-191 is just what the name implies, a fragment chain of a bigger peptide hormone.

To understand what that means, we have to consider the amount of amino-acids HGH (human growth hormone) has.

The exact number is 191, implying that Fragment 176-191 constitutes the last 16 amino-acids of HGH.

While some may think this means Fragment 176-191 will have similar effects as HGH, that’s not exactly the case.

The reason behind this is not currently known, since studies on this fragment chain are scarce.

How Does It Work

The exact mechanisms by which Fragment 176-191 exerts its influence are unknown but we do know it causes lipolysis in the body.

This leads to the fat loss many bodybuilders exhibit after taking the compound.

What’s interesting about Fragment 176-191 is that it doesn’t induce high blood pressure or high blood sugar via its mechanism of action.

This effect has only been observed in mice and it’s questionable whether it translates onto humans.

Another study on rats observed glucose reduction and reduced insulin sensitivity.

In the future, Fragment 176-191 may have potential to be a supplementary treatment option for diabetes type 2.

All in all, there are no studies observing the function of Fragment 176-191 in humans.

This means that we have no idea how this peptide actually works, so tread with caution.

Is Fragment 176-191 Legal

Fragment 176-191 is included in the WADA list of prohibited substances under section S2 (2.3).

The aforementioned section lists ALL HGH fragments and analogues as illegal, just because some fragments aren’t mentioned by name, doesn’t make them legal to use.

The truth is, if you’re competing, don’t go near HGH, its fragments or any analogues.

They test for that quite extensively and it’s more than likely you’ll get caught.

However, if you’re a regular bodybuilder or just a person that wants to improve his physique, Fragment 176-191 can be bought online.

Keep in mind that Fragment 176-191 is meant for research purposes and you should only buy it for research purposes.

Avoid vendors offering this or any other peptide under the guise of human consumption.

Keep reading and at the end of the article, I’ll show you my favorite peptide stores.

Fragment 176-191 Benefits

Before listing all the benefits of this peptide, I would like to remind you that no research on humans has been performed using Fragment 176-191.

This means we have no idea how it actually works on humans.

While there are many anecdotal reports of people taking Fragment 176-191, they don’t give an accurate picture of what really goes on.

1. Fragment 176-191 Increases Fat Loss

The main reason why so many bodybuilders are jumping on the Fragment 176-191 train is best described by the following phrase: “It burns fat, without all the sides of HGH!”

As previously mentioned, Fragment 176-191 induces lipolysis; a process where triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids, an energy source.

The biggest problem with HGH is that it may cause water retention and other unpleasant side effects.

With Fragment 176-191, it’s a thing of the past, at least that’s what anecdotal reports say.

2. Fragment 176-191 May Induce Fat Redistribution

This is purely anecdotal but many bodybuilders have said that Fragment 176-191 is great for body recomping.

Not only do you lose fat but you also recomp in a way where the fat from your lower abdomen and face is redistributed to other areas.

The great thing about Fragment 176-191 is that it doesn’t affect a biochemical process called carbohydrate metabolism.

Basically, the energy supply chain of your body is not interrupted.

3. Fragment 176-191 May Promote Cartilage Regeneration

Without a doubt, our cartilage is one of the most important parts of the body, protecting bones and joints alike.

Fragment 176-191 apparently has the ability to induce cartilage regeneration and may be used for osteoarthritis.

This has only been studied on rabbits so take it with a grain of salt.

Not just that, Fragment 176-191 wasn’t even used in the research but a similar compound, AOD9604!

This is the biggest problem with Fragment 176-191, it basically has no research backing it up.

4. Fragment 176-191 May Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Six fragments of HGH were put to the test and it turned out Fragment 176-191 had the best results when it came to regulating blood sugar levels.

The hypoglycemic effects came from the C-terminus.

This was a rat study but it may have future implications as referenced before, especially for diabetes type 2.

5. Fragment 176-191 May Increase Energy Levels

This is just bro-science at this point but I have to mention it in case someone does experience increased energy levels from this peptide.

The lipolysis from Fragment 176-191 creates fatty acids, which are a great energy source.

From that point out, it should be obvious why this peptide increases energy levels, especially in human beings prone to an active lifestyle.

Fragment 176-191 Dosage

Since there have been no human studies done with Fragment 176-191, it’s hard to give an accurate dosage from a scientific standpoint.

Bodybuilders who take it recreationally usually do between 150 to 300mcg per injection.

Given that most bodybuilders who take Fragment 176-191 inject it three times per day, you can expect to spend between 450 to 900mcg per day.

Newbies usually start with the lowest dosage and work their way up.

Fragment 176-191 is usually cycled every four to six weeks, the exact time frame depending on the amount of experience you have with the compound and tolerability.

Fragment 176-191 bought online comes in powder form and you have to reconstitute it with the help of BAC (bacteriostatic water).

Don’t worry, the vendors I have personally vetted have BAC in stock.

Fragment 176-191 Half-Life

The half-life of Fragment 176-191 is currently unknown.

There are some websites saying peak concentration is reached within 15 minutes and that the half-life is around 60 minutes.

However, those are studies that have been performed on animals.

We have no idea how Fragment 176-191 would act on an actual human being.

Fragment 176-191 Side Effects

While many websites and bodybuilders claim that Fragment 176-191 doesn’t have any side effects due to its constitution, I would beg to disagree.

The fact that there are no human studies is already established.

However, what many people forget is that there’s a whole umbrella of user experiences who’ve taken Fragment 176-191.

Some said they didn’t feel anything at all for the entirety of their cycle.

Others say they magically lost fat even while on a caloric surplus.

The problem is, we can’t simply give weight to any one opinion or experience with the compound.

From what I’ve seen, the most common complaint from people using Fragment 176-191 is nausea.

Funny thing is, a vast majority of people who’ve actually taken this peptide say they wouldn’t do it again, mostly due to lack of value for money.

Fragment 176-191 VS HGH

We already know that Fragment 176-191 is the end part of HGH, specifically, the last 16 amino-acids.

However, it’s also important to note that while Fragment 176-191 might reduce fat in a dose-dependent manner, HGH does so much more!

HGH can increase muscle mass, bone density, exercise capacity, speed up healing and so much more.

It also has a lot of research behind it, unlike Fragment 176-191, which is essentially a gamble.

Where to Buy Fragment 176-191

If you’re still hellbent on buying Fragment 176-191, at least do so from the right sources.

I have gone through hundreds of peptide vendors and while there are many who claim to be the best, only a handful are worth their salt.

Visit my recommended list of peptide vendors to get the best peptides on the market.

They are 100% pure and the quality control (lab testing) is on point.


While there’s no doubt in my mind Fragment 176-191 is an interesting compound, I haven’t and won’t be taking it until there are some human studies.

Fat loss can be facilitated by keeping your diet in check and training hard; in most cases, there’s no need for an exogenous fat loss agent.

To conclude this Fragment 176-191 review, a peptide without any human research behind it and limited functionality.

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PT 141 Review, Benefits, Dosage | December 2023 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:17:59 +0000 PT 141 caught my eye after I heard statements saying it’s a better sildenafil (Viagra) and that it can cause erections where Viagra and similar PDE5 inhibitors fail. This is quite a bold claim and throughout this article, you’ll see that things aren’t quite as good as they are presented to be. This PT 141 […]

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PT 141 caught my eye after I heard statements saying it’s a better sildenafil (Viagra) and that it can cause erections where Viagra and similar PDE5 inhibitors fail.

This is quite a bold claim and throughout this article, you’ll see that things aren’t quite as good as they are presented to be.

PT 141 Review

This PT 141 review will show you exactly why you should stick to tried and tested options in almost all cases.

What is PT 141

PT 141, also known as Bremelanotide and Vylessi, is a synthetic peptide drug and melanocortin receptor agonist which causes arousal in both male and female subjects.

It was initially tested for being a sunless tanning agent but the study quickly took a left turn when male subjects experienced spontaneous erections.

As with most other peptides, the effects of PT 141 are dose-dependent; the more you take, the harder it will hit.

PT 141 was isolated from Melanotan II, a discontinued peptide which was found to be loaded with side effects.

The main difference between PT 141 and other popular sexual enhancement products is their mechanism of action.

PT 141 stimulates the central nervous system, completely ignoring blood circulation.

This is the reason why many users report additional benefits with PT 141 compared to traditional ED (erectile dysfunction) medications.

How Does It Work

PT 141 acts on the melanocortin receptor, creating supraphysiological amounts of melanocortin MC4 among others.

This receptor is responsible for regulating sexual function and food intake.

This is the reason why many people using PT 141 frequently report weight loss as a “side effect”. 

PT 141 is a peptide analogue of alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), a full agonist of the aforementioned receptors.

Given this unique mechanism of action, many people surmise that traditional side effects such as nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure are avoided.

However, what anecdotal reports and clinical trials show is that while PT 141 is well-tolerated, it can cause heavy nausea and other adverse effects.

Is PT 141 Legal

While PT 141 has gone on to become an FDA approved medication for the treatment of female sexual arousal disorder, it’s obviously a hurdle to get it as a male.

The brand name, Vylessi, is a prescription medication and trust me, no doctor is going to bother prescribing it to a man.

That’s not a big deal as you can safely buy PT 141 from the comforts of your home.

One thing to keep in mind is that PT 141 is legal but only if you’re buying it as a research chemical.

Imagine PT 141 as the “raw” form of Vylessi, where the former is only meant for research purposes, while the latter is the real deal.

In reality, they are both the same peptide.

To conclude, yes, you can get PT 141 online but only if you’re buying it for research purposes.

PT 141 Benefits

The interesting thing about PT 141 is that many users have reported strange benefits, including an increased sense of sensation and better sex.

While no studies looked into this, it’s an interesting thing since the aforementioned melanocortin receptors mediate a lot of things in the body.

Without further ado, here are the benefits of PT 141!

1. PT 141 Increases Libido In Healthy Men And Women

There are many sites out there saying women shouldn’t use PT 141 without really providing a reason.

The funny thing is, the brand drug is literally approved for treating female sexual problems unrelated to psychiatric problems or postpartum depression.

Essentially, it should work on healthy women as well as men.

One study showed that administering PT 141 to healthy men led to a dose-dependent increase in libido.

Another paper which dealt with both healthy males and those suffering from ED found that PT 141 once again increased libido in a dose-dependent manner.

The men from the aforementioned were already responsive to Viagra; one would think mentioning the study is unnecessary.

However, when you consider that PT 141 and Viagra can be stacked for even bigger and better erections, the picture becomes clearer.

For those worried about side effects, this study said it was perfectly safe and that both compounds were well tolerated.

2. PT 141 Increases Libido In Men Affected By ED

Most studies where participants had mild to heavy ED were done in conjunction with Viagra.

This means that it’s very hard to tell whether PT 141 alone would work against ED.

We do have this double-blind placebo controlled study that looked into patients with mild to moderate ED.

While many HEALTHY proponents tout the long-lasting effects of PT 141, men with ED usually have their erections cut down at the one-hour mark.

Compared to Viagra, one could make the claim that PT 141 lasts four times shorter, on average, in men with ED.

However, if you’re someone with ED and traditional PDE5 inhibitors haven’t worked, PT 141 is a good alternative due to its unique mechanism of action.

3. PT 141 Enriches Sexual Experiences

This is purely anecdotal and there are no studies looking into this.

Many men who have used products like Viagra or Cialis report that PT 141 made them feel special, almost high, 45 to 60 minutes after injection.

Apparently, sensations are heightened and sex is more pleasureable.

The community is divided on PT 141 and its “special” effects, as the alleged benefits seem to be on a case by case basis.

4. PT 141 May Work Where PDE5 Inhibitors Fail

As already mentioned, PT 141 is often studied in conjunction with PDE5 inhibitors so it’s hard to gauge how true the above statement is.

If you’re someone that has exhausted all traditional options, PT 141 might do the trick due to its unique mechanism of action.

To be fair, PDE5 inhibitors work on the vast majority of people struggling with ED but when they fail, PT 141 comes in as a good, albeit inferior, replacement.

5. PT 141 May Cause Weight Loss

I was hesitant to include this benefit as PT 141 should never be used solely for weight loss.

Yes, PT 141 does modify your eating patterns but it’s simply unsustainable to inject yourself with it just to lose weight.

Working on the quality of your diet and caloric intake is literally 90% of the battle.

PT 141 Dosage

You’ll often hear that PT 141 can both be used intranasally or injected, depending on preference.

What is conveniently left out is the atrocious bioavailability of PT 141 when taken intranasally.

Some sources cite that you need up to ten times the amount of PT 141 just to get the same effects when using it intranasally.

Therefore, injecting it is a no-brainer.

With that out of the way, 1 to 2mgs of PT 141 is usually injected 45 to 60 minutes before intercourse.

Please note that when you buy PT 141, it will come as a power and you’ll need to dilute it with bacteriostatic water (BAC).

Don’t worry, all the vendors featured at the end of this article feature pure PT 141 and BAC.

If you’re worried about side effects or are a complete beginner to peptides, starting out with 500mcg is also fine.

PT 141 Half-Life

Interestingly enough, many sites and vendors claim that PT 141 lasts “for up to 8 hours” and that you’ll be able to party all night.

This is only true when PT 141 is used by HEALTHY subjects, men with ED usually don’t experience erections beyond the one hour mark.

Besides, the mean half-life of PT 141 is between 1.9 to 4 hours, averaging at 2,7 hours.

PT 141 Side Effects

The biggest side effects of PT 141 are nausea, headaches and flushing.

Rarely will you see people throw up after injecting or experience an increase in blood pressure.

Despite that, people with elevated blood pressure should under no circumstances use PT 141 as it presents a real health hazard.

Other than that, PT 141 has shown great tolerability in studies, even when used in higher dosages.

PT 141 VS Melanotan 2

Some people think these two compounds are one and the same but there are a couple of differences.

The first thing to mention is their side effect profile; PT 141 is much safer to use.

In fact, all clinical trials using Melanotan 2 ceased as early as 2003.

Reasons cited are the enlargement of already existing moles, proliferation of new moles and uneven pigmentation.

While this doesn’t sound so scary at first, melanoma (skin cancer) is a real concern, especially with overgrown moles.

Personally speaking, I wouldn’t touch Melanotan 2 with a 10 foot pole.

The crucial difference between these two peptides stems from the fact that PT 141 has a hydroxyl group instead of an amide.

Also, it’s good to know that PT 141 was actually isolated from Melanotan 2.

Where to Buy PT 141

You have to be really careful with this stuff, only buy from reputable vendors.

I have never tried PT 141 personally but if Viagra and Cialis ever failed to do the trick, I could see myself giving it a shot.

However, I would still think about it as the side effect profile of PT 141 is more pronounced compared to traditional PDE5 inhibitors.

If you still want to buy PT 141, have a look at my recommended list of peptide vendors.

The companies listed above have all been vetted and are legitimate peptide distributors.


PT 141 is a very interesting peptide and it deserves far more publicity.

However, what this PT 141 review has shown us is that it’s not a good substitute for traditional PDE5 inhibitors.

If Viagra or Cialis do start failing you, PT 141 could come to the rescue; otherwise, it’s just an inferior option.

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GHRP-2 Review, Benefits, Dosage | December 2023 Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:53:42 +0000 GHRP-2 is a very interesting compound, it’s basically fresh on the market and many compare it to the similarly named GHRP-6. If you’re looking for ways to increase mass, sleep better and improve your overall body composition, then GHRP-2 should be considered. In this GHRP-2 review, I’ll be showing you: What is GHRP-2 Is GHRP-2 […]

The post GHRP-2 Review, Benefits, Dosage | December 2023 appeared first on sarmguide.


GHRP-2 is a very interesting compound, it’s basically fresh on the market and many compare it to the similarly named GHRP-6.

GHRP-2 Review

If you’re looking for ways to increase mass, sleep better and improve your overall body composition, then GHRP-2 should be considered.

In this GHRP-2 review, I’ll be showing you:

  • What is GHRP-2
  • Is GHRP-2 legal
  • Best GHRP-2 dosage
  • Side effects of GHRP-2
  • …and so much more!

What is GHRP-2

GHRP-2 (growth hormone releasing peptide 2), also known as Pralmorelin among others, is a synthetic peptide and GHSR (growth hormone secretagogue receptor) agonist.

In layman terms, it increases GH (growth hormone) levels and successfully induces hunger in humans.

This peptide drug has been used for safe assessment of GH deficiency and it even had some phase II trials for treating short stature.

GHRP-2 is also very structurally similar to met-enkephalin, considered an OGF (opioid growth factor).

This is important because OGFs have very low bioavailability and last a very short time.

The question is, does GHRP-2 improve on these shortcomings and if yes, can we expect opioid-like effects from GHRP-2 consumption?

Unfortunately, the answer is no but GHRP-2 does have some other interesting benefits which I’ll explore in a subsequent chapter.

How Does It Work

As the name implies, GHRP-2 binds to the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, acting as an agonist.

Since GHRP-2 is a synthetic agonist of ghrelin, it induces hunger in the subject and secretes growth hormone (GH) on a supraphysiological level.

GHRP-2 is known as a “second generation” GHRP, since it releases more GH in the body, while inducing less hunger than its predecessor, GHRP-6. 

While most effects of GHRP compounds have been studied on animals, GHRP-2 is one of the few that has an actual human study behind it.

In that study, seven healthy males showed increased GH levels after GHRP-2 administration.

Not just that, they also consumed 35.9% more calories compared to baseline.

This tells us that GHRP-2 might be a valuable tool for bulking in bodybuilders.

However, the study presented above has some limitations; small sample size being the most obvious.

Is GHRP-2 Legal

GHRP-2 and similar synthetic peptide drugs are all banned on both the WADA and USADA lists of prohibited substances.

This means that taking GHRP-2 if you’re actively competing or are an athlete will more than likely lead to a full exclusion from all tournaments.

Take the example of Chad Mendes, who received a two-year suspension for abusing GHRP-6.

Other than that, if you’re a regular bodybuilder, GHRP-2 is appropriate as long as you buy it as a research chemical.

Nowadays, it’s quite easy to get your hands on real GHRP-2 via the power of the internet.

At the end of the article, I will show you my favorite GHRP-2 sources!

GHRP-2 Benefits

GHRP-2 is still quite new and doesn’t have a lot of research behind it.

The one human study you saw featured before simply isn’t enough to warrant its usage.

However, if you’re open for experimentation, here are the benefits you should expect from GHRP-2.

1. GHRP-2 Improves Sleep Quality

Many anecdotal reports claim that they’ve had “the best sleep of their lives” after administering GHRP-2.

The good news is that GHRP-2 doesn’t have a loading phase, which means you’ll notice its effects soon after injecting.

While there are no studies supporting these claims, one paper looked at GHRP-6 and its effects on sleep.

The study concluded that GHRP-6 had the ability to enhance non-REM sleep.

When you consider GHRP-2 is basically an improved version of GHRP-6, one can see how the effects translate from the latter onto the former.

2. GHRP-2 Helps Build Mass

Please note that you won’t necessarily gain muscle mass from GHRP-2; it doesn’t have anabolic effects in humans.

What will surely happen is increased hunger and subsequently, increased food consumption.

Sometimes, this can lead to unpleasant outcomes; if your diet is bad, you’ll not only increase the risk of gastric motility but also increase the chances of diabetes and so on.

You need to pre-plan your meals and be ready for hunger pangs in advance.

To conclude, GHRP-2 enables those that have problems gaining mass to do just that.

However, what type of mass it will be is entirely dependent upon you.

3. GHRP-2 Improves Recovery Times

GHRP-2 does improve recovery times but it’s nothing significant.

No studies looked into this supposed benefit but many bodybuilders did report it after GHRP-2 administration.

Take from that what you will.

4. GHRP-2 Reduces Body Fat

Many bodybuilders praise GHRP-2 for its ability to reduce fat in critical areas of the body.

Even while in a caloric surplus, you will lose fat around the face, midsection, calves, etc.

This is due to lipolysis, a process where triacylglycerols, through which fat is stored in the body, are broken down to simpler molecules.

This has been confirmed in the following study.

5. GHRP-2 Improves Skin Health

It’s only natural that GHRP-2 improves skin health, since it releases GH, which is known to affect skin tissues in a positive way.

Although there’s limited research in support of these claims, almost every bodybuilder out there speaks about the positive effects of GHRP-2 on their skin.

Less wrinkles, tightened skin and a sort of “glow” are just some of the benefits of GHRP-2.

GHRP-2 Dosage

The most common GHRP-2 dosage is between 100 to 300mcg per injection.

This means that you’re spending anywhere from 0.5mg to 1.5mg of GHRP-2 per day, given a five time injection protocol.

Given the fact that 5mgs of GHRP-2 costs around 20$ in most stores, you’ll be spending between 2 to 6$ on this peptide alone.

Granted, it’s not a lot of money but what I’m really concerned about is the frequency of injections.

More on this later.

According to experienced bodybuilders, a 150mcg dosage per injection feels just right and hits the sweet spot.

Beginners are advised to start with 100mcg per injection and see how their body reacts to the peptide.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to dissolve the GHRP-2 you buy using bacteriostatic water.

Some vendors automatically add it during checkout, with others you’ll have to do it manually.

GHRP-2 Half-Life

One reason why GHRP-2 is a bit of a pain in the neck is its absurdly low half-life of just 30 minutes.

According to the study above, peak GH levels are reached 15 minutes into injection.

This means GHRP-2 has to be taken several times per day to be effective.

I’ve heard of people injecting up to five or even ten times per day, which is just ridiculous and a possible health hazard due to infections.

GHRP-2 Side Effects

The most concerning thing about GHRP-2 isn’t the peptide itself but the possibility of unintentional self-harm due to injection frequency.

I’m talking about pain, tenderness, swelling, redness around the area and so on.

In itself, this doesn’t present a problem but given the fact that you have to keep injecting to enjoy the effects of GHRP-2, you’re not giving your skin enough time to recuperate. 

This can exacerbate the effects mentioned above.

Not to mention that you’ll most likely not be under medical supervision during injecting, which may lead to additional injuries.

The real side effects of the drug boil down to hot flashes and sweating, nothing particularly concerning.


You’ll often hear people claim GHRP-2 to be the superior peptide but I beg to disagree.

They both have their strengths and weaknesses; for example, GHRP-6 is better if you have trouble gaining weight.

On the other hand, GHRP-2 releases more GH in a shorter time period compared to GHRP-6.

GHRP-6 has a longer half-life than GHRP-2 and therefore doesn’t need to be injected five times a day to feel the full effects.

GHRP-2 is only considered more potent given the fact it releases a high amount of GH but that’s offset by its short period of duration.

Last but not least, GHRP-2 is often touted as a much safer compound side-effect wise.

This is correct if you only take the effects of these two peptides into consideration; GHRP-6 may increase prolactin, cause water retention and gastric motility.

However, when you consider the risks of amateur bodybuilders injecting GHRP-2 five or more times per day, things become murky.

Where to Buy GHRP-2

GHRP-2 is quite cheap when you compare it to other peptides and SARMs.

As previously stated, the short half-life of GHRP-2 is a real hurdle and has dissuaded many bodybuilders, including myself, from using it.

However, if you do want to buy pure and high-quality GHRP-2, you should check out my recommended list of peptide vendors.

They have independent third-party laboratories vetting their GHRP-2 and are generally a pleasure to deal with.


To be completely honest with you, I’m not that impressed with GHRP-2.

For someone that has a very active lifestyle, it’s a logistical nightmare to have to inject every couple hours.

I hope this impartial GHRP-2 review has shown you the true colors of this compound!

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Where to Buy Cheap SARMs Online? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:47:12 +0000 Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s a tough economy out there and times are getting harder by the day. It’s completely normal that many bodybuilders, especially newbies to PEDs, are looking for cheap SARMs. This article will show you the dangers of penny-pinching, while still revealing the most economically viable options out there. The Dangers of […]

The post Where to Buy Cheap SARMs Online? appeared first on sarmguide.


Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s a tough economy out there and times are getting harder by the day.

It’s completely normal that many bodybuilders, especially newbies to PEDs, are looking for cheap SARMs.

Where To Buy Cheap SARMs

This article will show you the dangers of penny-pinching, while still revealing the most economically viable options out there.

The Dangers of Cheap SARMs

One is surprised to learn that a lot of companies actually adopt this policy.

They continually undersell their competition, to the point where you can get SARMs like Ostarine or Ligandrol for a fraction of their normal price.

I’ve seen some vendors selling the above for 20 to 30$, which is absolutely ridiculous.

However, what the frenzied buyer doesn’t realize is that those SARMs are very likely imported from China, very low quality and without proper quality control.

It’s a gamble whether you’ll make it till the next day if you imbue that stuff.

You might think I’m joking but it’s exactly cheap vendors like these which give SARMs a bad reputation in the industry.

When you hear all the warnings and “dangers” of SARMs, it’s very likely a batch from China made its way to your home country.

I’m not saying that SARMs don’t have a kick to them, sure they do but if you buy real, high-quality SARMs, you massively reduce the risk of anything going wrong.

To sum up, if something is too good to be true, avoid it, as it’s most likely a scam in some form.

What to Look For In Cheap SARMs Vendors

If you just want the most affordable, high-quality and pure SARMs, check out the table in the section below.

I’ll now name the three biggest telltale signs which I use to determine cheap, yet reliable SARMs vendors.

1. Recent Lab Results

Recent lab results are paramount to good quality control. You can’t have one without the other.

Of course, other factors also contribute to the overall image of the vendor but this is one of the most important traits.

Some vendors try to be sneaky and post lab results from two or three years ago but that simply isn’t enough to win me over.

The problem is, every SARM batch is different and one shouldn’t fall prey to outdated lab reports as you risk health and other issues down the line.

2. Complexity of The Lab Reports

Shady SARMs vendors are getting smarter. 

They simply change the date on their CoA to match the recent week or month and viola, they have successfully fooled you.

That’s why recency of lab reports simply doesn’t cut it anymore, you also have to look at the meat of the lab reports.

This means that if it’s just a simple CoA with little to no information about how the SARM performed on the test or a table detailing the stats of the particular SARM on the test, it’s highly unreliable.

What you’re essentially looking for are HPLC assays of the SARMs tested.

3. The Pushiness of The Vendor

I could’ve looked at payment options, delivery times, customer service or any other common trait which has been covered a million times before.

Nevertheless, how pushy the vendor is on their website, in my opinion, constitutes one of the best markers when something is off.

Of course, it’s a bit hard to quantify what is meant by “pushiness”, as every vendor is out there to get a sale and make profit.

Despite that, stuff like ripped bodybuilders on the front page, annoying pop ups, promises of gains and questionable safety practices constitute a real threat.

That’s why it’s important you look out for the above, as such vendors are best avoided.

One can’t pinpoint exactly what is wrong with them; they seem without fault and too good to be true.

Lastly, every time you feel the vendor is implying human consumption in their product descriptions, avoid them without giving it a second thought.

Legitimate And Cheap SARMs Vendors

If you’ve been a reader of this site for some amount of time, you are probably acquainted with the fact that I tried nearly every vendor out there.

Trust me, the last seven years of my life haven’t been easy but it has been a very rewarding experience, being able to help others (and myself) get the best of the best.

I think it’s best we compare the few vendors that are legitimate and crown the winners with the cheapest products and best service.


Sports Technology Labs

Spectre Labs


Swiss Chems

Price Range ($)

54.99 – 99.99

81.00 – 88.99

39.99 – 99.99 

65.95 – 89.95

Avg. Price of SARMs





Customer Satisfaction

Very Satisfied

Very Satisfied


Very Satisfied

Total Rating (1-10)





While the table above isn’t perfect (for example, it doesn’t tell you how much SARMs you get with each vendor, etc.), it’s a good representation of the best SARMs vendors.

One thing to note is that the total rating is calculated by specifically looking at the price, so if you want the cheapest SARMs available online, you should go with Chemyo.

However, if customer satisfaction is something that tickles your fancy, the other three vendors might be better suited for you.

In reality, all four of these vendors are good places to buy SARMs and you should have zero issues with them.

To find the largest discount codes and the best deal with the vendors above, visit my recommended companies.

It’s a complete list of the best SARMs vendors and it even includes vendors for customers from Australia and the UK

Be sure to check it out!


I think it’s safe to say that cheap SARMs, in the range of 20 or 30$, don’t actually exist.

You’ll have to shell out at least 50$ if you want legitimate SARMs, which is fair, as they usually last for a month, sometimes even for the entirety of your cycle.

Please heed the advice in this article and you’ll avoid a lot of headache, disappointment and most importantly, health problems.

The post Where to Buy Cheap SARMs Online? appeared first on sarmguide.

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SARMs VS Testosterone | Which is Better? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:47:05 +0000 Many people will straight up tell you that SARMs are the better option, due to their better safety profile and “selective” nature. What this article will show you is that SARMs aren’t as perfect as they are normally portrayed and that testosterone also has its ups. When comparing SARMs and Testosterone, we’ll be looking at […]

The post SARMs VS Testosterone | Which is Better? appeared first on sarmguide.


Many people will straight up tell you that SARMs are the better option, due to their better safety profile and “selective” nature.

What this article will show you is that SARMs aren’t as perfect as they are normally portrayed and that testosterone also has its ups.

SARMs VS Testosterone

When comparing SARMs and Testosterone, we’ll be looking at things like research, total cost, side effects and so on.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Research

SARMs such as Ostarine obviously have a lot of research to them; over 1000 humans have actively tried it, including children.

However, when you take into consideration testosterone has been around since 1935, you quickly realize SARMs are in a tight spot.

The thing is, SARMs have only been discovered for circa 20 years, it will take a while before they reach the research depth of testosterone.

Right now, it’s actually safer to imbue testosterone in a controlled environment as it has more research behind it.

Of course, as we’ll see throughout this article, that’s not all rainbows and sunshine either.

The biggest problem with SARMs is that if you want something with a real punch to it, you’ll have to either settle with YK11 or S23.

While I’m not against people taking these two, the fact of the matter is that there’s little to no research behind them.

The same cannot be said for testosterone.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Intensity

I’ve seen plenty of articles online claiming SARMs are the “new testosterone” but that is a bunch of bull.

While SARMs do increase testosterone levels in a dose-dependent manner, they can’t hold a candle to real testosterone.

Whatever your problems or fitness goals, with actual testosterone, you’re no doubt bound to achieve them.

Also, the strength, muscle and other gains from testosterone are going to be much more pronounced.

Expect double the gains from testosterone compared to SARMs.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Ease of Access

The problem with both SARMs and testosterone, especially the former, is that doctors are very unlikely to prescribe them to you.

Take SARMs for example, from the doctor’s perspective, those are potentially unsafe, unregulated and under researched compounds.

On the other hand, doctors are also leery of prescribing testosterone to their patients; it’s usually done as a last resort.

What’s more likely to happen is the doctor telling you to get more sunlight, exercise, etc.

The good thing about SARMs is that you can still get them legally delivered, to almost every country in the world, via the internet.

More on where to buy them in the last section of this article.

If you’re concerned whether SARMs are within the law in your country, check out my are SARMs legal article.

The point is, SARMs are much easier to obtain if you have the right source.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Total Cost

SARMs are far more cost-friendly compared to testosterone.

For example, one bottle of Ligandrol will usually set you back between 60 to 100$.

This might seem like a lot at first but when you consider the monthly cost of testosterone, you realize how economical SARMs really are.

I’ve seen doctors and clinics charge up to one-thousand dollars per month.

Since it’s very likely your claim is going to be rejected by your insurance company, you will have to pay the full price.

To be quite frank with you, if I had the means, I would rather take testosterone in a controlled environment.

In that instance, it’s much better than SARMs, as it provides more benefits and you always have assistance nearby if something goes awry.

To conclude, SARMs are the more economical option but testosterone remains the best choice overall.

SARMs VS Testosterone | Side Effects

Many will just tell you that SARMs have less side effects because they don’t aromatize or because they selectively target the androgen receptor.

The two claims above are not quite true. 

Actually, they are the reason many users find themselves unprepared for the testosterone suppression and estrogen dominance SARMs can cause.

Yes, testosterone has a much bigger kick to it; you’ll feel more side effects and have an increased chance of gyno, prostate enlargement, hair loss, etc.

However, it’s questionable whether SARMs or testosterone is more dangerous.

The reason why stems from the fact that many users don’t give SARMs the respect they deserve.

For example, they don’t get their blood drawn, don’t use PCT, overdose or extend their cycle far beyond the normal eight weeks.

With testosterone, provided you’re doing it legally, you’ll get the exact dosage and instructions on how to behave.

You’re also far more likely to actually listen to the advice given, as it comes from an authority figure.

All in all, testosterone has more side effects but SARMs can be equally as dangerous, especially since so many people don’t give them the respect due.


In the match-up between SARMs and testosterone, there’s no clear winner.

Both have their ups and downs; if you’re a responsible adult and do as you’re told, you’ll have a good time disregarding the compound used.

If you opt for SARMs, go for the best of the best, visit my recommended companies to get the full scoop on the absolute purest SARMs available!

The post SARMs VS Testosterone | Which is Better? appeared first on sarmguide.

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Do SARMs Shrink Your Balls? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:46:43 +0000 Testicular atrophy or colloquially, ball shrinkage, is a hot topic in the SARMs community. Many users ask themselves whether SARMs shrink your balls but there isn’t much information available. This article will answer the question above and cover the topic in-depth, so make sure you read till the end! Can SARMs Shrink Your Balls Although […]

The post Do SARMs Shrink Your Balls? appeared first on sarmguide.


Testicular atrophy or colloquially, ball shrinkage, is a hot topic in the SARMs community.

Do SARMs Shrink Balls

Many users ask themselves whether SARMs shrink your balls but there isn’t much information available.

This article will answer the question above and cover the topic in-depth, so make sure you read till the end!

Can SARMs Shrink Your Balls

Although many bodybuilders believe SARMs don’t affect the testes, they actually do, since exogenous testosterone interferes with a process called spermatogenesis.

This means that during your SARMs cycle, not only will your balls shrink by about 10 to 20% but you’ll also be less fertile as you produce less sperm.

Of course, this doesn’t happen to every SARM user and there’s a difference between the intensity of say Ostarine and S23.

The former will rarely cause testicular atrophy and even if it does, it will quickly go away once you discontinue your cycle.

However, S23 has infertility as one of its main side effects and given its strength, it will take a lot more time for things to get back to normal.

While there are studies noting testicular atrophy in bodybuilders taking SARMs, no study looked at the matter in a thorough manner.

This means it’s very hard to answer questions such as “how long will my balls stay shrunk” or “will X SARM cause ball shrinkage”.

On top of all this, you have to consider that every body is different and reacts to SARMs differently.

However, we do know that stronger SARMs have a higher propensity to cause testicular atrophy.

The recovery period also lasts longer, which means if you really want to be safe from this side effect, stick to Ostarine.

SARMs And Testicular Atrophy Experiences

I’ve had a look at popular communities where exactly this topic is discussed.

Let’s take a look at some experiences from actual bodybuilders!

1. The 50% Sack Drop

Although quite short, this experience tells us there’s really nothing to worry about. 

Even if your balls drop to half their size, they will grow back once you stop using the SARM in question.

The user also speaks about Clomid, a SERM which helps restore homeostasis in the body after a cycle.

2. A Questionable SARMs Stack

The second anecdotal report I want to show you guys handles a pretty unique situation.

The user in question did a questionable stack consisting of RAD 140 and YK11

Both of these SARMs are pretty hard on your reproductive system and it’s not too uncommon to see side effects one week into your cycle.

The solution to this problem is quite simple; stop the stack and next time, don’t mix two suppressive SARMs together.

3. The RAD 140 Problem

Last but not least, here’s a report where the user did nothing wrong, his dosage is fine and his selection of SARMs also looks good.

In this instance, since a month of daily usage has been achieved, it’s most likely RAD 140 is the culprit.

The best thing to do is to get a blood test to see how far your testosterone has dipped.

After that, you can either stop your cycle and hop on PCT or continue until the end of your cycle.

Of course, this is just a simplified version of what you should do. 

I will talk in-depth about your options in the next chapter.

What to Do When SARMs Shrink Your Balls

The first thing to do is not panic. 

There are many newbies starting their first SARMs cycles and they are very paranoid and stressed out.

So much in fact that they ask whether their balls have shrunk after three days of SARMs usage.

I don’t want to discredit anyone’s experience but some things are just ridiculous.

Once you’ve stopped panicking and have confirmed that you’re suffering from testicular atrophy, get a blood test.

A blood test is paramount to determining your free testosterone levels. 

If they have dropped beyond nominal levels, you’ll have found the culprit.

It’s up to you whether you want to continue your SARMs cycle or not.

From personal experience, I see no reason why you shouldn’t complete it.

As previously stated, the shrinkage is reversible and people make a full recovery even without using PCT.

The latter is not something I recommend but it has to be mentioned, as you’re able to recuperate even without further supplementation.

If you want to abort your cycle, simply stop taking the SARM in question, get either Nolvadex or Clomid and start your PCT.

An overwhelming majority of people recover within the first two weeks but some take a full month to get well.

That’s about it, your balls will grow back as your body starts producing its own testosterone again

What About HCG

I’ve seen HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) recommended many times, especially for testicular atrophy.

From personal experience, I believe it’s overkill and not necessary.

Not only are you wasting money but you’re also putting yourself at risk for further side effects, such as depression, breast tenderness, etc.

As previously stated, I’ve seen people recover from testicular atrophy without using PCT.


Many bodybuilders find themselves in quite the embarrassing situation when they experience testicular atrophy from SARMs.

Now that you know what to do in such a situation, you no longer have to wonder whether SARMs shrink your balls.

Simply follow the instructions outlayed in this article and you’ll do just fine!

The post Do SARMs Shrink Your Balls? appeared first on sarmguide.

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Do You Lose Gains After Stopping SARMs? Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:46:17 +0000 You hop on a SARMs cycle, get all the juicy gains you always wanted but near the end of your cycle, you become anxious. The question on your mind is crystal-clear: Do you lose gains after stopping SARMs? This article will answer the above and I’ll even include a short tutorial on how to keep […]

The post Do You Lose Gains After Stopping SARMs? appeared first on sarmguide.


You hop on a SARMs cycle, get all the juicy gains you always wanted but near the end of your cycle, you become anxious.

The question on your mind is crystal-clear: Do you lose gains after stopping SARMs?

Do You Lose SARMs Gains

This article will answer the above and I’ll even include a short tutorial on how to keep all your gains after a SARMs cycle.

Do You Lose Gains After a SARMs Cycle

Most people do end up losing some gains after their SARMs cycle.

That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case, in the end, it all depends on what you do after you stop taking SARMs.

If you continue training hard and eating right, you’ll minimize the gains you lose.

Of course, other factors play a role too, such as genetics, responsiveness and SARM used.

The good thing about SARMs is that gains are much easier to maintain when compared to “real” anabolics such as steroids.

If you do everything right and play by the book, you’ll be able to keep 90 to 95% of your SARM gains.

The question is, how do you accomplish that?

Keep reading and I’ll reveal all the factors that go into keeping your gains.

How To Keep Gains After SARMs

The first question to answer is, why do so many people end up losing their gains on SARMs? 

If it’s so easy, why do most people actually lose gains?

The answer is simple, they experience a decrease in testosterone levels.

You see, when you take SARMs, your testosterone levels spike and you feel like you can conquer the world.

After your cycle ends, your body needs a bit of time to realize that there’s no exogenous testosterone flowing into it and that it has to restart production of natural testosterone.

This process can take anywhere from a week to a month, depending on the compound used, cycle length, genetics and so on.

The tricky thing is, that week or month will feel vastly different, even depressing, compared to your cycle.

The reason is obvious; less testosterone means lower mood, motivation and drive.

While you can’t do anything about the above, you can influence how you do the following three things.

1. Diet

Continuing to count your macros and prioritizing protein, while eating clean at the same time should be a top priority.

Be warned, your brain will try to find an excuse to stop doing the above but we know better.

All this chatter and confusion in your brain are due to less testosterone present in your body, push through!

2. Exercise

While nobody is expecting you to get the same results as in your cycle, you have to give it your all, just like before.

The obvious problem here is that you’re putting a certain amount of effort and getting lower returns than before.

This serves as a double whammy to the bodybuilder; not only does he have less testosterone but his results are seemingly missing.

You have to understand that you can’t possibly perform at your previous level due to the very nature of SARMs.

In my opinion, your off-cycle is a real trial of your mental and physical strength, as you have to keep up the effort while everything is seemingly crumbling before you.

Remember to stay focused and realize that this state isn’t permanent, you’ll get out of it eventually and be glad you pushed through.

3. Do a Blood Test + PCT If Necessary

I’ve had this discussion before; some bodybuilders simply don’t see the benefits of PCT and simply skip it.

That’s acceptable with some SARMs, such as Ostarine, which might cause mild to moderate suppression but aren’t that dangerous overall.

However, if you’re taking something like YK11 or even LGD-4033, you have to perform a blood test after your cycle.

You can read hundreds of articles about suppression probability and the strength of individual SARMs.

The above is fine but nothing comes even close to your personal blood test, giving insight into your specific results.

If you just had a cycle with a strong SARM, did your blood test and saw that testosterone has dipped, it’s time for PCT.

There are a lot of SERMs available but in my opinion, you don’t need anything but Nolvadex and Clomid.

Okay, this is all well and good but I’ve never answered why PCT is so important.

The truth is, it will help you recover so much quicker and restore homeostasis in your body.

This means that if you’re feeling like crap right now, imagine how much better you’ll feel if you hop on PCT.

SERMs are designed to increase natural testosterone levels, making your life a thousand times easier.

You Will Recover From SARMs

This will be very brief; my goal is to point out that if you do the three things outlined above, you’ll definitely keep your SARMs gains.

Yes, it’s going to be a rough few weeks but remember the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you persevere, you’ll keep most of your gains and you’ll be fit and healthy for another cycle!

I’ve mentioned three things you can control but what about the things you can’t?

Don’t bother yourself with things outside of your control, such as responsiveness or genetics.

It’s a marathon, not a race and we’re all running at our own pace.

I would rather accomplish my goals in say two years, then rush and end up injuring myself or worse.

Keep a level head, follow the advice above and you’ll do just fine!


Now that you know whether you lose gains after stopping SARMs, you can rest at ease.

If you’re unsure where to buy SARMs, I’ve got a list of recommended companies.

It’s a comprehensive record containing the best SARMs vendors on the market, enjoy!

The post Do You Lose Gains After Stopping SARMs? appeared first on sarmguide.

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